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Battling Over Our Cognitive Map
Four Horsemen - Feature Documentary - Official Version
© 2015 James LaFond
While I am not in line with the bleeding heart white guilt humanitarian solution oriented bent of this film it manages to cover much of the same ground as Zietgiest, Culture in Decline, Collapse, and much of the economic documentaries viewed by this author over the past few years with the most centrist orientation.
The cognitive mapping theory and the empire theory advanced in this film are nicely presented. I am not new to the empire theory. The Persian, Hellenistic and Roman empires fit it snuggly as do the modern mercantile empires. There are also vast differences in the rate of decline, with the Byzantines for instance remaining in decline twice as long as they were on the rise. I can attest to the accuracy of the sub prime housing report from Baltimore.
What this documentary leaves out—in its upper class white guilt manner—is that what is portrayed being done to third world people is now being done to poor and working class whites in the U.S. So you white nationalist viewers should just get past the liberal white guilt on display and take a look at what is being done to you along with the other victim peoples being profiled. The last quarter of the film explores some old fashioned capitalistic concepts, and does a nice job of illuminating wage slavery and taxation.
If you find this interesting there are additional links provided below.
‘Harm City Russia?’
video reviews
‘The Taint of Evil’
the lesser angels of our nature
advent america
fiction anthology one
the year the world took the z-pill
the sunset saga complete
dark, distant futures
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