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The Ultimate White Power Movie
White Wednesday #5
© 2015 James LaFond
I’m busy finishing a novel today so thought I’d throw a bone to our White Wednesday readers. No Oliver, I was not able to find that film about the black Jamaican orphaned in Wisconsin and nursed by a feral dairy cow…
However, here is the film that I think best describes what conservative whites in America are worried about. In case you are interested man, Cold Steel sells asagi blades and you can get all the hafts you need at Home Depot. The asagi was also named the iklilwa [or something close] after the sound it made when it was ripped out of the enemy’s guts. Shaka Zulu, the man who innovated these close infantry tactics, used to scream after a kill, “I have eaten!”
For the curious, Zulu men were grouped in age-based impis [battalions] and were not permitted to marry until after they had been in battle. The society was sexually repressed by modern western standards. So there was great enthusiasm for war. The impi that was sent to Rorke’s Drift to ruin Michael Caine’s day was an older battalion.
The standard history on the Zulu Wars is The Washing of the Spears. However, I really liked Like Lions They Fought, as a cultural warrior study. One of the latest offerings is about this battle and is titled, Like Wolves on the Fold.
‘The Taint of Evil’
video reviews
‘The Footsteps of God’
son of a lesser god
search for an american spartacus
the year the world took the z-pill
when you're food
the fighting edge
solo boxing
blue eyed daughter of zeus
logic of steel
Jeremy Bentham     Jan 21, 2015

Great movie! Being the jingoistic myrmidon that I am, it is one of my favorites. See also “Zulu Dawn” (1979), with Burt Lancaster, about the Battle of Insandlwana, 1879, which, of course, led to the famous last stand at Rourke’s Drift depicted in “Zulu” (1964). Incidentally the screen plays for both movies were written by the same man, Cy Endfield. I also recommend watching “Shaka Zulu” (1986), the ten episode TV miniseries made in South Africa about the life of Shaka (1787-1828), the founder of the Zulu Kingdom. Better than “Dynasty” or “Empire” since it’s all about real men.

You probably couldn’t make a movie like “Zulu “nowadays, since under our current Politically Correct rules it would be shameful “triumphalism” to depict white soldiers defeating non-white opponents, even if the white soldiers are outnumbered or outgunned. Leftists don’t consider non-whites to be competent enemies, you understand, so to them it’s like a grown man fighting a child in a boxing match. If Hollywood were to remake “Zulu” it would probably have to be treated in a story line similar to “Home Alone”, where the clever small boy (excuse me, “little man”) outwits the bumbling and cowardly adult white male burglars, before it would pass muster.

On the contrary James, it is the Liberals / Leftists / Progressives who are obsessed with race rather than Conservatives. The Conservatives tend to be much more color blind (except perhaps in Harm City where everyone appears obsessed by race, judging by your accounts James). After all, it’s Conservatives who are supporting Dr. Ben Carson as a candidate for President, not Leftists. However, the Left (The Woman) has, through years of persistent propaganda, succeeded in convincing minorities that Conservatives and Republicans are all white supremacists who mean them harm, in order to keep the minorities all voting Democrat. Of course, that makes out Dr. Ben Carson, as well as other black Conservatives, to be despicable “Uncle Tom’s” in the eyes of most of their fellow African-Americans. That means that the influence that those Conservative supporters imagine that Dr. Carson will have on the black community is largely wishful thinking at this point in time. I’m a Conservative who realizes that the Leftists are probably ruining race relations in this country for good and all. They are doing it on purpose in order to hold on to political power and compensate for the losses they suffered at the polls throughout most of the country in recent elections (it’s a coup or a low level civil war if you will). This racial strife will continue as, in order to make a living, all Americans will hence forth be forced to squabble over who gets what share of the socialist government benefit pie AND who pays for it. In that context (and because whites will soon be outnumbered by the other “minority” groups combined) it only makes sense for White Americans to start practicing “identity politics” like every other ethnic group is currently doing. Identity politics, of course, means supporting polices that benefit your ethnic identity group. Under our current dominant PC culture identity politics is considered acceptable when practiced by “non-whites”, but un-acceptably racist and discriminatory if practiced by English-speaking whites. Being the jingoistic myrmidon that I am, I am inclined to believe that the socialist transformation we are being subjected to is not benefiting anyone, regardless of race or ethnicity. Ok, how’s that for White Wednesday, James?

P.S. The story that Oliver is referring to is "Tarzan of the Cows". Certainly one of Edgar Rice Burroughs lesser known works. Although Oliver may be disappointed because the protagonist is not a black Jamaican.
James     Jan 22, 2015

I liked all three, and will see about putting up a link for Zulu Dawn.

When I see a depiction of, or read about a battle like that, I can't help but be proud for being a nasty little primate.

The Zulu king commented that the casualties his men took in taking out Chelmsford's column was like a spear in the belly, and that the defense at Rourke's Drift was like it being twisted.
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