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The Logic of Your Emasculation
Incubus of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 7, bookmark 5, on Invalidating White Men
© 2014 James LaFond
Tribal societies have traditionally held a place of honor attainable by all men through deeds, though hardly guaranteed. The emergence of the nation state brought in two kinds of emasculation:
1. The domestication of all men to some degree due to submersion in the feminine home life role traditionally held by the woman
2. The stripping of honor from conquered men and the vesting of honor only in the ruling class of men. This has traditionally been reflected in hunting prohibitions against the lower classes and the barring of certain castes, classes or races from military service and the holding of rank. In the greater American society this was once expressed by the barring of black fighters from contending for the heavyweight boxing crown.
Recently in the U.S. the traditional right to defend oneself with a firearm from a larger, stronger, younger man held sacred by the American gun culture—a cornerstone of American male honor and autonomy—has been precipitously withdrawn at the behest of feminist forces in government and media.
This crackpot here, ever suspicious of rights as they run counter to masculinity and honor—being upheld not by the man but his masters—has not been surprised. Those around me see a state working against its own self interest by encouraging violence against local police and the majority population by a small brutalized minority. I however see an empire behaving as empires ever have, using a small local terrorist body backed by the promise of elite imperial intervention to suppress autonomous defensive action on the part of individuals and component collectives amongst its slave population.
For most of the ages of civilization a nobleman or his son could strike, rape or kill any member of the lower class without fear of social censure. Yet any dirt farmer who fought back against his better would be tortured [often entailing physical emasculation] and executed. The pasty faced British Royal Family so worshipped by American media sprouted directly from such rancid roots, yet all we wish to see is the rosy peddle of the sorrowful plant; to worship the descendents of our ancestors’ slave masters, as we, as slaves, should.
Think back to the small elite aristocracies of empires past, who did not suffer taxation and have been called upon to crush the slaves. The current feral black population in the U.S. is largely untaxed and the receipt of tax revenue just as the nobility of ages past was. Just as, in ages past, to harm a member of the nobility—no matter how vile his actions might be—was a sin against the state, it is so now. Meet the Knights of Oppression: Lord Entitlement, Count Hiphop, and Duke Bitchslappa—your new masters.
In the coming times of unrest the majority population must be disarmed and a dangerous ostensibly unarmed population must remain at large and stoked with righteous fury. Just like lynch mobs of the past hung black men under the protection of police escorts the lynch mob of the future will—and already have—beat white men to death while the local police stand back in fear of media censure or federal intervention.
This situation has been masterfully engineered over more than a century. The American black man was once regarded world wide as the second best worker in the human family, second only to the Chinese laborer. The American black man had a remarkable tolerance for local authority and was renowned by the southern aristocracy as being far more loyal than a poor white, and also had a reputation for lack of violent action. In the intervening 150 years the population of black America has been terrorized, brutalized, given the worst education in the first world, and kept—despite heroic pregnancy rates—at a stable 10-12% of the population through forced sterilization and targeted abortion. More black men reside in prison than ever lived on plantations, from whence they emerge psychopathically violent into a world in which their only value is menace. The Unites States has crafted the perfect janissary horde to terrorize its emasculated and feminized population.
However, this is not enough. You see at only 11% of the population, and with many equally feminized and emasculated middle class blacks backing but not participating in the campaign of violence against the sissy white population [which suffers attacks by blacks at 25-50 times the rate blacks suffer from whites] it would only require a small minority of real men amongst the whites to put an end to this, as have the less emasculated Latinos wherever they have confronted such state-sponsored interracial violence.
How does one assure that the Sissy Whiteman will not grow a set of balls and stand up for he and his?
The denial of honor is the key. Men—even cowards—will risk much for honor. Tens of millions have died for this uniquely masculine ethos. So we deny honor to the forceful white man even when he is a government officer. He may not be imprisoned and locked away with the black nobility, but he will be vilified, shunned, and reviled by the ruling media class and will be a source of embarrassment and an example of a shameful fall from grace to his own kind.
I write on the morning of 12/19/14, a Friday. This past Sunday a news story hit the local Baltimore media. A cop had stopped three suspicious innocent unnamed black teens in a car [one proving to be a wanted member of a drug gang, a guy with no job who managed to post $150,000 in bail] and attempted to subdue the most dangerous of the three men with a tazer, and was promptly shot.
Everyone I knew wanted to know if the cop was white or black. The press hid his identity for days. The black chief of police said to the press that he did not expect marches on behalf of this wounded officer, and has since been vilified and reprimanded by his superiors in and out of the press. Finally, last night, the photo of the shot cop was shown on one news station: a young white rookie with the look of an innocent boy scout. He was apparently operating as cops are supposed to now, with a tazer instead of a gun; for the noble flesh of the young unarmed black teen is sacrosanct, even if he is not innocent, is not a teen, and is far from unarmed.
This story has not made regional or national news. Members of the local liberal and feminist community were interviewed, all declining to acknowledge the shot officer as worthy of any outrage, for his honor, and the aspirations to honor of his kind, have been necessarily stripped by his slave master empire, for an unjust order cannot overlay a society where the honor of most men is intact. An unjust order must be built upon an emasculated population with all but the elite shorn of honor.
Well done Master.
Defining Tribalism
the man cave
Erasure of Honor—Pacified Past
let the world fend for itself
z-pill forever
graphomaniac archive #1
by the wine dark sea
the greatest lie ever sold
sons of arуas
honor among men
the gods of boxing
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 23, 2014

“Politics is war without bloodshed, while war is politics with bloodshed.” - Mao ze Dong

“So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth.”-Revelation 3:16

James, what the white people of America must realize is that all whites, each and every one of us, is currently involved in a civil war for control of the country. This civil war is between the two principle political groupings of white people: the Woman (The Leftist ruling elite) and all the “unenlightened” whites The Woman regards as Her enemy (Conservatives, Christians, capitalists, Tea Partiers, middle class whites, working class whites, Southerners, rednecks, etc., etc.. etc.) . There is no possibility of remaining neutral in this civil war; you are either with The Woman or you are against Her. Columnist John Derbyshire likens this to a “cold” civil war. Personally, I would characterize it as a proxy war and a low intensity conflict (LIC). The principle proxies, the surrogates for The Woman, are of course the ghetto blacks and the Hispanics (particularly the Illegal immigrants from Latin countries). The role of the ghetto blacks is to engage in hit and run warfare against whites and the role of the Hispanics is to occupy key political terrain and vote Democrat. The proxies are guided and assisted by political cadres made up of white Leftist anarchists and “social justice warriors” (SJW). The major news media functions as the propaganda ministry for The Woman. As long as the conflict remains a low intensity one, it will be hard for most people to distinguish it from “ordinary” crime and violence; however, once the conflict ramps up to a mid to high intensity conflict it will resemble a race war. It all makes for a good smoke screen to confuse the issue and dupe many of the targeted whites into doing nothing to resist; they’ve been taught since childhood to believe that being “racist” is a really bad thing, so they are likely to bend over backwards to avoid being labeled a racist. Their normalcy bias will paralyze them into inaction, if not outright capitulation. But even if the whites fight back The Woman is willing to fight to the last drop of African-American blood to win this civil war.

The emasculation of the police is part of a move by The Woman to extend federal government supervision and control over all law enforcement, including municipal, county and state. . The rational to justify this is the current media narrative that the police are all racist and are continually plotting to murder black men, thereby requiring federal government intervention into state and local governance. It remains to be seen what the end game in the emasculation of the police is. Is it to neutralize the police so that they will be unable and/or unwilling to come to the assistance of whites under attack by the proxies? Is it an attempt to rebuild the police as a more politically reliable force and then turn them loose with righteous fury against the enemies of The Woman? Or is it a combination of these and other goals? We must keep in mind that Leftist policy goals are frequently contradictory given their proclivity toward nihilism. The Leftists believe first and foremost that everyone would be better off if all of American society’s institutions and traditions were to be utterly destroyed, even if there is nothing constructive with which to replace them.
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