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Or The Odds Our Military Gender Policy is Based On
© 2015 James LaFond
With the majority of movies and TV shows out of Hollywood dedicated to promoting the belief that women are physically equal to men and superior in combat—despite all of the serial killer shows in which women are helpless as infants before potbellied middle aged creeps—I read Fred Reed’s latest offering with relish.
Even though our sissy criminal in chief claims that the women in today’s army are his equal in combat, and even though he is probably correct, I cannot see how anyone who has ever had heterosexual sex can imagine women being cut out for combat. It becomes painfully—or not—obvious to both parties in these encounters that the man was designed to force this situation upon the woman. Considering the fact that the number of combatants needed by the military is continually reduced by technology advances, a continued push for women in a combat role seems dysgenic and socially suicidal.
My combat arts experience also bears this out. With the exception of a handful of genetic freaks in pro sports women just can’t deal with men their own size and age. Then one must consider size differences, and as a man who has been involved in weight class sports I can tell you that there is a good reason for weight classes. Well, without further ado, let’s see what the venerable military correspondent has to say about our proposed last line of defense against the Islamist menace.
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orphan nation
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on combat
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Jeremy Bentham     Jan 24, 2015

I subscribe to the Bill Murray solution: we should have nothing but women in the Army. That way if they win the war, great! And even if they lose we can say, "Oh, so you beat a bunch of girls, eh? So what?!
James     Jan 25, 2015

Jeremy, I have recently been asked what I would do if President, and have decided, that right after I hire Oliver to scour the globe for fitting 'secretary of the day' to the American Bachelor President, you would be retained as my very own Dick Cheney—and, I'll even go hunting with you!
O Hayes     Jan 24, 2015

I think a telling question, for those of the belief of physical equality of women in a war zone, is if the feminist movement in the US reignited and we suddenly were plunged into a matriarchal society here where men were were caregivers and the women "took care of business" how comfortable would anyone be with a military composition of 90% women?? Now keep 2 things in mind, the 10% of the military now made up of men has just been allowed to join infantry but for the most part are nurses and cooks AND the rest of the world does not share our progressive ideology so their military is still composed of 'Chris Kylian' and Putin-esque males who ride horses and swing big clubs from them to kill their food.
James     Jan 25, 2015

I would personally like to see a CIA satellite HD video of a duel in the sun between the top 100 ISIS fighters and our top 100 feminists—promoted by Don King with commentary by Snoop Dog and Bill Jean King.

I'm up for that pay per view.
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