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A Man Question from Bart
Concerning A Time for Wolves by Jack Donovan
© 2014 James LaFond
What's your opinion of groups forming like the one Jack Donovan describes in this article James?
Before clicking on this link I must say that the title is very nice and I should have read it and will remind myself of this oversight on Sunday when Craig hits me with that liver shot again, and that will make it all feel okay!
This is easy Bart, as I have already read the piece. I am now worried though that Craig managed to rattle my brain with that liver shot, because I should remember such things. There was also a Start the World Podcast in which Jack interviewed the cofounder of this group, which I reviewed here ‘Comfort Is The Death Of A Soul’.
I think this kind of thing is great as small free association cultural movements can be a refuge from the Mangina Zombie Apocalypse. I have been involved in boxing and other combat arts since age 11 largely for this purpose. However, these venues have been so commercialized, ethically compromised and feminized, that some of the baddest dudes I know are now working as daycare providers for upper middleclass children instead of teaching men and aspiring men to beat piss out of the opposition.
Now, some of my Christian readers will look at this and see a feral phony tribalism. For those readers I disagree, with the caveat that there must be a combat component to keep this kind of thing alive and from devolving into something like the medieval festivals that abound on the east coast in autumn or the mangina drum circles of the thankfully deceased recent century. I find the European cultural elements interesting and suggest that though this might creep Christians out, most forms of Christianity borrowed heavily from paganism. Besides, Christian men have subjected themselves to Taoism and Zen for a half century in their pursuit of Asian-based martial arts.
I would not join such a group, and have declined to join a number of Asian-based martial arts fraternities. That is not an objection on principal, but simply my personal preference to stay outside of bonded groups. In light of the fact that a boxing gym will either use you as a punching bag or to make money depending on your ability, and the fact that Asian-based martial arts have completely sold out to the materialistic order, I favor something like the Wolves of Vinland [whether pagan, Christian or other metaphysical or ethical basis] as an alternative to joining a criminal gang, which is about the only place left were masculine values are respected.
I would suggest one alternative, and would also suggest that Jack interview the cofounder of this group; The Dog Brothers who have been going strong since the late 1980s. Marc Denny advises a loose association of international maniac stick-fighters who have semi-annual pack gatherings. As far as I know The Dog Brothers are purely a masculine expression of group bonded aggression with no overt cultural or political agenda. Women are there in a support role, and recently a couple of psycho chicks have started fighting but those guys, in a gang fight, they beat us all.
Here in Baltimore, we do have an informal club with no dues and no obligations other than to fight when you are able and coach for whatever traditional school hosts our activities when practical. It is called Modern Agonistics a contact weaponry fraternity. For more information in the form of articles and videos and a free e-book download go to the Agonistics page. Everything is voluntary, with no hierarchy. We coach fighters and survivalists for free, accept challenges with stick, fist and blade [dull machetes], and also fight at funerals and to raise money for charity.
There is also another male fraternity which I know little about, and would not join, but whose members have impressed me as men of character and honor, as I have coached two of them: the Masons. Yes, if I could I would go back in a time machine and stab George Washington in the neck at Valley Forge to save some relatives from being hanged by that wig wearing rich boy. But the order he belonged to does still seem to support real men.
I hope you find what you are looking for Bart.
A Chink in the Machine
the man cave
Honor versus Hierarchy?
the lesser angels of our nature
under the god of things
thriving in bad places
when you're food
'in these goings down'
on combat
time & cosmos
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