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‘Welcome to the Abyss’
Two Halloween Tales by J.T.C.
© 2014 James LaFond
Spooky is a flip comic about Sam, his Aunt Sarah, and big burly Mister Hill who runs a haunted house. Sam is a good Christian and scared to death in the haunted house. However, after Aunt Sarah tells him about how The Devil [played by Mister Hill in the haunted house] put a hit out on Jesus but was foiled by God Above, he decided to save Mister Hill.
This is actually one of the more complete narratives in this series. There is the obligatory midnight crucifixion scene which I just cannot go without and some well illustrated retro-Hebrews in the biblical narrative done without the corny arrows and cosmic pointing hand often used to instruct the reader.
Happy Halloween is more in the J.T.C. fire and brimstone vein, with three boys who go into a haunted house on Halloween and then get so terrified of the hell room that they run out, with Timmy, the unlucky example, getting hit by a car and killed. Timmy wakes up in hell, damned for eternity by one of J.T.C.s’ more convincing devils. Meanwhile his friend Bobby is troubled.
There is very little biblical flashback material, keeping the story more immediate than Spooky, and not however forgoing one of the author’s best midnight crucifixion scenes accompanied by a biblical quote, John 3:16. The divine duality is heavy at the apex from the empty faceless God as patriarch, to an angel hurling a sinner into the abyss, and finally, to poor Timmy, howling in misery forever in a grotto like hell! By this point his Christian friend Bobby is okay with Timmy’s eternity of damnation, prays for himself since Timmy is beyond hope, and rises with a very Mormon looking smirk on his face.
If any comic in this series comes closer to revealing the Christian as the modern pagans see him, as a loss-cutting former friend of the now damned and ass-kissing metaphysical hedge fund manager it is this one. I loved this comic, the only thing I have read this Halloween to send a chill down my spine!
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