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‘Can We Be friends?’
10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman
© 2014 James LaFond
The following video link was sent to me by Brooklyn Shane who commented, ‘This is what feminism leads to.’
As the ‘last black man in Baltimore’ [I am serious.] I would like to weigh in here. First Shane, this is not where feminism leads, but where a high calorie diet leads when applied to the Alpine European female—a pleasing evolutionary development according to the legion of African American and Latino anthropologists who weighed in on this video.
It seems that the producers of this video had a hard time recording the legions of employed white men who harassed this lady. Much of this was not harassment, but three of the cases clearly were. Note the skinny guy who walks next to her for 5 minutes. I see this approach by young black men all the time. In lonely circumstances two of these instances might have led to an attack, including this twerp.
It amazes me how many of these young black dudes will just walk straight up to a woman and ask ‘do you need a friend?’
In Baltimore, every time I see this tried on a black woman, the crude suitor either gets ‘the hand’ or is otherwise callously disrespected and moves on, with the following exception Harm City Courtship.
However, there are two problems with this experiment.
1. The woman is the ideal image of sex appeal to 95% of black and Latino men, with all of the African curves and nice white skin. This was like throwing meat to dogs.
2. The woman was noticeably uptight. Although the Latinos just gave up right off, unemployed black men are generally addicted to the feeling of power they get when whites react to their presence with obvious fear, so they like to savor it. If she would have smiled and said good morning most of these guys would have went away. A white guy who acted like this woman did, by tightening her shoulders and scowling vacantly, would very likely get mugged.
Incidentally, blacks in Baltimore do not treat white women like this when I am around, and the black women they disrespect usually bounce it right back. A black chick—or my former Latina squeeze Pepper—would have shot back to two of the suitors, “That’s right, you are ugly! Now go find an ugly bitch!”
Pepper’s favorite line on such occasions was, “Fuck off needle dick!”
Check it out and see what you think.
In the Age of Black Superman
video reviews
‘Welcome to Manginastan’
your trojan whorse
masculine axis
‘in these goings down’
the year the world took the z-pill
crag mouth
song of the secret gardener
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 30, 2014

Well isn't this ironic? Black men are very much over represented in this expose ("Damn! Yo fine!"), aren't they? And wasn't this one of the arguments of the segregationists many years ago for keeping government mandated separation of the races: to prevent black men from harassing, molesting and/or attacking white women? And since you are currently investigating the Narco State James, it is worthwhile to note that one of the original rationales for restricting the sale of narcotics was to prevent "drug-crazed Negroes" from attacking white women. There was a time in this country when a black man who dared to approach a white woman in public in any of the manners depicted in the video would be seized and beaten bloody by any and all of the white men who witnessed his transgression. But that doesn't happen anymore, does it? It sure didn't happen in the video. So really, isn't this expose a testament to how far American society has advanced in racial equality such that black men feel at liberty to approach and speak to any white woman they encounter on the street without fear of reprisal? Being a feminist means being a solid Liberal and supporting all the other various and sundry Liberal/Leftist agendas, including civil rights and racial equality. Therefore, one would think that the woman who appears in this video, Shoshana Roberts, as a good feminist, would actually be happy and pleased with the attention she got from men of color. But Nooooo.....!

Gosh James....I wish people would make up their frickin' minds! Once again the Lefties move the target on us. It's enough to drive you to drink!
James     Oct 30, 2014

Yes, Jeremy, a drink. I think I shall head down to the mixed race sports bar and ogle a lady of color to do my part to even out this imbalance!

But first let me spill out some crackpotology...

This behavior is well known to every woman that walks in an environment frequented by urban black men. However, the evidence for black violence against whites was very slim in the 19th century, and according to most white sources blacks were industrious and docile and the unemployed whites were extremely violent. I still have a lot more reading to do on this. But so far, it seems like the current African American violent misogynist is a creation of his liberal plantation master, just as the industrious and astonishingly passive antebellum slave was the child of that system, despite the current liberal propaganda that the black man was a natural righteous war machine that toppled the confederacy in battle after battle.

Yesterday a friend mentioned to me how scary it must have been for rural whites living around plantations fearing the mass escape of slaves. I had to correct him. There was no mass slave uprising to speak of in the U.S.—nothing like French Haiti or Roman Sicily-not even a fraction—and the meek mass flight only began with failing Confederate war fortunes.

What was the key to keeping all of the slaves on unfenced and understaffed plantations? Booker T. Washington, Solomon Northup and other slaves were allowed more travel latitude on their back roads than we are through our airports and bus stations.

It was the same key to keeping the current wage slave towing the corporate and liberal government line. The plantation slave was surrounded by a sprawling backcountry populated by unemployable whites denied work due to the slave master's cheap imported labor force. [Does that sound familiar?] The one chance these poor whites had to make money was to capture escaped slaves and collect the reward, which was often mandated, and failure to do so could have such consequences as 'a term of indenture' as a slave.

Just as the white wage slave of today is afraid to even defend himself for fear of going to prisons run by black and Latino gangs, the black plantation slave was terrified of the armed gangs of unemployed rural whites. Even Nathan Bedford Forest wanted to buy and free black slaves in Africa and bring them to the U.S. after the civil war as a wage force because they were renown for docility and industry.

Like I said, I still have a lot of reading to do. But it seems that the Southern plantation owner who kept the white trash poor and ferocious to keep the black worker in line [who was spoon fed non violent Christian ethics by the more intelligent majority of masters] has along the way been replaced by a liberal Yankee politician who has done everything in his power to keep the black trash poor and ferocious to keep the white worker in line [who are spoon fed non violent PC ethics by the more intelligent liberal masters]. The only real difference I see in work force suppression is the exchange of passive Christianity for passive political correctness, and that since their is no longer anywhere to escape to since Canada is also a welfare plantation, that the ferocious unemployed are bred in ghettos rather than on valuable agricultural and golf course real estate, and are housed in prisons for no other purpose than to have a place so terrifying for the domesticated wage slave to be thrown into that he will obey.

Okay, you do have the Arуan Brotherhood and other apex white prison gangs that punch way above their weight terrorizing that interior wilderness to a limited extent. That just brings us to another parallel. There were 'cane brake' runaways and coastal maroons, and the half black Seminoles, who were never really defeated by white forces, but accepted slaves to go to Oklahoma. I think Billy Bowllegs got 50 slaves for leaving Florida.

My point is, everywhere I turn this over in my mind, like the massive imbalance in black on white violence in 2014 which is the opposite of the massive imbalance of white on black violence in 1914, it seems like a centuries old bait and switch game. When our liberal plantation masters pick up that political shell, will there be a violent black bean underneath or just a hollow white husk? The answer I suspect is that one breeds the other in cyclic disharmony, all the while serving an elitist good somewhere up that political and economic food chain.

In my mind the way to rebel against this is to not be that violent black man or that fearful white man, because that is now the game. In another hundred years I see it having swung the other way. When the Caliph looks out over the Potomac to survey his janissary lands about the Mount Vernon Mosque, I expect him to be beset by liberal brown taxable subjects begging for him and his jihadists to do something about those savage whites with their ancient deer rifles waylaying the caravans into the Ohio Valley...
Jeremy Bentham     Oct 31, 2014

Good Cracpotology James. Enjoy your ogling or other liaisons. The fact that you can enjoy liaisons with women of color is further proof of our country’s improved race relations. As I recall back in the 1970’s a white man who went out in public with a black woman was risking provoking the ire of the Brothers. Not that very many of the Sisters would even consider dating a white man in those days. My have times changed! Before you know it, it won’t be long before we even have a black President and everyone will live in peace and harmony. Oh, we’re there already?...Never mind!

You know, by serendipitous coincidence I came across another expose in which a woman went out on the streets to see if men would hit on her. This one in London, England. For some reason the white Anglo-Saxon protestant men didn’t take the bait though.

“So what is the takeaway for real women? How about for moms? Besides the obvious conclusion that we can and should dress however we are comfortable, the fact is women just don't get hit on that much. There is this popular notion believed by women and men alike that a lady just has to walk out the door before she's immediately bombarded by 50 guys trying to get her number. That is simply not true.”

Hmmmm…how do you like that? Sure not like it is in NYC, is it? Why is that?

Actually it’s difficult to see what Shoshana Roberts and the organization “Hollaback” were attempting to accomplish with their NYC expose. Were they trying to expose American white men as sexist devils and unintentionally ended up besmirching another important Liberal constituency? Or is this part of the general Ray Rice/NFL campaign to reform the way black men treat women? The fact is we already went through this wolf-whistles are bad campaign way back in the ‘70’s. Now the only place “white men” give wolf-whistles is in the old “Looney Tunes” cartoons. So why revisit this issue? Just more Leftist inconsistency and chaos it would seem.

Really there is a modicum of truth to many of those ethnic stereotypes. For example Jews DO control the Media. Larry David (“Seinfeld” and “Curb Your Enthusiasm”) admitted as much.

“Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be “Tropic Thunder” or “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews?”

“But that’s not all. We also control the ads that go on those TV shows.”

Likewise it’s obvious to the neutral observer that a significant percentage of the black population has some serious impulse control issues. Logic tells us this probably isn’t a recent development either. Probably as much hard-wired in their heads as cultural; a culture is the product of the behavior of the people after all. Toronto and London are experiencing this phenomenon as well, since they now have large “multicultural” populations. In the distant past the threat of torture and death probably helped folks keep their base appetites under control. Just as it keeps people under control today when there is a credible threat of it. Anyway the black community will have to deal with this propensity for criminality and loutish behavior if they truly wish to prosper. Just as other ethnic groups have had to confront and overcome social pathologies within their communities that were preventing them from progressing.
James     Oct 31, 2014

Jeremy, thank you for the quotes.

I actually use ogling black women as a way of bonding with the brothers. Duz and I once almost had a fight with two brothers because we would not dance with the babe they had a crush on, who had a crush on me. Never mind that I was married and Duz is genetically incapable of dancing. We bought them drinks to smooth it over. I see it being about status. A black guy feels elevated when The Man admires his women, though most of them drew the line with approving of Billy Bob Thornton humping Hailey Berry in Monsters Ball.

I had one close call at Gunpowder State Park, when I was the only white there, and found myself with the most bodacious beauty. She was worried that I was going to get torn apart so decided to put the focus on herself—heroically I might add—by the type of public display that we are used to seeing from Hugh Herfner's babes at the Playboy Mansion. This allowed them to write her off as a slut and took the focus off of me as I was being objectified.

That was not the black girl who told me during the course of a date, "Shut up. You're just an object—Jackhammer James."

As far as white women go, they seem prone to attraction fantasy. If you note in the video the white and Hispanic guys, and most of the black guys, were just offering passing commentary, not trying to get a date. Indeed, noticing a woman visibly and then not trying to get to know her but continue on your way is a very masculine way of demonstrating to other men that you like what they like, and that you are not even going to waste your time trying to possess it because it is a nagging pain in the ass waiting to erupt as a domestic boil of the first order.

I try not to let white women see me checking them out so as not to feed their power complex. The sisters like it if you just do it once and then walk on. They dress like sluts for a reason. An odd, and perhaps coincidental phenomena in my life has been the almost universal thanks I get for holding doors for ghetto girls, where as white women under 50 are either insulted, suspicious or threatened by my holding a door, even though I make a point to look away as I do it.

Impulse control in the so called black community is a huge issue that is the focus of much discussion between black Americans. There are cultural and physical reasons, with 17% higher testosterone being an obvious factor. In Baltimore lead paint consumption has made many a little Calligula. The cool aspect of being involved in combat sports is that all of the guys have too much testosterone and I don't have the embarrassing experience of being among terrified whites. In that arena the blacks and the whites can agree on one thing, that Eastern Europeans must have been bitten by a radioactive spider or some other mutating agent...
Jeremy Bentham     Nov 1, 2014

So you're saying don't bet on the white guy unless you can't pronounce has last name, eh?
James     Nov 1, 2014

A head designed like a cinder block does help.
Jeremy Bentham     Nov 6, 2014

“A head designed like a cinder block”? Holy ethnic stereotyping Batman! On a recognized oppressed group no less! The next thing we know James you’ll be telling Pollack jokes. Is it any wonder then that those people are prone to experience “Eastern European Rage”?

But seriously folks, with the help of the blogosphere I managed to figure out why the Feminists picked this particular time to revisit the issue of catcalls and street sexual harassment when supposedly it had already been dealt with and all but exterminated some 35 years ago. The answer is that the video was part of a get out the vote campaign to get white women to vote Democrat in the mid-term election.

Stacey McCain probably said it best:

“What the feminists want, however, is to convince women that somehow “street harassment” is a function of the heteronormative patriarchy, and the only way to fight it is (a) vote Democrat, (b) become a lesbian, or preferably (c) become a lesbian feminist Democrat.”

“Vote Democrat, Because Whoever You Hate, We Hate Them, Too”.

The Democrat Party’s chief political modus operandi is to divide Americans into different "tribes" (AKA political identity groups) and then convince those tribes that someone is out to get them and that only the Democrats will protect them from that someone. One of the great strengths of the Leftists is their ability to form coalitions of disparate groups through agreement on only one thing. And the thing that all current Leftist constituencies agree on is that Capitalism is evil and therefore the chief beneficiaries of Capitalism, which are of course the white, Anglo-Saxon, Christian, heterosexual, males, are hostis humani generis (enemies of all mankind), like the pirates and slavers of old. That is at least they’re the enemy of everyone who is not a white, Anglo-Saxon, Christian, heterosexual, male OR an enlightened white Leftist.

Well, we know by now that this ploy failed miserably. At the time of filming the hated white males did not take the bait and come out to harass Shoshana Roberts (will this change now that the Republicans won the election? LOL!); also it would seem that it further back-fired on the producers of the film causing them to commit “fratricide” on another important Democrat constituency, poor African-Americans, by portraying them in an uncomplimentary light. Was this intentional? Partially so I must imagine; another example of The Woman flexing her muscles in regards to something that has been bothering Her for some time, as in the Ray Rice/NFL scandal. One thing we do know about white women is that while they are open to being approached by men they consider to be highly desirable (i.e. good-looking and rich), they cannot abide being approached by any men they consider unattractive, socially inferior or downright repulsive (“as if!”). The body language you noted James (tight shoulders, vacant scowl, slightly hunched generally withdrawn posture) is a white girl’s non-verbal signal for “leave me alone you creep”. Unfortunately, some of the black guys Ms. Roberts encountered did not take the hint. Very bad manners, not to mention very un-PC on their part; thus they are definitely in need of sensitivity training. As we all know, white women rule the world and anything that bothers white women will be dealt with harshly by The Woman, so this matter will doubtless be revisited.

My advice to any young men reading this is when approaching hot and crazy white women be sure to observe the central tenants of the orientation film in the link below: How to avoid a sexual harassment lawsuit: -Be Handsome. -Be Attractive. -Don’t be Unattractive!
James     Nov 6, 2014

Well JB I spoke with a feminist yesterday that was in a towering rage over some Republican victories. After she ranted about capitalist for a while I reminded her that I am not a capitalist but a Darwinist—which does make me a fan of those Eastern European cinder block heads! If I had a plantation I would breed the Williams Sisters with the Klitskcho Brothers and take over combat sports, but alas I sit alone in the vast house overlooking the unpainted fence, fields forever fallow...

Excellent take on the lefties. I find the rather small men's 'tribalism' movement on the right to be fascinating in this light. In the future we may be treated to fem-dems experiencing some unforeseen tribal backlash from one of the divisive fires they stoke.

Thanks for checking in, and for those cool links, Jeremy.
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