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On The Coming Riots
A Harm City View of the Fergusson Affair
© 2014 James LaFond
Earlier this year there was an altercation between two of my enemies in a distant land where, if I recall correctly, Jack Nicholson slit Marlon Brando’s throat at dawn. In any case, when a white cop and a black thug clash, with one waxed by way of lead and the other by the media—I’m not an unhappy dude. As my friend Quinn would say, “I have no dog in that fight.”
Not burdened with the worries born of viewing TV I had but one concern when I left the plantation gate swing closed behind me on the way to the bus stop last night, ‘Since the Ravens are playing tonight, and this is a clutch game for a playoff opportunity, will any of the bus drivers report to work? Or will I have to walk all the way to Middle River?’
I walked the empty nighted streets of Harm City and came to my lonely corner beneath the light pole. The only people I saw in a half hour’s time and a mile and a half distance, was a pair of young men, walking and talking, one white, one black. They both swerved around me, not wanting to get too close to the guy who looked like Santa Claus playing a mugger in a straight-to-video movie.
As I boarded the bus, and after I off loaded, and after I got to work, I had a total of six people, three phoning in, inquire as to how I was surviving the night of riots in Harm City, as, according to my TV viewing friends—protests were springing up and spreading like wild fire across the country. The people who phoned were giving me a heads up, wanting me to be careful. The guys at work were settling their bets as to whether or not I would make it in through the maelstrom of racial violence that was surely spreading like Caesar’s rising of the apes.
No Baby, I did not write that. No, honestly, it is your imagination. You just consider me to be more of a wit than I am—you know your hair looks so fine like that; like doll baby hair…
I noted that two of my coworkers seemed disappointed to see me! So, as they inquired as to my heroic running of the race war gauntlet I simply quipped, “Dude, the Ravens are playing. The homeboys are doing the same thing you are right now, listening to the game when they should be out there slinging dope on the corner.”
So, although the press has done their best to incite race riots across the country, the citizens of one of the most violent majority black cities on earth ate potato chips and drank grape soda as they watched and cheered as a white man—who was being attacked by black men as other black men defended him—threw a ball to a black man, who was then promptly attacked by other black men under the very noses of the uniformed white men standing in judgment on the gridiron...
But What If?
Actually it is ‘when if?’
I don’t know if it is the media planning these riots, the left wing poverty pimps, the right wing homeland security, or the [for now] left wing DOJ. But whoever the perpetrators and whatever the purpose, some of our masters will, within the next decade, manage to incite the black urban underclass to Watts and Rodney King intensity rioting. Mass race riots have been a right wing police fantasy and a left wing utopian fantasy since I was a child. It will happen. The uneducated, manipulated, and dependent urban black underclass, will finally be prevailed upon by their masters to attack you sissy white people, so that you will vote for tax hikes to strengthen the police state, and will beg for martial law. For God knows that 30 million blacks dependent on public transportation and crowded into urban ghettos, can easily wipe out 180 million crackers spread across fifty states with two vehicles per household!
To help with your accelerated white flight survival plan here is the hit list, the order in which pedestrians and householders [not businesses, because we know they are getting looted ASAP] will be targeted by the Federal Government’s Janissary Horde:
1. Stash houses run by black drug gangs will be hit by rival drug gangs.
2. Individual black men caught not rioting will be beaten, robbed and stomped by black youth mobs.
3. Any dope slinger on a corner who did not bring muscle will be mobbed and stomped and robbed. If he brought his muscle they will both come under fire by hitters from rival drug gangs, since the popo will be busy trying to protect all of those terrified white folks who believed in gun control—until now.
4. Male/female pairs of whites will be attacked on sight.
5. Pairs and trios of white males will be surrounded and attacked tactically on sight.
6. White women will be beaten by black women and raped by black men on sight. If there is a group of white chicks together, that is not a deterrent but an advertisement to line up for a marathon gangbang.
7. Elderly whites will be robbed on sight but not beaten excessively in most cases.
8. Hipster urban homesteaders will have their homes invaded and turned into rec centers with teens playing video games on the flat screen while older gangsters rape the woman of the house and the man of the house stands by and cries and begs them to rape him instead.
9. Lone white men will be attacked, particularly if they are well dressed or stopped in a vehicle.
10. Lone cops, of any color, will be in great peril.
Okay folks, now you know where you stand on the race riot hit list, and hence how much of your sacred consumer goods may by loaded into your SUV while those higher on the list are being robbed, raped and murdered. All you have to do is make it to Stefan Molyneux’s house in Canada, and hide behind him, as he greets the slathering hordes of urban supermen with the open hand of reason and proclaims, “You know friends, this is not in your best interest. Pause and take a deep breath, please, while I explain to you the implicit racism behind the fractional-reserve fiat currency system and why you should be marching on Washington instead…”
“Yo, T-bone, da dude makes sense!”
“I know Yo. But we done already run up in dis joint. You realize how far away DeeCee be Yo?”
“Okay, but I ain’t crackin’ ‘im in the head. He a smart dude, could maybe figure out how dis new crazy X-Box shit be hooked up.”
“Whateva Yo!”
The GQ Mugging Inquest, with Testimony from
harm city
A Night of Cozy Unrest in Harm City
dark, distant futures
uncle satan
song of the secret gardener
time & cosmos
america the brutal
crag mouth
Jeremy Bentham     Nov 26, 2014

Thanks James. This is just the kind of actionable intelligence we have come to depend on you to provide us. "Actionable" meaning that it gives us information we can use to devise ways to protect ourselves against violence. Although in this instance the very best way to protect yourself would be to not be there when the "event" happens. Because when it breaks out "Yo be by yo-self B___".
James     Nov 28, 2014

My brother in law picked met me at a ghetto diner for breakfast and informed me that his best friend was attacked by the out-of-state geek protestors in his mighty pickup truck. He is a Harford County man who was driving into Baltimore on I-83—an interstate that dumps you right off in the center of Baltimore. As he slowly edged his way through the crowd they did not attack him, but rather attacked his vehicle, climbing into the bed and jumping up and down on the roof and caving it in. The police made no move to stop the protestors but did wave him through. A motorist near him in a small car ran the human road block, broke a female protestor's legs, and was arrested, which appears to be the incident the two not-so-manly students were speaking of witnessing.

According to this man, and two motorists I spoke with on Wednesday night, most of the protestors drove into town in pretty nice cars, and had Virginia, Pennsylvania and Jersey plates.

I see the real danger being these types of professional and recreational protestors attracting criminals and eventually—if Mister Weirton is correct—economically displaced people, who will have more numbers, more grit, and actually hit the urban residential centers, instead of just rioting for the news cameras.

Incidentally, my brother in law works for one of the largest employers in Maryland. 120 of his coworkers have recently been fired for stealing, including the entire loss prevention department. He is now filling the gap as a supervisor, but is having trouble being understood by the Spanish speaking new hires. He said this, "When I complained to my boss that it was taking three people to have one conversation and holding up production, he said, "You better learn how to speak Spanish or you'll be out of a job in three years. I told my boss—a Latino, head of HR—that I didn't fight in Desert Storm to hand over my country to a bunch of foreigners. But he said there was no official language of the U.S. and they could demand I speak whatever language they needed me to speak. Yet these Mexicans don't have to learn English?"

As a vet yourself, who's been out West, do you have any thoughts on how the Latino question could play into future civil unrest?
Jeremy Bentham     Nov 26, 2014

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving James!
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 3, 2014

It’s the “Safari Park Rule” for American cities now: if you should find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, don’t get out of your car! Ever. Except maybe if the Mob sets your car on fire, then you best have an escape and evasion plan to get clear of the mob. Once again James, thanks much for the good Intel on the experience of the motorists who had to negotiate the mob!

People should also be aware that most auto insurance policies contain a “war clause”, which means that if your car is wrecked by an act of war or in a civil disturbance the insurance company won’t pay. That alone is a good reason to avoid going through crowds if you can find a detour. It’s also a good reason to push through the crowd as fast as is practical if you cannot. Who among us in the middle and working classes can afford to suffer such a financial loss without undue inconvenience and hardship? Among other things, having to walk through the city would expose us to becoming the victims of even more criminal violence? Keep in mind as well that if you live in a state with the Castle Doctrine law that generally means you enjoy the same legal protections while ensconced in your car that you do in your home. Meaning that if someone attempts to enter your vehicle by force, and/or to pull you out of your vehicle so as to steal it and/or inflict painful injury on you, you will be justified in using any necessary force, including lethal force, to halt and repel the assault. It is also established law (Warren on Homicide, 1938) that “when an individual faced a violent mob bent on doing violence to him or his compatriots, each member of the mob shared the culpability of the entire organism of the mob…and therefore, was equally and individually fair game for the defensive violence suffered at the hands of the lawful defender(s)” (from “Deadly Force –Understanding Your Right to Self-Defense” by Massad Ayoob). This means that if the only logical way to avoid having your vehicle disabled by a violent mob, which would clearly leave you and your passengers vulnerable to be killed and/or crippled by violent attacks perpetrated by members of the same mob, is to run over mob members standing in your way so that you can escape, then you would be legally and morally justified in doing so. It is established fact that mob violence in our inner-cities is potentially lethal to stranded motorists, after all. Now that DOES NOT mean that you will NOT be arrested and/or prosecuted should you injure or kill a rioter when making your escape, but it DOES mean that you will have an affirmative defense recognized in the law for doing so. Just don’t be a cheapskate and a dumbass by having a public defender represent you. All the public defender is likely to do for you will be to plea bargain your sentence down, so you will do five years in prison instead of twenty. If you are a career criminal that would be a good deal (and career criminals comprise most of the PD’s clientele, of course), but since I assume you are not, any felony conviction would be a calamity for you. In any event, I am not a lawyer and don’t even play one on television so don’t take my advice as being correct in all circumstances, especially since the law (AND the politics) varies greatly from state to state, so do your own research.
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 3, 2014

As for how will the deluge of Latin illegal immigrants coming into America affect the scope and character of civil disturbances in the country? Well I am not an expert on Latin American affairs, but OK, I’ll bite. First off, it’s safe to assume that the flood of more and more fertile and crime-prone poor people from Latin America will, in general, destabilize the United Sates and lead to rising crime and civil unrest, from coast to coast. The civil unrest will especially spike once the Federal government, as well as the governments of some states, become unable to pay its creditors or to make payments for welfare benefits on time and in full (James, you’ve written about how crime predictably spikes in your community toward of the month when the EBT card balances are used up). This will likely happen when interest rates are allowed to return to their historical average of five per cent; that event alone will wipe out the entire discretionary portion of the federal budget (which will be 35% of the budget or that portion that does not include the Mandatory Budget: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid) as it will have to be used to pay the interest on the 18 trillion dollars of Federal government debt (which is just 6% of the total federal budget at the moment).The influx of new welfare clients from Latin America (remember, ALL the sick and old people will get Social Security, as well as Medicare or Medicaid) will put greater strain on the federal budget, and on the states, which will and lead to more civil unrest when people don’t get the free stuff they were promised. Once our discretionary budget is consumed paying the interest on the debt (which we MUST pay if we want to be able to take more loans which we will have to do to push the eventual collapse father down the road) we will not even be able to afford our Armed Forces. As it, is half of the Defense budget (18% of the total federal budget) goes to payroll, which is to say paying the salaries and benefits for the servicemen and civilian employees and the benefits for the dependents.
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 3, 2014

It appears that the Leftists are gearing up for the eventuality of a debt crisis. For example, as you have noted, the organizers of the Ferguson riots are merely the Occupy Wall Street team wearing different jerseys. These OWS agitators and anarchists are of course being assisted by the same opportunistic criminals and troublemakers who come out in force for every other “civil rights” protest. The Leftists will continue to create chaos, partially to support their long term political goals and partially because they are possessed of a sociopathic desire to tear down society. A society which they hate and feel alienated from. Therefore you WILL be made to care about their irrational sense of alienation; you WILL feel their pain! You may love America yourself, but there will soon be no America for you to love. At least not one you will recognize as the country you grew up in. Then it will be your turn to feel alienated!

As a Vet I understand your friend’s annoyance at being forced to accommodate the Hispanic gate-crashers by speaking their language in the workplace. At least the U.S. Army has a regulation that English MUST be spoken on duty- AR 600-20 Chapter 4-13: “English is the operational language of the Army. Soldiers must maintain proficiency in English to perform their military duties”. It certainly makes you wonder why we were fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan only to have activist Left-wing politicians and spineless Right-wing politicians give away our country and our culture at home. For years the Leftists have striven to convince people like me that America is not worth fighting for. They have finally succeeded. At least I don’t believe that the current Leftist/Marxist/Politically Correct vision of America is anything worth fighting to defend. If Washington D.C. was once again put to fire and sword by a foreign invader as it was 200 years ago, would that be a bad thing? LOL!
James     Dec 4, 2014

I may have a ringside seat to that D.C. barbecue.

Thanks for clearing up the operational language in the military question that I was too daft to ask.
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 4, 2014

"No problem James. I recommend that if your brother-in-law wants to continue speaking English on the job that he consider seeking employment in public service. My guess is that English will continue to be the operational language of the military and the government for the foreseeable future because African-Americans will refuse to learn Spanish (like our President, who enjoins everyone else to learn Spanish, but can't speak a word of it himself, unlike his predecessor) AND because the Democrats will need to keep the majority of Hispanics as a permanent impoverished underclass, unable to access the mainstream of American society due to their inability to speak and understand English, in order to maintain the Democrat's political dominance of the major urban centers. The Hispanics are now the favored ethnic minority in the PC hierarchy of needs; however, the black community, such as it is, will stick with the Democrat Party, since they have nowhere else to go if they want to keep getting their free stuff.

In the meantime, I recommend your brother-in-law get the book "Spanish on the Job" (Southwestern Press, available through Amazon), 1001 useful words and phrases for the workplace. It might make life a tad easier for him in the interim. See also "Pocket Partner" (likewise available through Amazon) which has a "Spanish for Law Enforcement" section with useful phrases and commands suitable for law-enforcement or self-defense situations. Such as: Manos Aribas! Ejercito Estatos Unitos! (Hands up! U.S. Army!) LOL!
Charles     Dec 4, 2014

Who are you kidding J... you can't hook up an Xbox. You too are doomed.
Travolta     Dec 5, 2014

The US economic decline in 2007/2008 actually caused a decline in illegal immigration, if not a temporary reversal. Construction, an employment haven for illegals, took the hardest hit. If the next decline is even worse and brings with it even greater hostilities for outsiders (which severe economic declines always do), one could see the flow reverse again, but this time even more dramatically.

While a trend in motion says in motion, until it doesn't. Nothing is linear. Careful when projecting current trends forward, for any significant length of time.
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 7, 2014

"Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future."

-Neils Bohr

"Yes, there's always the unexpected, isn't there?"

-Major Warden, "Bridge of the River Kwai", 1957

One can only hope that Travolta is correct in his assumption that if and when America does experience another severe economic downturn that the illegal immigrants currently "living in the shadows" here WILL return to their homelands in large numbers. And further, that their countries of origin will be willing to take them back.
James     Dec 8, 2014

I have worked with numerous Mexican illegals, and legals. Until a few years ago the plan they mostly seemed to have was to work in the states for 3 years and send back money. Freddie Ruiz told me that scrubbing floors for 3 years and sending back half the money gets a house built in Mexico.

However, having met some more recent local immigrants [mind you both groups are under 10 people] I have noticed a desire to have children and stay.

Maybe its getting worse down there too.
Travolta     Dec 9, 2014

Well, then there's the trend in electronic money. I think this trend will grow. The upper echelons of various governments, including the US government, have spoken in favor of this trend. Last year, at a global banking summit, Larry Sommers suggested fully going to electronic currency. The appeal for this form of money, by governments, has to do with ending the underground economy, eliminating the criminal enterprises which thrive on it and to capture all economic transactions for tax purposes (i.e., the black market). If this happens then those illegals which operate one cash basis ("under the table" transactions) will be faced with yet another problem.

While an economic downturn in the US effects the global economy and the nations from which illegals originate, other factors might come into play which will make their home countries seem more appealing, despite economic troubles back home. Say like an acceleration in the authoritarian behavior of the US government.
James     Dec 9, 2014

I have thought—these thoughts springing solely from my native cynicism and having no other basis—that construction and agriculture concerns might not want legal immigrant labor, but illegal.

Might this be the case, and might it have a reason other than the dark tint of the glass I am looking through?

Also has anyone worked out an hours-banking barter system as an information-based type of barter?

I have a creeping suspicion that I just suggested the equivalent of inventing the cell phone a generation too late.

Thanks for the info Sir.
Jeremy Bentahm     Dec 9, 2014

“Stopping illegal immigration would mean that wages would have to rise to a level where Americans would want the jobs currently taken by illegal aliens.”

-Thomas Sowell

Hey James, funny you should mention that "maybe it's getting worse down there too", because it is. This month is the eighth year of the Cartel War in “An estimated 60,000 people have been killed or “disappeared” in cartel-related violence.” Keep in mind that that is more people than the USA lost KIA in eight years of fighting in Vietnam (58,300). Latin American and Caribbean countries top the list as having the highest murder rates in the world: The illegal immigrants coming to us from Latin America are no longer immigrants in the traditionally recognized sense of the word; the idea of America as a melting pot has gone the way of the A&P store. Rather these new illegal immigrants appear to be colonists: they don’t want to be guest workers or to assimilate into Anglo-American culture. This colonization is being supported by elements within the U.S. Government, the Mexican Government, Central American governments and American capitalists who want to maintain the flow of cheap labor into the country: The location of many of these undocumented laborers is known to the U.S. Government since they, and their employers, must use stolen SSNs in order to be added to the payroll, so if two people are using the same SSN that tells the government that one of them is an illegal alien: This selective enforcement of the law is all part of the Leftist transformation of America (among its principle evils it is too white and too capitalist!). Electronic money could conceivably solve part of the problem of illegal immigration, if vigorously enforced. So would securing the border with Mexico; however, our government has no intention of enforcing border security. Keeping illegal immigrants out of the country does not appear to be a goal of the U.S. Government, either in the short or long term. What might change that mindset?

In my mind, in order for the illegal Latin colonists to be persuaded to up-root and leave a comfortable life in America, the US Government, as well as Liberal Anglo-American society, would have to become as cruel in its treatment of illegal immigrants as their own governments are: Now James, can you, for example, truly imagine even the worst elements of the Harm City PD conspiring to murder 43 student activists, from say, Morgan State University, and burying the bodies in a mass grave in the woods (and all of them believing they could get away with it)? We Americans are kind-hearted to a fault (and we are in a never-ending quest to think well of ourselves), so what kind of traumatic experience would it take to change American Society so profoundly that an American police force would likewise countenance mass murder? The fact that we Americans still shoot our mouths off so freely indicates that most of us really believe that possibility is remote. So do the illegals.
James     Dec 10, 2014

What could happen Sir, to push us into the Latino republic mode?

How about Tom Brady as president with Bill Cosby as his running mate?
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 10, 2014

Well that's a head scratcher James. I must presume you are referring to the animus Ravens fans hold toward Tom Brady as being a potential source of outrage and trauma on a national scale. Otherwise I don't get the connection. And Bill Cosby? We already had one serial rapist and adulterer in the Whitehouse, and we'll probably have him again as Co-President in two years. So what's the beef with Bill Cosby? Other than that he failed to promote the Leftist orthodoxy and spoke out on family values, so now the other Lefties in the news and entertainment media refuse to circle the wagons around him and want to make him a pariah?

Anyway, whatever puts American society over the edge, at least we'll have hope for the future. We won't have all those impossible ideals to live up to anymore. We'll be just one more cruel, oppressive oligarchy among many.
James     Dec 10, 2014

The thing I like about Cosby is that he has basically defiled the American cult of sacrosanct female celebrity by soiling some of the acolytes. The take on Cosby at the latest Black Superman Inquest was voiced by Quinn, "In Jim Browne's autobiography he recalled Cosby as being an okay dude, except that he was insulted by Bill showing up with hookers and sending one over to him. He said, 'I'm Jim Browne!' indicating that the assumption that he needed compensated companionship was an affront."

Brady is really hated in Baltimore by the football fans for being a sissy—that is about it. Baltimore Ravens fans like the image of criminality and aggression among the black players, this includes most of the white suburban fans as well. Next time you see Patriots versus Ravens envision the Baltimore fans as a bunch of ghetto kids peeking out the window at a prospective mugging of a rich white dude.
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