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‘The Year of the Yellow Man’
Counter-Currents Radio: The Tangmere Speech by Jonathan Bowden
© 2015 James LaFond
Bowden not only covers the fascinating subject of postmodern social disintegration and the evolution of, and conditions conducive to, the rise of gangs, but discusses the rise of China! This is a very informative presentation. The paranoid white nationalists who flee for the hills in fear of African American breeding rates rather than cultivate a community, and who continue to deny the demographic fact of static black population, might want to pay attention to his brief survey of conditions for black male youth in Washington D.C. where the life expectancy is 26 years, or roughly half of that of an Afghan tribesman.
Where Bowden really shines is in linking the emerging ideas of one age with the facts of life in a following age, of money with demographics, and other visions of linkage including factors that are generally regarded as of no merit as they are non material in nature. Bowden is particularly refreshing as a public speaker who understands symbology, and that there are still humans who will die for an idea, for a faith, not just take limited risks for a better pair of shoes. I continue to be amazed by the fact that a man who understands religion as deeply as Joseph Campbell, also understands economics, politics, war and secular literature.
One thing that quite interests me is the fact that national debates on race in the U.S. continue to stagnate along the line of white/black bickering, when neither of those populations are growing. However, the surging Latino and Asian population growth is not considered worthy—or perhaps a subject polite or volatile enough—for discussion.
In the end what Bowden presents here is a case for a systematic century-long Euro-American suicide.
Living in interesting times—ironically an ancient Chinese curse—is made more intelligible with a thinker like Bowden among us, which makes his death unfortunate in the extreme.
‘Back in 1999’
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night city
on combat
thriving in bad places
son of a lesser god
within leviathan’s craw
search for an american spartacus
when you're food
under the god of things
Maureen     Jan 20, 2015

"One thing that quite interests me is the fact that national debates on race in the U.S. continue to stagnate along the line of white/black bickering, when neither of those populations are growing".

Hi James, you appear to think that what you see on tv is genuine in any way, rather than contrived. OF COURSE, your masters (Jews mostly) want to keep you focused on ANYTHING but the real threats. If you want to keep up with racial news that is a little more realistic, check out Television and many other mainstream media are nothing more than propaganda devises.
James     Jan 22, 2015

I don't have TV Maureen. I get most of my news from right wing white identified web sites.
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