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‘Back in 1999’
The Alibi: 12 Episode Podcast
© 2015 James LaFond
The email below and the accompanying link is an example of how about 1 in 20 articles for this site are generated, with Adam and a half a dozen other avid readers directing me to source material and requesting a review of some sort. As a writer I cannot tell you how much of a growth experience this has been—like having seven editors who actually give a shit. I am lucky to be writing in the internet age.
“I know how much you love listening to things while you rest. I came across a podcast that absolutely arrested my attention from me for three days. It's called Serial, and the first season details the murder of a Korean teen girl from Woodlawn High School back in 1999. It's really gripping stuff, and I wanted you to have a listen and give me your thoughts on it, perhaps write a piece on it.”
-Regards, Adam
Thanks Adam. This is going to take 12 hours to listen to. What I would like to do is post this article now and update it with comments when I complete listening to it. In the meantime perhaps the readers may like to make comments on the various episodes.
After listening to the first episode I must say that I like the format. The podcast done as a radio broadcast appeals to me as an older listener.
I would like to note that these middle class kids living in Baltimore County live in a culture of total drug saturation, as indicated by casual 'weed' comments made by the broadcaster. In 'beltway' youth communities smoking pot is like chewing gum and the real focus of life is on obtaining and using harder drugs. Numerous kids that the young people interviewed in this first episode would have known would have also been connected with West Baltimore drug gangs, just like the thugs you see on The Wire. My instinct is that the murder of this girl was the work of more than one male who she knew. Honestly the petty, vacuous nature of these young people and their fairytale suburban lives tainted with hip hop culture leaves me cold and uncaring.
I expect to listen to one episode a week.
Thanks Adam.
If you’d like to follow this investigation you may use the link below or the link on our network page.
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