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‘Don’t You Move’
Welcome to New Jersey, A Public Service Ad by the Cumberland County Chamber of Commerce
© 2015 James LaFond
Look, I have been the passenger at a traffic stop where I could see the backup cop reaching for his gun with itchy fingers while I slid a piece of gum out of my shirt pocket. That was enough to convince me never to move in front of these people. Why this guy steps out of the car is beyond me. However, I have had dealings with shoplifters who get so stressed out that they can’t hear anything and they either freeze and ignore commands or start doing something robotically. I’m wondering if maybe this kid saw so many of these protests with the marchers stepping forward with their hands up that he somehow just followed suit under stress—maybe his peeps can sue those people.
One observation after watching about 70 of these police stop videos: Why are all of these cops trained to use the word ‘fuck’ when giving a command and pointing a gun?
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Jeremy Bentham     Jan 23, 2015

James, you being the observer of ghetto culture that you are, perhaps you can explain some things for me. First of all, I have noticed from my own viewing of numerous police dash-cam videos that when young black men are confronted by the police in situations such as a traffic stop, they often ignore the commands given by the police officers or act as if they don’t understand what the police are saying or even behave with inappropriate bravado. Even when taken at gunpoint by the police these young men don’t appear to be aware of the peril they are in and why they should refrain from making any sudden moves. Especially since the police are guaranteed to be on edge given the dangerous neighborhood in which the stop is occurring. Now could it be that the young black men do not understand that being shot with a gun can kill them? If that is the case, perhaps the police should institute an education program to inform the members of the community how they could get killed if they act in a threatening manner toward the police. The police could shoot farm animals in front of school children to show them what gunshot wounds are really like. Then finish the lesson with the admonition that “if the police tell you not to move kids, then don’t fuckin’ move!”

That brings us to the question of the use of the words fuck, fucking or fuckin’ by the police. Now correct me if I’m wrong James, but I was given to understand that frequent use of the word fuckin’ in conversation is considered etiquette in the inner city. Just as it was once considered to be polite to preface a request with the word “please”, as in “please pass the butter”, now it is polite to modify the object of all requests and imperatives with “fuckin’”, as in “drop the fuckin’ gun!” Otherwise the individuals you were addressing might feel insulted and refuse to comply if you dropped the honorific modifier fuckin’ and merely ordered them to “drop the gun.”
James     Jan 23, 2015

A man of rare insight you are Jeremy.

Obviously the word fuck is being used to clarify the declarative sentence for the ghettoite. I must go back to Morgan State to brush up on my ebonics—kind of embarrassing actually that I missed that.

As for the seeming belief that black youth hold concerning their imperviousness to bullets I have a few guesses:

1. That the listening to the song Big Bad Leroy Brown by Jim Crochie by their grandfathers has resulted in a false understanding of ballistics and the death of untold thousands.

2. That what we have is a revival of the Native American Ghost Dance insurgency.

3. That the police are not using the word fuck enough while giving commands.

4. Or as my friend Oliver is want to say about why he avoids ghetto areas and those spawned therein, "You know some stupid shit is going to happen."

Interestingly enough, last night I had a discussion with a black female school teacher from Baltimore County who was wining and dining me. She was asking me to explain the argumentative behavior of her teen age male students, who insist on arguing about everything. I just said it was being raised by women. then when she asked for advice on how to deal with them I said, "One command, and as soon a compliance is not evident a call to the police. There must be no thought in their mind that negotiation will be tolerated because among poor blacks cohesion and aggression are achieved through repetitive statements and invalidating questions."

She returned. "Oh no, I can't afford to get fired. We have to follow an explicit policy: issue three warning for any behavior before escalating. We are supposed to treat them like our children."

I concluded, "Then you are doomed, as once you loop the same ineffective verbal exchange three times they are in their negative feedback loop. You are following protocols that guarantee that these people evolve into the permanent misbehaving children of the state. I achieved compliance from such types almost all the time doing security work by making one curt statement, followed by decisive action."

So Jeremy, I would bet on the cause being the fact that these guys are literally trained to argue with authority figures by their mothers—who always show up at school or the police station as their defense lawyer in opposition to the system—and that this is inculcated on an institutional level by our mothering school system.
Jeremy Bentham     Jan 24, 2015

Fascinating! This is a significant revelation you’ve uncovered, James. Right up there with the one about women being titillated by stories of betrayal.

Now the current narrative we are being treated to by The Woman (our Leftist ruling elite), and her willing accomplices in the mainstream news media, is that young black men are being killed in situations like this traffic stop because the police are too quick to resort to lethal force when the suspect is black because they are racially biased and/or because they erroneously perceive blacks to be more dangerous suspects than non-blacks, if not engaging in outright premeditated murder. However, based on your observations, James, what is really happening is that these situations are escalating into shootings because the young black men perceive the police to be TOO restrained and UNWILLING to actually resort to lethal force, no matter what threats they make. The repetitious warnings that the police issue only serve to make the police look impotent and make the young black men more aggressive and more non-compliant, because they “are conditioned to argue with authority figures”. The police clearly have been lead to believe that “talking tough” by peppering their commands with swear words like “fucking” will show they mean business and speed compliance. But again, it has just the opposite effect, much to the bewilderment and consternation of the police officers involved.

It’s evident that the police department in question would benefit from your counsel, James, and should instruct their personnel to handle such situations by “making one curt statement, followed by decisive action.” But, of course, this is a lot for middle class white people to wrap their heads around. They would find it hard to believe that issuing more than one warning does no good. They have been taught to believe that all people are alike inside. Plus the use of force is supposed to be a last resort. Even the African-American cop in the video evidently does not comprehend why the suspect persists in being non-compliant, even with a gun pointed in his face! One truly does have to treat ghetto blacks differently than non-blacks in such confrontations. The psychology of these young ghetto blacks is so alien it’s as if they are a separate species.

James, I can foresee a time in the future when I may need to secure your services as an expert witness, so take care of yourself.
James     Jan 25, 2015


My services are always free to jingoistic oppressors such as your glaringly white self. On the upcoming White Wednesday article I shall address this in depth with three tales of recent Harm City behavior, one of which featured my personal well-tanned chauffer arguing with a cop yesterday!
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