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Rise of the Nike Nation
Another Senior Moment: Photo Captures the Most Underreported Type of Violent Crime
© 2014 James LaFond
The great thing about mob politics is that the mob and its victims never have a clue as to why people who lack the talent to feed, clothe, and house themselves are permitted by an empire bristling with world-beating hardware to run amok and terrorize citizens that claim loyalty to this same empire. No, this is not ancient Rome, but an American town, and the government sponsored outcome depicted in the photo posted at the link below, is coming to a town near year within the decade.
Looking at this photo you will see the results of the type of racially enabled crime that occurs in my neighborhood every single week of the year, is reported locally perhaps twice, and never makes regional or national news. I often ask myself why police officers cruise by young thugs fresh from a mugging and then follow me to the supermarket. As an inmate of the United States I have my interpretations, and I accept my sentence. As a prisoner of an enemy nation I accept that no protection against other inmates shall be forthcoming from above, and have, over the course of five decades, never seen a police officer defend or rescue a crime victim. So, anyone who lives under the assumption that their municipality, state or nation has an interest in protecting them, has, in my Darwinist view, placed themselves on the criminal menu.
I wonder though, about you Americans, who support the nation to which I am enslaved, why do you think that your federal government wants this, for the DOJ has openly encouraged these riots by criticizing local and state handling of previous riots?
If you are of a mind that your nation cannot prevent it, then you should be prepared for the invading force of Islamists, for if the United States of America cannot prevent innocent unarmed teens from trashing an American town, how will ISIS be dealt with?
So, does your nation want this, or is it incapable of preventing it?
Attire note: I do not think these are Nike’s. They look kind of retro—perhaps Jack Percels or Converse Allstars?
For the record, though I subscribe to the site posting this pic, I regard it as an online mangina coven. What I can’t wait for is some old man to be arrested for hitting a mugger or carjacker with his oxygen tank!
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