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Classic Emasculation
Incubus of Your Sacred Emasculation: Chapter 7, bookmarks 7-9
© 2014 James LaFond
Secular Godfather Cults
According to Roman legend their founding fathers Romulus and Remus suckled at the teats of a she-wolf. This is an example of the adoption of a founding cultural metaphor, which is quite telling of the Roman male character. Most civilized tribes, when they founded a nation, set up a Godfather or ‘Founding Father’ cult, which generally devolved into weak feminized domestic policies quickly. The Roman model was instead one of predation, and for 700 years they were the toughest customers on the Italian mainland and then went on to conquer the known world.
Then came sissy trust fund baby Octavian, who changed his name to Augustus and hired a poet to write a founding father epic. Rome was the land of virtue, with what was good in life all based on the masculine virtues. Once the image of the big daddy in the big house comes to represent the state feminizing of the culture naturally follows. For if the state is a house, who really runs it? Not Big Daddy—but mom.
The American founding father myth was also the beginning of the end for masculinity in this nation. If I were an extraterrestrial anthropologist—which I have been rumored to be—looking upon the Lincoln Monument it would be clear immediately that the deification of the ruling patriarch ushers in an age of domesticity, for he who sits in the easy chair of office before the widescreen TV of state does not rule the scampering children of the house with spatula and ruler, but delegates that onerous burden to the busy body wife, who shall ever point to him in his chair, when she wishes to evoke loyalty or the possibility of him actually getting off his ass to dish out the punishments most feared.
Sacral Mother Cults
Not only states but faiths are subject to this dynamic, and the more so when state and faith become one. In the first two centuries of the Christian Era that faith was a diverse and dynamic diaspora of the militant mind. I could easily see myself being a Christian in A.D. 100. Early forms of Christianity featured free association, individual vision questing on the primal model, and metaphysical theorizing on the Classic Greek model.
By the time of the Council of Nicea in 325, the diminishing godfather cult of Rome joined forces with the ‘collection plate’ half of the Christian world and domesticated a militant faith, even bringing back goddess worship in the form of the Cult of Mary the Virgin Mother, a cult prefigured in the legends of three ancient Greek boxers said to have virgin mothers and to have ascended to heaven. The individual relationship with or search for divinity was transformed from its masculine Gnostic root into another sacral cult justifying the pitiless toil of most for the benefit of the few by deferring lower class rewards until the afterlife—a genius stroke that was boss!
Mrs. Grundy’s Medicine
“The first public school in America was established by Puritan settlers in 1635 in the home of Schoolmaster Philemon Pormont and was later moved to School Street. Boys from various socio-economic backgrounds attended Boston Latin School until 1972 when girls were also accepted.”
That is from a historical guide by the City of Boston accompanying a photo of a statue of Benjamin Franklin. Give me a time machine and I’ll go back and hit that pervert in the head with a hammer and then go farther back and burn that school to the ground.
In my reviled opinion American emasculation began in school and continued in earnest with the placement of female teachers. To have a woman in charge of the education of adolescent males goes counter to every principal by which primitive men raised their sons. The only purpose a woman might serve in educating young men is teaching them how to pin her ass to the mattress.
Victorian scholar Richard Burton was chaffing under the domestic whip of what he referred to as “Mrs. Grundy” the ideal of domestic affectation and stiff upper lip vaginal fascism engendered—literally—by living under the thumb of a frigid Queen. The three Bitch Queens of Britain: Elizabeth, Victoria and Thatcher did encourage the military men under them to act out heroically and demonstrate the wartime value of the female figurehead. However, the appeal to domestic ideals by the British, whose national conscience was so weighted by the Victorian experience, prefigured an emasculated nation acting as the Mommy to its unemployed children and the wife to its more dynamic American cousin.
In the 1940s and 1950s visionary science-fiction author Robert A. Heinlein was writing ‘juveniles’ or novels for boys. In reading his posthumous memoir Grumbles from The Grave his rage as expressed in letters to his editor over redactions and rewrites demanded by middle aged female teachers and librarians over the content of what he wrote for the reading of young men reads with raging frustration. Think, that was back in the day when you right wing guys think everything was ‘a-okay-bloss’ with Sacred America, when in reality this limp-dicked nation was already half a ball sack short, with old Mrs. Grundy pruning the venerable organ with her ‘Shame on You’ shears. Any nation who puts the minds of its boys in the hands of repressed wenches—one of whom should be hauling my beer up here as I write—deserves the quibbling consequences!
Whether it is women in the school room emasculating adolescent boys, or women in power enforcing domestic concerns over masculine, you end up with a sissy male upper class and a powerless male underclass.
Erasure of Honor—Pacified Past
the man cave
Into the Nutless Void
logic of force
when you're food
search for an american spartacus
your trojan whorse
time & cosmos
dark, distant futures
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