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The Walkup Punch
The Third Eye #7: Joey’s Eye and the Politics and Mechanics of Walking By
© 2014 James LaFond
I have been using this series to look behind some big questions, and this is about the biggest, though our masters and their police do not credit the increasing levels of unarmed violence against females, the elderly and the handicapped as being of any significance. I personally do not mind the high level of theoretically able bodied mangina casualties.
If a feminist or a minority does not get outraged about a crime trend, it has no traction. hence our laws are built around yesteryear's crimes just as our self defense scenarios are built around yesteryear's arguments. Criminals however, evolve and adapt, making them superior to the functionally stagnant tradition-shackled citizenry and insuring their continued upper hand. What I am about to describe is the new paradigm in violence, adapted by savvy criminals to skirt our weapon-based laws and take advantage of the unaware citizen. If you are a self defense instructor or martial artist stop teaching mutual combat and start teaching this.
Joey’s Eye
Joey is a handicapped person in his late teens who lives with his mother. His social life revolves around the local grocery store. Over the past year as muggings of women and the elderly have increased, drawing zero attention from law enforcement, Joey began taking it upon himself to walk people home with their groceries, something I too have been involved in. He was obviously cramping someone’s style, for this Monday just as night fell he was walking a lady home when an innocent unarmed black teen sucker punched him in the eye as they walked by.
His orbit is cracked, and the eye is still completely shut. It is not known if he will need surgery on the eye itself. His attacker ran off as he stood dazed wondering what happened. The innocent unarmed black teen had done his work though. Joey came to the store to let everybody know that he could not walk them home anymore and that he would not be leaving the house after dark. That innocent unarmed attacker already knows he does not have to worry about the cops protecting pedestrians. Now Joey is out of the picture too.
Thankfully for Joey he has a strong build, big head and thick neck. A slighter person hit like that may have had their head cracked on the pavement as well. Many of the people you see walking with crutches in urban environments have suffered neurological damage from this type of attack. The police are not concerned. Law makers are not concerned. They have their hands full making certain you do not shoot yourself with your own gun.
The walkup punch is the simplest attack and among the most effective. It is the basis for the so called ‘Knockout game’. I have used it, but have never fallen victim to it because I know what to look for. I expect that as I age I will be caught with this attack and have therefore been practicing walk by punches and counters for about a year.
1. The sucker puncher will be walking to your right toward you for maximum effect, hitting you as you both step forward with a straight punch made with a slightly bent arm like a boxer’s cross.
2. His right shoulder will roll down in a sloping fashion like a boxer’s shoulder.
3. The hand may be pocketed [in which case this could alternatively be a stabbing or a stickup]. If the hand comes out of the jacket or hooded sweatshirt pocket as he nears [at either the third or second step way] he is probably going to hit you.
4. Once he is 4 steps away go on red alert.
1. Always walk with your chin ticked, mouth closed, and head slightly titled forward.
2. Watch the hands and shoulders of any approaching males.
3. If you think he has a weapon coming out with that hand than grab that sucker with two hands and don’t let go until you are sure he is unarmed. If he is armed I prefer shoving him into traffic or running him against a car, which is better than a wall as it locks up his hips and can cause hand separation from his body. The wall could help him. I have fought off of walls in these situations. Against a car he is likely to roll away, which is good unless he has a gun. If he has a gun get him against the wall or the floor.
4. If he is throwing an empty hand tuck your chin and grit your teeth as you shrug your shoulder and just walk into him. Your hands will not get there in time to protect your head or face unless you are a trained fighter and you know what he is going to do.
5. If you are a grappler, of course go there.
6. If you are not a trained fighter just run the top of your head and shoulder into his shoulder and face area and walk all over his feet.
7. If you can crack with your hands, hit him while he hits you and see how he likes that.
8. When the punch comes do not look away, do not look down and keep him off balance while you assess if he is armed and listen for accomplices.
9. The innocent unarmed teens who commit these crimes are the children of the State. The government is literally their daddy, and the press are their advocates. So don't over do the counter attack.
The walkup punch is the most deadly unarmed attack, the most common, and is often done with potential accomplices waiting nearby. The key is awareness and visualization. As soon as I see a potential sucker puncher I start running attack sequences in my head—not what he is going to do, but what I will do if he twitches. Over the past 34 years I have been involved in dozens of violent altercations, never was one a fight. I have not fought outside the ring since I was 16. Never fight. Lose that fight mentality on the street. It is attack and counterattack, ambush and trap, sucker punch and cut off punch. Only bouncers and assholes fight. Know that you are in an attack matrix, a predatory environment that is becoming more so every passing day.
Next I will cover a 2 on 1 walkup attack that happened out in Harm County last night. Until then, if a man is not known to you, assume his hand is against you. Don’t key your mind toward what he might do, but what you are going to do when he does whatever he does. In a walk by situation you do not have the kind of time or space or static environment assumed in self defense classes.
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Maureen     Dec 9, 2014

Good advice. I will remember it.
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