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‘A Dying Political Elite’
Bowden Tameside Speech
© 2015 James LaFond
Bowden discusses ‘the legacy of the Fabian past’ in Britain as well as the massive problem of ‘Third World Immigration.’ As an American whose ancestors were sold as slaves by this great island nation I chuckle under my breath at the obvious results of the British Empire, which is the importation of people whose countries Britain had conquered and oppressed. This is the irony of empire that once it stops expanding it begins to implode, sucking in alien elements it had once tried to eradicate in their homelands, which will then naturally seek to eradicate the decadent descendents of their ancestral oppressors.
This is more of a focused political lecture than the other Bowden talks I have posted. It is not exactly to my taste as I am apolitical. However, the amount of information and opinion in this speech differs so markedly from the elaborate refusal to say anything in American speech making, that I thought our politically minded readers would appreciate it.
I can’t get enough of listening to Bowden connect the social dots, even though he usually starts out with something of a local British nature. He always ends up looking at the big picture. It occurs to me that the term ‘liberal media’ is becoming a redundant statement.
As Bowden describes his nation as a ‘transient zone’ where the indigenous people are ‘radically alienated’ think of it as prophetic in terms of America’s near future.
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