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Comming To America
A Cheap Beer Buzz Ruined and the Mystery of Mister Way
© 2015 James LaFond
Yesterday I was winding down, drinking a few beers in celebration of finishing a novel, ironically set in an America in which the Confederacy defeated the Union. A friend linked me some Kalishnakov infomercials, which are now being filmed in Paris it seems. The videos kind of killed my minor league buzz. So I returned to this site and went to the back end with the intention of approving comments that I had no time to reply to.
Then I found this comment attached to White Wednesday #3, an article in which I suggested that whites concerned with becoming outnumbered should have children.
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Ryu January 7, 2015 3:03 PM EST
Let's step things up then.
We can add weight to our demographic in two ways actually. By increasing our numbers, or decreasing the numbers of the enemy.
John Paul Franklin did this. He killed about 10 blacks. That's as good as having 10 white babies.
One may serve as his capacity dictates. One needn't have babies to do it. It's well to note that while many dislike it when a private citizen does this, soldiers who cleanse the Middle East are given metals of honor.
JL responds: January 7, 2015 5:01 PM EST
That Middle Eastern point is well-made.
I was watching some video from an Islamist attack in France today just before coming across your comment, upon which I felt the novelist's serendipity short hairs spring up on my neck.
You might be interested in reading the serialized novella Winter.
How are things out in Okinawa Mister Way?
A documentary on Ryu's hero is available here ‘A Bad Guy Blowing Through Town’
The Mystery of Mister Way
Who is Ryu?
Ryu means 'Way' in Japanese, so perhaps he is a Japanese person who wants American whites to randomly kill American blacks as Mister Franklin did, when he was not murdering whites.
Could Ryu be a federal agent trying to lure potential domestic terrorists out in the open through this literary site? I doubt it. I have already been contacted by the FBI, and the supervisory agent I spoke with knows that I know he is a karate guy, so would not go for a Japanese handle.
Could Ryu be a white American practitioner of a Japanese art, which would place him between 45 and 65 years of age, and indicate a penchant for neatly ordered situations and one strike solutions?
Could Mister Way be a martial arts master with Fu Manchu grooming standards residing on a karate friendly island attempting to lure this potbellied old boxer into a death match?
Just in case, I have taken my training from 3 to 6 sessions a week and am pressing both of my Black Dynamite shirts so I have something appropriate to wear.
Like most commenters on this site Ryu has given me some tough thinking to do, which should hopefully result in a better piece of writing.
Next week I should write The Island of Mister Way. Until then, I have included a link below, which is to a European video that seems to illustrate what Ryu has in mind.
‘A Bad Guy Blowing Through Town’
video reviews
‘Harm City Russia?’
america the brutal
orphan nation
z-pill forever
broken dance
honor among men
logic of steel
graphomaniac archive #1
‘in these goings down’
Maureen     Jan 8, 2015

Hope you get a chance to read Might is Right
James     Jan 9, 2015

I was actually accused of writing this under Paul's name!

The review just went up.

As a boy I read three books about the French Foreign Legion and then everything held at libraries as an adult. These guys fought armies with platoons, took countries with battalion-sized forces. The French took most of Islamic Africa with a handful of guys—now two dudes with AKs are a match for the entire French nation—military and police?

Say what you will—that is rot.

What do the Frogs do if four guys invade—call in NATO?
uninformed informant     Jan 8, 2015

all i can say is wow... that is absolutely insane.. I really can't believe that some people would even think to do something as horrible as ... letting a perfectly good beer buzz go to waste, albeit cheap beer. James I'm disappointed. Mr Ways struggle is one that millions suffer silently with, as the African male encroaches deeper and deeper into their territory daily. I think you may need some empathy toward the 'caucasian plight' James. If anything more beers is the answer, not wasting them. Well that's partially how i deal with it anyway.
James     Jan 9, 2015

Okay, I'll stop drinking the old English 800 and buy some Coors.
Ryu     Jan 9, 2015

One man's hero is another's terrorist. That American sniper guy killed 250 muslims - a serial killer. But to the USA, he was a war hero.

There is a fine line between effective writing and illegal writing. Writing about revolution and violence is dangerous because it works. The USG and their thugs outlaw talking about the effective solutions, and allow the ineffective solutions.

ISIS has gained their ethnostate because of it. They didn't beg, vote or ask permission. They took it.

This is also why all independence votes - whether Quebec or Scotland - fail today. No vote anywhere on this Earth would succeed, because the vote doesn't matter, who counts the votes does.

The Americans can never vote their way out of the mess they are in. Most are already on our side. A "no vote" means "no confidence in the system." They choose neither republican, nor democrat, nor independent.

I promote the same thing the USG itself does - in the other direction. The difference is, I don't have 2 million soldiers, a million cops, and a 10 trillion dollar economy standing behind me.

No man can serve two masters. You yourself must choose. It is not necessary to tell others your choice.
James     Jan 9, 2015

Your points are clear and well made.
Maureen     Jan 10, 2015

The Might is Right I recommended is by Ragnar Redbeard. I like the Tumblr page you posted though.
James     Jan 10, 2015

I put up the link to Might is Right on the links page. It will take me some time to read it—being about 30 down my list. But I will get it read before summer.

Thank you Maureen. I really do appreciate the links readers send in. I do not go out investigating sites at all. I rely on books primarily. So, when you, Bart, Shane, Dom, Joe, Adam, Erique, or Jeremy send me a link I try and read it right away and post a short heads up review. In that way this site is very much a reader-writer team effort. I would say that about 400 of the articles on this site were written as a direct response to a reader reading suggestion or link. I had no intention of doing book, site, event, or video reviews at all when this site went up, and had no desire to discuss current events. It was going to be history, violence and fiction. Now look at the blog index on the web information page and you will see that a full third of our site content is basically reader initiated of reader inspired.

I owe you all a debt of gratitude—and you all owe me a pair of glasses!

Thanks again, and I thank Charles for making it possible.
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