I have had no notable racial encounters this week. Since it is New Year’s Eve I’d like to keep things a little upbeat on White Wednesday. First a conversation with Oliver about the manly virtue of my own kind, then news from our Harm City Antiriot Unit, where I am personally training a genetically modified riot buster to father a race of civic guardsmen that shall loyally protect all of you delicate white folks should the ghetto hordes come streaming your way!
At The Skank Inn
Three weeks ago I was at the Skank Inn after training when a well worn woman of 55—sloppy drunk and leaning off the barstool—slurred across the bar to me, “Can you drive me home?”
I held up my backpack and said, “No, I’m a pedestrian.”
“A pedestrian; I could get an STD!”
She asked the other white guys across the bar and they shook their heads. She looked to her right past the young black couple eating their chicken wings, down toward the creepy little white guy with his hand down the front of his pants. “Will you take me home sir?”
“Yes mam,” he said, and then as he looked toward me thankfully as if I had just tossed him a scrap of steak, began mumbling to himself, “to my place, and your doin’ daddy right!”
I looked across the bar at the bemused black couple—the only mating unit in the bar as the sterile whites made love to their alcohol—and said to the man, “You know, I’ll bet you ten to one that this dude has a roll of duct tape in his car!”
They both looked at him, then to me, then to him, then to each other, and said as one, “Oh My Gawd!”
I downed my drink and skated. So, a week later, when Oliver was hungry after training I suggested the bar for food. [No he did not eat the wings.] He mentioned the increased reads on the site and I told him that I have been picking up a number of white nationalist and white separatist readers.
He chuckled, “Are they anything like those white supremacists you like so much?”
[If interested in this reference read Wimp Of The Year.]
Oliver thinks its hilarious when I rail against white sissies, so I obliged him and shot off some steam. “Dude, I’m the only white supremacist I know. Where were these whiners on the Fifth of July while I stood victorious over a muscular mohawked black man I had beaten into submission in front of his beautiful wife!”
“Poor Erique. He should of known not to bring her.”
“I feel kind of bad really. Ajay said all I did other then beat his ass was stare at his wife, so I apologized.”
“Apologize for what; you won her fair and square! Hell, he should have been taking the bus home and you should have been taking her home!”
“Dude, we need a pirate ship!”
“What kills me is the fact that these people are so fearful hiding out in their suburbs that it warps their thinking—it’s just embarrassing really. They are all worried about not massively outnumbering blacks. Whites outnumber blacks seven to one. So just the fact that the Latinos have taken a bite out of our demographic and we are now no longer a nine to one majority it is the end of the world?
“Hell, every movie I watched on Saturday afternoons when I was a kid with my dad or my uncle was about a few white dudes running low on ammunition holding off an army of this or that enemy race—the Alamo, Zulu, that terrible movie about the Boxer Rebellion with Liz Taylor. And the white supremacists—even though they spent more time eating their own than hitting the enemy—would at least fight up until the mid eighties.
Now I go on a so-called white nationalist website and read comments by white guys saying they won’t watch football anymore because it is a black sport—what are there two black NFL quarterbacks and one sucks? Football was invented by white Americans and the most important player on almost every team is a white guy; telling the little black guys to go fetch while giant black guys fight over his position—it’s like a Tarzan episode! And these faɡɡots can’t watch it because seeing a black dude tackle a white dude gets their panties wet?
Oliver finally got in a word, “Tell me how you really feel about it James.”
“How about you? The big subject right now is emasculation. What about the fact that black women are so prone to attack their men?”
“Sure, that’s true—until they get hit.”
“Seriously James, it’s just like in the boxing gym where nine out of ten guys are okay with hitting but only one is okay with being hit. The recent thing with emasculation among blacks is these women dressing up their boys like girls. There are plenty of us who have a problem with that.”
“You ought to write about it.”
“I’ll get to work on it—I promise. Just don’t hold your breath. I’ve got my hands full with work and home.”
[For more of Oliver’s racial humor click here ‘My Toddler Is A Violent Racist’.]
A Cracked Rearview
I suppose in retrospect what bothers me so much about things like fat college students forming a white militia to protect me from my enemies, or manginas whining that black men ruin sports because they are too athletic, is not the hate but the fear.
What kind of man fears an enemy when you are supposed to respect him?
A real man fears failure.
A man who fears his enemy has already failed in his mind and is lost.
If that is you, okay, I will not point you out or heap embarrassment on you. But please, if you look like me, could you not announce your shame to the world, lest you embolden my enemies, resulting in me being drawn into a needless fight with some black dude who you have managed to convince that white people are born cowards.
When I was a kid white people outnumbered blacks 9 to 1 and always broke and ran when migration put the odds at 1 to 1. Now these cowards have gotten even softer and weaker in their manicured abodes, and instead of getting tough they are whining like women.
On a lighter note I would like to provide our concerned readers with a video update on our next antiriot weapon. The best part is he cannot be tried for hate crimes or violating the civil rights of the violent oppressed!
Ha, duct tape in the car.....YES, probably indeed. Great piece. Having grown up in Fells Point 50 years ago when it was considered by many the slums we had a united nations of color. Interestingly, the '68 riots were an escapade in self defense even against many of my so called friends when they turned on whitey. My brother still has the scars on his head and back from the broken bottles that came from the sky like arrows from the phalanx. We never knew we were different colors, we were all just friends. AND NO, I did not have duct tape in the car, LOL.
I have interviewed only a couple people who experienced the 68 riots, so for our next meeting I will bring a flood light and commence the interrogation!
I do find it interesting that our media masters and political handlers seem to be encouraging such urban eruptions. Perhaps they see it as a war they can win. I also find it interesting that most blacks, even in those areas were riots have occurred, are refusing to get involved, and the recreational and professional 'militants' must be bused in to light the riot spark. A black friend of mine spent Christmas in the Saint Louis area. He told me that in black areas the holiday 'basically did not occur', that so many people were leery of 'getting caught up in the stupid shit' that they stayed home rather than risk patronizing businesses.
"A man who fears his enemy has already failed in his mind and is lost."
Keep in mindjames when reading these WN posts, that our enemies employ trolls and shills to post on forums and blogs (this has been documented) in order to lead discusssions in a certain direction, to distract and demoralize.
My real life WN friends are NOT afraid. They don't go looking for trouble but they don't run away from problems either.
The other thing regarding online discourse is that a few years ago, the leading voices of WN thought that Whites could play the victim card like so many groups have. In retrospect, we see it hasn't worked (Decision are made at the top and protest make good stories but it is MONEY that changes things) and has demoralized some people.
WN is also in an education phase. More Whites need to wake up and give a hoot about what is happening before we can get anywhere-or at least, that's the belief. Unfortunately, some Whites get overzealous and end up "whining" a lot. Women are more prone to that, but I suppose some men do it too.
Regarding Ferguson, I think the whole thing is very contrived. I can only guess what the purpose of this is.
These recent riots are most definitely contrived.
Compared to the white supremacists in the 80s and 90s who tried to kill me and my cousin—left him for dead on a riverbank for declining to attack innocent blacks, and luckily he was found by a game warden—I am really impressed with the civility of what I am reading now. This is definitely an evolution in terms of thought.
What bothers me is that everybody sounds so liberal—to me, who believes in mortal combat as the highest ethos.
Also, I am mostly concentrating on reading the 'masculinity' pieces on these sites and on sites like Takimag that are not WN where there seems to be a couple crossover authors. So my opinion is surely skewed there. I can only listen to so many white guys whine about not being given equal treatment, having their lands given away to outsiders, etc., without wanting to retch.
I don't believe in rights as rights are enforced by third parties. If we are going to farm out our place in the world to others then we deserve what we get.
As for the nationalism thing—If I did not murder the Indian that lived on this land I don't see how I can claim to have a right to it just because I'm the same general complexion as the dude who did the deed 300 years ago.
The crying about demographics really kills me. Guys, get some decent white women pregnant instead of whining about being outnumbered—but no, that would cut into your video game budget!
Also, the importance placed upon numbers. My cousins and my uncles who grew up fighting blacks in the streets always told me that it was always doable because as soon as the blacks lacked numerical superiority at the point of contact they would break and run. You could very well call Uncle Bernie and Uncle Bill white supremacists because they saw it as their duty to be equal to two or three of the enemy. Now numerous erudite WN authors seem to think 7 whites to 2 browns and 1 black is white genocide? Are we that pathetic that we need 10 to 1 odds to even defend our homes? What if the pioneers had that attitude? You'd be living on the east coast.
To a certain extent I am a kook—ask my family—and much of my thinking is based on combat training. As a boxing coach I am not looking for a big team of wimps but a few hard men. This has military corollaries. Do we send the entire Florida national guard in to Syria to rescue hostages? No, we send a few hard cases.
Breeding big numbers of people living in ease is dysgenic by definition. So, when people living in greater ease than Louis XIV [that would be all of us, even the American homeless] who propose eugenics whine about being outnumbered I can only shake my head. During the battle of the Bulge the Germans ripped entire U.S. divisions to pieces. We took a lot more casualties than U.S. propaganda admitted. One lightly armed airborne division stopped the whole damned thing, the 101st.
So, as I have written before, I am a Darwinist on a few levels.
I do have sentiments along racial lines as I have had white ancestors and children. I also do not want to see any race die out. Whites are farther from dying out than most—yet there is panic. Keep in mind also that most Indo-Europeans and Arуans are not 'white' as we know the term, but brown, so this is complex. The panic, seems so liberal, so materialistic, so modern, so herd like.
Here are two thoughts:
1. If you are a white separatist wanting a homeland, and just want to be left alone, to be white, and Christian, and enjoy European derived cultural life, you might want to consider the 700-plus unique tribes with their own languages and cultures that wanted just that, their own space, language, religion and lifeway. Reservations in Montana have a 57 year life expectancy. Most reservations in the east have become businesses for mixed race scumbags. If you area separatist, the reservation things seems as if it should be regarded with some, uhum, reservations.
2. If you are a white nationalist—oh, that's right—all 200 million of them got sold down the river 102 years ago, and here you are, asking to trust another government that will somehow—unlike all previous governments—serve your people's needs.
That was kind of a tangent Maureen. Hope it helped and thanks for the input.
Hi-Me again...hope you don't mind.
I want to respond a bit.
"Compared to the white supremacists in the 80s and 90s who tried to kill me and my cousin—"
Surely you don't judge a whole race or racial movement on the activities of individuals you came into contact with many years ago? That would be like saying all Blacks are violent, just because some are.
Also, some people that you think are White Supremacists are not necessarily that, not are they pro-White in any way. What some of them are are criminals who got tatted up in prison (for self preservation) but have no more in common with me that our skin color.
What bothers me is that everybody sounds so liberal——I cannot argue with that. Our men have become very feminized.
"I don't believe in rights as rights are enforced by third parties." Agree. I think you would really like the book called "Might is Right" by Ragnar Redbeard. You can read it free online. archive.org/details/MightIsRightByRagnarRedbeard
Most of us who have been Pro-White for a while realize that we will not get what we want without force.
"If we are going to farm out our place in the world to others then we deserve what we get."
The problem is WE didn't farm it out. Our government has. Our land, out jobs and so on. Most of us know exactly who are enemies are and most of them have light skin.
"As for the nationalism thing—If I did not murder the Indian that lived on this land I don't see how I can claim to have a right to it just because I'm the same general complexion as the dude who did the deed 300 years ago."
Oh? Are you making plans to move, my friend or are you parroting something you've heard over and over again? Our ancestors (or people who looked like them) won this land by MIGHT but if you want to leave you can. The problem is, it is not only the United States that is being forced (try ACTUALLY keeping illegal aliens from entering the United States like JT Ready did and you'll see what kind of force I am talking about) to accept millions and millions of non-Whites but our indigenous motherland, Europe too, is being forced. So where will you go back to, in order to give the "Indians" back their land James? Now perhaps you begin to see the GLOBAL problem we are dealing with. Whites are being pushed out.
The websites you are on are probably just trying to get the word out, although they CAN sound whiney.
"Guys, get some decent white women pregnant instead of whining about being outnumbered" I couldn't agree with you more.
"Now numerous erudite WN authors seem to think 7 whites to 2 browns and 1 black is white genocide? "
Ah, you are forgetting James that the powers that be have not only brainwashed Whites into thinking they can't afford children (and even making that a truism by outsourcing manufacturing AND bringing in cheap labor to drive down wages) they have also brainwashed them into thinking they are not worth preserving so it's okay to racemix. And once you racemix, you have adulterated your bloodline and it is no longer fully European. This is what some call a soft genocide but it is a genocide all the same. If Whites don't have White babies...there will be no more Whites. This is a very sophisticated war going on here James. A lot of it takes place in the mind. And our minds have been polluted with genocidal, even suicidal nonsense. This is the reason for the panic. The concern is that with continued non-White FORCED integration into ALL European established nations PLUS massive LITERAL mind control through TV, film, print and education, that White could breed themselves out of existence in a couple of generations! And there's nothing a bad ass man can do about the breeding habits of White young people is there? It is going to take a lot to get things even close to reversed.
Thank you so much for the link Maureen, and I don't mind.
Okay, my issue with all racial identity groups is that—in the modern world—this tends to become a coercive political process. I am not seeing a violent streak in the current white identity movement and think it is good, until those people—and some will—begin advocating coercive government backed measures to advance whatever agenda they have. What tends to happen with reactionary organizations [which includes most street gangs and cults and nationalistic movements, as they are social adaptations and hence reactions] is that most of their coercion is directed inward. The usual use of violence in post hunter-gatherer cultures is internal and aimed at enslavement, where hunter-gatherer societies practice zero internal violence and focused on using force against outsiders. Why I am so cautionary about white identity movements is that those that grow balls will eventually use violence to keep their own people—or those they perceive as their own [me being white for instance] in line. So it is not a racial judgment but a universal one. Militant groups kill their own more than they kill others. I think this is because they are feral efforts at tribal reinvention, not real organic tribal bodies, and thus carry much modern universalist ideological baggage. Real tribal peoples exiled those among them who did not comply; whereas modern feral gangs and 'tribes' have generally opted for execution, maiming, placement on an enemies list, or, at higher levels, government persecution and imprisonment.
As far as the white supremacists in my past I'll eventually profile them all on White Wednesday. Some have been and are friends. I would like to note that the white identity movement that ambushed, knocked out, stripped, and then dumped my cousin in the winter snow on the banks of a Pennsylvania river are still around, and still active. Today, in Maryland, we have three small groups actually practicing violence based on race in Cecil County and Frederick County. My cousin was attacked in the late 1990s. These guys are not extinct or repentant and are on my Terminal Cancer Priority List.
I certainly understand our current white identity writers wanting to distance themselves from earlier crops of violent skin heads, Christian identity cults, and white prison gangs. However, the current tactic, to say—as one of my white friends does—that 'All of those guys are dead or sitting at home married to a fat Latina and living on welfare', is false wishful thinking. Sure, violent white racial identity groups are vastly outnumbered by the Latino gangs and the black sets who will attack whites as a matter of prioritizing soft targets or to use past inequities to justify current crimes. But, when you start a race-based resistance movement, please be cognizant of the fact that when it comes to 'recruiting muscle' you will be dipping into a pool in which swim a number of unsavory characters. Once you let some violent race-haters into your group, what do you do when they start slapping people down at meetings, beating up black girl scouts walking for a children's charity [this happened in Baltimore], and commit other irrational violence while in your association, claiming that it was done to protect whites? Will you kick them out? No, they will take over and the intellectuals who inspired the white resistance will be sidelined, quoted when convenient, misquoted when possible, and even dumped by the river when necessary.
So my take is to not trust anybody that is looking to develop political clout along universalist or ethnic lines. I am just as suspicious of all race-based militants as I am of political parties and expect such movements to result in violent purges among their own ranks.
Also, I know you look at things from a very local perspective and I can respect that but you have very little control really. If FEDGOV decided to use HUD Section 8 housing to flood your neighborhood or mine or your kid's, there is not a thing we could do about it. And who is a kid's dating pool but those in his or her school? This is how the race-mixing happens, and more bloodlines that made it through the ICE AGE in the coldest regions of the world and evolved more than any other race, die out. Very sad.
"Whites are farther from dying out than most"
"Whites" and Blacks seem to be neck in neck as far as population right now but that will change quickly if birthrates don't increase for Whites (or vice versa). Blacks worldwide have double the birthrates of Whites.
BUT you have left out Asians completely. In Canada, it doesn't matter what a badass a man is, in some areas, he cannot get a job because there are so many Chinese there and they are the favored race. Asians make up over half of the world's population.
And indeed, the White man's technology could have taken care of any problems we have (our advanced weaponry is the reason our racial group dominated in the past) but traitors have sold it or given it away so that option is no longer available.
I hope I've made some sense. Unlike the erudite authors, I don't have as much time as I'd like to polish my rhetoric but hopefully I've given you and your readers some food for thought.
Oh the Asians are on the rise and deservedly so. Black birth rates might be double but Africa is still experiencing negative population growth and America is almost stagnant. Cultural hegemony is not about breeding but thriving. The north Asians evolved in the coldest environment and are doing the best. The Caucasians evolved in the second coldest climate and ruled the entire world save for two islands 100 years ago. It looks like the Caucasians are willingly handing over economic initiative to Asia, clinging only to military primacy, which does not long outlast economic collapse.
I do have a local perspective as what goes on in other states is none of my business. I do not regard myself as an American citizen, but as an inmate of America. Every nation is my enemy—the enemy of my soul. I might have an opinion as to Fergusson, or Detroit, based on my local experience or reading, but I would not presume to engage in a movement dedicated to changing things in other locales. Indeed, I don't believe in politics at all. I currently live in a neighborhood awash in section eight housing and once lost a house because of this very thing. The state will use subsidized housing to destroy communities. That is a given. It is in the best interest of governments to destroy communities as communities offer local alternatives to centralized collective intrusion.
Ok, one last post then I guess I will leave this alone. :)
"Oh the Asians are on the rise and deservedly so." NO, not deservedly. As you have mentioned...it has been given away and not by Whites like you and me but by elite Whites and White skinned Jews, all in the name of the almighty dollar.
"I do not regard myself as an American citizen, but as an inmate of America." Same here.
"The state will use subsidized housing to destroy communities. That is a given." People like me are trying to bring attention to this and other White community destroyers. The mainstream media doesn't report it, so "dissidents" are using the internet to try to get the word out. It's a thankless task, believe me.
"It is in the best interest of governments to destroy communities as communities offer local alternatives to centralized collective intrusion." Which is why some of us want to break away and have our own communities.
"Okay, my issue with all racial identity groups is that—in the modern world—this tends to become a coercive political process.... Why I am so cautionary about white identity movements is that those that grow balls will eventually use violence to keep their own people—or those they perceive as their own [me being white for instance] in line."
You are worried that the big bad racists will tell you who you can or can't have sex with?
"Real tribal peoples exiled those among them who did not comply; whereas modern feral gangs and 'tribes' have generally opted for execution, maiming, placement on an enemies list, or, at higher levels, government persecution and imprisonment."
The current movement is about segregation not subjugation. If dumb (courageous or whatever) Whites prefer living among non-Whites, they can do so but most people in the current movement of pro-Whites want ultimately a CHOICE. Currently, we are virtually forced to integrate. We would like, for starters, one little spot (much like a Chinatown or other ethnic enclave) where we can just be us, with no interference. It's not too much to ask but the powers that be like their little obedient tax-paying Whites under their thumb where they can leach off them and redistribute the wealth produced to the unproductive. Whites (even racially unawakened ones) get tired of it after a while.
"I certainly understand our current white identity writers wanting to distance themselves from earlier crops of violent skin heads, Christian identity cults, and white prison gangs."
Have you ever noticed that the left rarely, if ever publicly criticizes their radicals? Think on that, wouldn't you James?
"Sure, violent white racial identity groups are vastly outnumbered by the Latino gangs and the black sets who will attack whites as a matter of prioritizing soft targets or to use past inequities to justify current crimes." Do you speak out against the Latinos or Blacks or do you only speak out against White gangs? I have only seen the latter but then, I haven't read all your stuff.
"beating up black girl scouts" Shouldn't happen. The true enemy of all, is the United States government who has FORCED integration, FORCED a redistribution of wealth and encourages racemixing. It is not some little girl scout. But here's the thing. I am not going to let that situation, (that I obviously had nothing to do with) keep me for speaking up for my people and all our little children that have been victimized by Non-Whites and most importantly, the Federal "Government".
This country is getting less safe for my people everyday (despite faked police reporting that lies by ommission) and it is mainly because of non-White criminality and degeneracy that has now spread to my people, like a cancer. I want out.
Actually Maureen, I have written perhaps nine articles about negative black behavior to every one on white. You should read When You're Food! One reader told me it should have been titled "Black people in Baltimore are fucked up."
Actually, I have been told by some big white racists that I was not allowed to date black women, not allowed to train black boys and not allowed to hire black men. This resulted on attempts against my life [unsuccessful thus far], harassment of my wife [manly race warriors you know]. The details are published in The Fighting Edge, The Logic of Steel, and Taboo You. When four dudes stab another guy 27 times because they think he is me, and the order was given only because I treated black and white coworkers equally, I might be expected not to assume that people are on my side just because they are white.
Maureen, Japan wanted to be left alone, wanted to remain a backward picturesque land. The U.S. forced them to modernize and then forced them to fight over the oil necessary to make it work—then nuked them.
China wanted to be left alone—had a thousand year history of being the 'sleeping dragon'. Britain forced opium consumption on China. 15 million people died in the Taeping [I am surely misspelling it] rebellion alone.
The Filipinos never attacked another nation. The Spanish invaded their land. When the U.S. drove out the Spanish American forces began systematic extermination of Filipino men women and children. The Colt .45 1911 was specifically designed to gun down Filipinos.
The Dutch wiped out the population of an entire Indonesian island just to keep the clove flower a secret.
I could go on and on.
Asia has been suffering white slaughter for centuries. We dropped so many bombs on Vietnam while killing over a million of those people that Japanese car engines were made from the resulting scrap metal for 20 years!
My point is that after 200 years of being murdered by white foreigners in their own lands it must seem a justice to the Asian peoples that are prospering [many are not] that they can finally enjoy some of that easy living that their ancestor's gruesome deaths have made possible for us.
Now Maureen, I have to agree with you, that white people in America are hunted prey items on a criminal menu served up by liberal politicians. I want to point out both sides of this problem. Why do you think that big city cops in the U.S. have always randomly beaten, harassed and attacked innocent black men and boys? I have yet to find an urban black man who was not the victim of this. When the new chief of police came into town from New York back in the 90s' virtually every black man in Baltimore was locked up for walking down the street. Why? This was not done to protect whites. It was done fort the same reason that I beat the piss out of the fighters I train—to make them tough, ruthless, aggressive.
The goon police taught five generations of blacks to hate whites with a visceral intensity.
The drug war and the defense lawyers taught two generations of blacks to game the legal system.
Now, the liberal media has let us all know that any white—even a cop—who defends himself against a black will be persecuted.
This is now the perfect nation to hate whitey and getting it this way was a liberal-conservative white team effort.
Thanks for the input Maureen—and watch out for those black criminals, because they are definitely out to get you.