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The Women We Left Behind
The Incubus of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 4
© 2014 James LaFond
It has been my contention since age 16, when I found out my friend and his father knew of his sister being beaten by her husband and did nothing, that the vigilante spirit among men is weak in these Unmanly States of America. My brother and I discussed this issue, determined that our father would most likely be of the same law abiding weak character as our friend’s father, and made a pact, that any man who laid a hand on our sister was going down, and that the one of us who went to prison for it would be assured that the other would take up his family obligations.
18 months ago I knew that my sister had finally decided that she wanted to marry the guy she had been dating when she brought him to watch me fight. Later that night at dinner, after he had surveyed the grotesque bruising on my aging body, he asked me why I would do such a thing at my age—fighting men half my age. I told him that I like knowing I can take care of younger fellows if need be. My sister then chimed in, “You’re never going to give me any reason to call my brother up are you honey?”
He said, “Good God no! Not that I would ever hit a woman mind you.”
This manly responsibility that I cling to like an extinct barnacle to the hull of an obsolete ship has been abandoned by most white American men since at least the early 1970s. Up into the mid 1980s it was very strong amongst black American men—though even that is waning as their women become increasingly violent and their youth increasingly soft. My Latino friends are still violently protective of their women.
I don’t believe in blood magic. It’s fun to play with racial memory in fiction. But as a fighter and trainer who has seen many a perfectly formed or hulking athlete fall before less blessed fighters, I believe in conditioning. Simply put, in America, minority communities never had an expectation that the white police would protect them—indeed were routinely attacked by police for no cause. My granddad’s America was a white civilization and the right of the citizen to be protected by his master was supposedly extended to whites alone. Even that was a lie. I am sure accounts exist. But in 1675 acts of violence I documented over 4 years I did not find an example of a police officer stopping a violent crime in progress, and punishment of violent crimes seemed to focus on breaking the law more than what was done to the victim. For my part, I had always been suspicious of promises made by distant unseen people to be carried out by persons yet to materialize.
Finally, with the press and the DOJ persecuting whites who defend themselves against blacks, up to and including police officers, and the president himself taking sides, and most egregiously the blatant burying and underreporting of black youth violence against elderly and female whites, any white American who does not have his head completely stuffed up his ass now knows that it was all a lie to begin with.
It is also going to get worse. Cops [white and black] have traditionally beaten black men recreationally for no cause and harassed them unceasingly. Now that heat is falling on cops who seem to have acted as legitimate law officers but nonetheless injured an innocent starving black teen, the traditional sport of urban cops is not going to disappear, but be redirected at poor whites. These crimes will not be reported. I know two poor white men from Baltimore who were beaten to death by police, one in the 1980s and one in the 1990s. There is also Kylie’s account below.
The cases did not make the news.
The deaths were not even announced in the obituaries.
In one case, the slain man’s brother was beaten nearly to death by cops merely for asking that his brother’s death in police custody be investigated.
If you are white trash like me keep your head down and say yes sir—a lot!
In the mean time you might want to consider actually protecting your women. This requires a proactive stance on your part. Most white women are conditioned to protect their men by not reporting crimes on their person. My wife hid two attacks on her from me for she feared I would avenge her and get locked up, cutting off her income. I did manage to avenge the second attack without her knowing, serving it up cold a year later after she had finally though it was safe to mention the fact that these two guys had harassed her.
The reasons why white women will generally decline to let their father, husband, brother, son, etc., know when they have been beaten or raped or threatened are multiple:
1. Most white women regard their men to be physically incapable of dishing out or surviving a violent encounter with her attackers.
2. Virtually all white women are terrified of their men being arrested for fear it will reduce household income and cause economic hardships.
3. White women realize that in prison, their father, brother, husband, or son will be outnumbered 50 to 1 by blacks and Latinos, many of whom are hardened criminals.
I have no solid information on our budding Latino community, but will offer a similar breakdown of vigilante issues by gender for the black community in Tao of a Black Cracker.
Below are three women, out of dozens that I have interviewed about their history of men and violence, on what it is like to be a woman in a world without enough honorable men to go around.
Tammy was married to a Baltimore City cop to whom she had 2 children. Her husband used to get drunk and beat the children, and then beat her when she interfered. When she called the police on him the responding officers spent all of their time talking her out of pressing charges and never did fill out a report.
Eventually she left and raised the children on her own. Tammy is very attractive and in her late 30s. At least once a week a police officer in the city or the county pulls her over as an excuse to get her phone number.
Does Tammy’s plight sound like the promise of civilization; that the state will protect a woman when her man—in this case her overprotective sons—are not there to do so because they are at work paying their taxes?
Lee lives with her husband and adult son. She leaves for work at 3:30 a.m. from a house that her husband originally purchased in a good area that is now overrun with crime. She has recently been in fear of being carjacked since her car was broken into overnight. The company she works for does provide security on the parking lot. But she must make it from her city door to her car door on her own, for her husband and her son do not regard it as their responsibility to protect her, nor apparently does she!
I asked Lee about this curious lack of masculine commitment on behalf of her man and their son, and she bristled, defending her son for being tired at night after work and pointing out that her husband needs to sleep before work. I pressed her in a different way to try to get around her instinct to defend the men who decline to defend her, by asking her if all of the men in her life had been like this; if this was normal.
“My father was a louse. But Pops, my granddad, he would always make sure I was safe—and that was back in the day when there was not as much to worry about. My first husband was too selfish to look out for anyone else. All he cared about was his money. He had stacks of money in the freezer, and would get pissed if I took a twenty for groceries. When I was separated a few years back I did date this one guy who always looked out for me, held the door for me, wouldn’t even let me walk myself to the car in the afternoon. He was a great guy—the best guy I ever knew—but he had a history... Financially there wasn’t going to be a lot of security with him.”
Again, financial security over physical security; the woman choosing the flush bank account over one of the few men who ever indicated that he would risk as much as 5 minutes of sleep to see her safely out the door. This is a skewed and denatured thought process which came into being in a homogenous society that no longer exists. Both men and women are reluctant to let the chimera of civil society fade like the ghostly lie it was.
Now for a girl who—due to her unfortunate circumstances—will be ready for the hard times ahead.
Kylie came of age outside the law, raised in the 1970s by her brother who was a cocaine dealer. She grew to hate the police after three officers staged a home invasion and tortured her brother. When he would not divulge the identity of his connection, two of the policemen raped Kylie repeatedly. Kylie was 14. After her brother’s death from a beating by police a few years later Kyle was not able to continue his operation as she lacked ‘the muscle’ to stand up to men.
Kylie went into prostitution on her own, without a pimp. This was a calculated risk. As she told it, “I’d rather trust my judgment not to get beat by a john and maybe killed than to know I was goin’ to get beat by a pimp. I was a coke slut and a bar whore. If I liked a guy, and he was hygienic, I would do him for coke. That was basically my version of a date—subsidized.
“Drinking was for setting up business. I never walked the street and did not have the connections to get set up as a call girl, so I worked bars where I had connections. The guy had to be a cut above the bar he was drinking at because I did not bring them home and he needed to pay for drinks, the room, and me. If the guy was decent I would blow him in his car—maybe a married guy strapped for cash—that kind of thing. I never wanted to be a home wrecker.
“I did screw up one time by stepping out back to talk with this one guy. He was cute and was a big guy—a boxer—and worked security for this bar. I figured he just wanted to see if we could work something out but he wanted to have sex right there—intercourse, on the parking lot! I don’t do that, so he raped me. It’s not like I could fight him or go to the cops. What really hurt about it is that I had liked the guy and was hoping maybe we could date, and he just used me—took what he wanted, didn’t even respect me as a whore.
“It only happened the one time. At least he didn’t try to make it hurt like the pigs did when I was a kid. That’s why I could never walk the streets—even with a pimp you’re blowing cops all night long and not getting paid. The one rape—bruised me on the inside…no way was that as bad as even one of the beatings I got when I was married to that fucking drunk…that was an every weekend thing for years. But when you’re outside the law you’re in the jungle—jus’ have to find a way to get home to your kids in one piece.”
Although I am writing for men I thought that some illustrations of how women have suffered in a world of men without honor would make a more holistic point. That sack of tubing hanging lopsided between your legs is there just as much for them as it is for you. For most of my life a week has not gone by when a black man or youth has not attacked, threatened, or tested me. This leads people to shake their head when I defend aspects of, and individuals from, the black urban-American community.
I don’t find fault for a man who decides I am his enemy and acts accordingly. I do find fault with a man who declines to defend his women and children. The interesting dichotomy I have noted in men in Baltimore is that white dudes will slave away like crazy to provide for their women and children, and then step back and expect the government to protect them, whereas the black man will defend his family to the point of imprisonment and even death, and then step back and expect the government to provide for them.
These trends are beginning to falter, with fewer whites willing to provide for their own and more affluent blacks becoming suburban manginas and deferring their manly duty to the state. Overall though, in Harm City, you can bank on a black dude defending his old lady but neglecting to pay the rent, and bank on a white dude to pay his woman’s bills and then let her walk out into the cold night to warm up her car on a street prowled by hoodlums.
A heads up from Jeremy:
A Debt of Honor
the man cave
Tactical Adam and Eve
songs of arуas
dark, distant futures
the lesser angels of our nature
winter of a fighting life
advent america
graphomaniac archive #1
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 9, 2014

Hey James, as a member of the white oppressor race you must comport yourself the way these two individuals described in the hyper-linked articles did when assaulted on the street. Said individuals ARE members of our ruling class (The Woman) after all, and as such we would do well to emulate their example.

Anyway you answered your own question - why won’t white men fight to protect their women? Because the white women won’t let them! The women are in charge after all. “Dad’s the boss as everyone knows, but what Mom says always goes.” Now Dad’s not even the titular boss. Clearly most of the urban/suburban white women in your region believe in “restorative justice” just as the two leftist worthies featured in the stories above do. I must surmise that “restorative justice” means that it is just for white people to be beaten up and robbed by criminals of color. Even a refugee from war-torn Bosnia deserves such treatment, because he is after all, white and thus tainted with the original sins of America – slavery and racism. So get with the program. Accept your punishment James. Or else you will be exiled to the Ghetto……Never mind!
James     Dec 10, 2014

NOOOOOOOOO! Mister Bill, no!
Maureen     Dec 9, 2014

Jeremy is right. Women have been taught (by Jewish feminism)that they can take care of themselves. And European men DID create a very safe world for them, to be sure. That is quickly changing though with so many non-Whites around. Unfortunately, most Whites didn't get the memo yet. It's up to us to try to warn them.

Like I said, I'm an old lady so I decided a few years ago to try to learn the old ways and incorporate them into my life. It is hard sometimes...I became very independent in my 20s and 30s but I am making progress.
James     Dec 10, 2014

Having interviewed many other women besides these three there seems to be one common thread among women who do not get attacked. They have developed the skill of reading men in terms of potential aggression toward women and in terms of lingering traces of honor. There are still enough men out there who have not given up the ideal of themselves as 'protectors' of weaker people that an astute lady, even in a mixed race situation, can appeal to the right man at the right time and stand up for herself when appropriate. Successful female managers, cops and bus drivers do this. I was once stopped by a woman managing a retail establishment with a tap on the shoulder and an "I need you."

That is a masculine button there, a keyword. What she needed was help keeping a guy from getting violent until the police showed up. This lady and I have never spoken, but she does greet me when I walk in with eye contact and a good morning. I just pretended that I knew this drunk and walked him outside reminiscing about the time we never had together than advised him to leave before the cops came. This idiot still waves to me on the street.

So Maureen, in our increasingly predatory world women require such social skill, a skill set that is easily cultivated and practiced in every day non-threatening situations.

Stay smart.
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 11, 2014

Well James, may you be able to avoid the clutches of your enemies Mr. Hands and Mr. Sluggo this holiday season. LOL!

But seriously, you make a good point about the difference in the general sense of personal honor between white men and poor black men. For a modern American middle class white man to be considered "honorable" he must support his family, pay his just debts(on time and in full), obey the law, and not employ aggressive violence or seek revenge (AKA "taking the law into your own hands"). What the Marxists call "bourgeoisie morality". Not to mention the fact that a white man has to take care to please his wife: “happy wife, happy Life; unhappy wife....If a white man doesn’t meet those standards he is denounced as a redneck, trailer park trash, etc. A Ghetto black on the other hand believes he can break the law, not pay his debts, leave his family, be violent and still be a "good person". Parts of this attitude can be traced to both third world style tribalism (us against everyone else) and Marxist doctrine. Karl Marx taught that crime is a form of protest against an unjust society. In third world counties the police exist to serve and protect the state, not to serve and protect the people. American Ghetto blacks have the same perception of the police and of American society in general: i.e. unjust and out to get them. Naturally as America becomes home to more people with both a tribal and a Marxist class warfare mindset, America stands to experience more crime and violence. Heretofore, safe communities will become unsafe.

White people from safe and stable Western cultures (particularly white women) tend to have a strong "normalcy bias", meaning that they tend react to impending danger with disbelief and denial (This can't be happening!). Even after the fact they may try to pretend it didn't happen, otherwise that would make it "real". This normalcy bias was even noted among white settlers on the American Frontier in the 19th and 18th centuries. If they are a Liberal/Leftist/Progressive white person they may imagine that their good intentions will protect them from harm. Sort of like Timothy Treadwell who lived among the bears in Alaska until both he and his girlfriend were eaten alive by them. It has been part of the Leftist social engineering MO to suppress people’s survival instincts regarding real threats to their safety, while at the same time convincing them to be concerned about threats that do not exist. It’s coming as a shock to white Americans that the government is often unable and even unwilling to protect them from crime, but many of them are adjusting to the new reality accordingly. As evidenced by the spread of concealed carry and castle doctrine laws throughout the States in the interior of the country in the last 20 years.

In the final analysis James, we realize now that white women rule the world, so anything that white women cannot abide will be quickly done away with. For example in the small city where I went to college, in the '70's when the church people wanted to shut down the strip clubs, they could get no traction with the city fathers whatsoever on the issue. Ten years later in the mid-eighties when the AIDS scare hit (and white women became afraid their husbands might bring a dose home) the white women and their Leftist Progressive allies had the strip clubs shut down almost overnight. Likewise, if The Woman ever becomes really concerned with crime and violence in the inner city, I have little doubt it will be suppressed with similar alacrity.
James     Dec 11, 2014

I actually have that third world view of the police!

Honest, I don't own a Che shirt Jeremy!

As a store manager 19 out of 20 cops that I had contact with were really concerned with the security of the business and persons there, and were helpful. Aside from those 4 years all of my interactions with cops [other then the handful of interviews] have been negative.

I think the frontier has returned Sir—but it is on the urban interior.
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 11, 2014

Hey James I completely understand why you have the third world attitude toward the police, given where you live. After all, you live under a third world style oligarchy where people do not have the same constitutional rights that we folks in fly-over-land still enjoy. Lesson Learned for Red State residents: before making a road trip, brief your woman on how to respond to such questions posed by Blue State police officers. The police in the big blue cities are not your enemy, but they sure as hell are not your friend anymore. So advise your woman to take care not to volunteer too much information, especially if she is a loquacious hoplophobe.

Where I live we still enjoy the social contract to one degree or another, where we surrender our right to redress wrongs done against us with our own hands in exchange for the rule of law and the protection of the police and the courts. Which is why as a middle class white man I typically don't get angry or indignant if the local police should detain and question me (as they did once for suspicion of armed robbery). After all the police were doing what I as a taxpayer want my police force to do: confront and apprehend suspected wrongdoers. Therefore, why should I take such a police stop personally, even if I was not guilty of any wrongdoing?

However, I realize that societal conditions are changing drastically. When seconds count the police are minutes away (often half an hour or better in the nearby big city). The police in our urban centers are now being diverted more and more by The Woman to arresting people for life-style, PC crimes and handing out tickets rather than doing anything meaningful to suppress the theft and violent crime perpetrated against law-abiding citizens on a daily basis. One could get tired of that in a hurry, especially if the authorities were harassing me daily for inconsequential reasons, while at the same time preventing me from defending myself effectively and doing little to nothing to combat serious crimes against property and person.

So James, I thank you much for scouting ahead on the urban frontier and letting me know what troubles may eventually be headed my way.
James     Dec 12, 2014

You are absolutely correct Jeremy. Sometimes I feel like the volcanologist standing over the lava crater.

The contrast is glaring to me since most of my family and friends live in small town or distant suburban locations. I suspect it is largely to keep them from fleeing to the Adirondacks that the news is white-washed concerning the crime in urban centers and its radiating dynamics.
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