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Reader versus Writer #2
Brooklyn Shane and Trent Feral
© 2014 James LaFond
Brooklyn Shane
On Friday night, November 14, 2014, Brooklyn Shane, gonzo dissident of Gotham, emailed the author:
“Dude, I just finished Astride the Chariot of Night . Son this stuff was off the hook. Let me tell you, I’ve read a lot of horror, and I have never read a scene so brutal as the final battle in By This Axe! Of course though, way more whites were killed than blacks. I’m not accusing you of being politically correct, but racial parity among the victims would be nice.”
Trent Feral
At 4 a.m. Saturday, November 15, indie wrestling sensation, comic author, and science-fiction writer Trent Feral was discussing his upcoming sci-fi anthology after his shift had ended and I was still toiling away for Boss John. I told him of Brooklyn Shane’s statement and he had this to say:
“And you still wonder why the local writers’ association won’t even let you know when they meet? I know you live in the city, fight with sticks for fun, and probably grew up on some stone age island. But you should try taking your readers into account sometime, from their ‘civilized’ perspective. I have a challenge for you; a writing exercise: the next time you write a story write it from the perspective of one of your readers, so that you can get in touch with what it is like to sit down to enjoy an esoteric sci-fi tale only to end up having some super-mutant-rapist character dragging your mind to hell.”
James LaFond, 4:02 p.m. 11/15/2014
You men are right—and more importantly you’re paying customers. So, I accept: done, and done. When I wake up tomorrow morning, or tonight, or perhaps as soon as the Williams Sisters decide to leave, I will take on your challenges in the very same story—Serena, now let Venus have one of the pillows…good girl…
Come Sunday 11/16/2014 expect to find ‘Baltimore Shane’ and ‘Trent Jackson’ poised for urban adventure in Trent Jackson’s Profession, a story in which I promise to address both of your suggestions.
Reader versus Writer #1
Trent Jackson’s Profession
z-pill forever
let the world fend for itself
solo boxing
logic of force
the first boxers
on combat
orphan nation
menthol rampage
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