If listening to economists and economy geeks of all descriptions boggles your mind, try this transcript. Bowden has a gift for cutting through the bullshit with a literary knife keen enough to emerge clean after the unsavory cleave. Bowden, in my crackpot view, was a prophet and may well be judged as such by those who emerge from the mess he predicted.
Here is a tip on reading and listening to Bowden: look for his metaphysical digression. That is the goldmine he left us to dig around in. His closest counterpart in my view—as far as his thinking discipline—was Joseph Campbell. This man seems to have spent his life on the edge of the big question. When he fell in I hope he was impressed, or at least pleased with the results.
For us self-serving sci-fi writers I particularly like this line:
"So, it’s sort of Blade Runner, really. Fantasies always tell the future."
Also, check out the books for sale in the right hand margin of his new right sight. This is a worthwhile stop on your internet journey.