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‘Are Italians White?’
White Wednesday #6: A Harm City Poll
© 2015 James LaFond
The Movie Clip That Makes the Case
I recently made a crack in a White Wednesday article to the effect that I was not clear on what a white person was, in that I have never met a person the color of my cheap Ikea desk—made in Nordic regions and sold in solidarity to me. My dear pen pal Maureen Martin then responded to the effect that I well ‘knew’ who white people were.
I’m sorry Sweetie, but I’m still not clear, particularly on the question of non-Nordic people of European descent. We all know when we see that Upton girl dressed like a Valkyrie in the video game commercial that she is white. However, the specter of my Uncle Bernie haunts me, as I remember with great clarity his waxing philosophical about affirmative action over a beer at my Aunt Ann’s dining room table:
“The goddamned niցցers don’t know how good they have it. We should send them back to Africa—make ‘em swim, with a goddamned Jew under one arm and a Dago under the other arm!”
[Years later, when my brother related a tale to me about saving a black soldier who could not swim from drowning during maneuvers in Panama, the picture that flashed surreally into my mind was of Uncle Bernie's super-negro swimming the Atlantic with a bespectacled jeweler under one arm and a cursing wise guy under the other...]
So Maureen, this bit of wisdom from my youth arises when the question of white comes up. It is clear that white is not the same thing as Caucasian, Arуan or Indo-European, as Indian Brahmins, Afghan tribesmen, Iranians and Berbers are generally excluded from the definition of white even though they are genetically Caucasian and speak Arуan languages. On the other hand, Basques, who seem very white, and are the oldest surviving native people of Europe, do not speak an Arуan language.
The dispirit opinions on this abound in my own research. I once interviewed a black and white drug dealer who got into an argument about whether or not Italians were white. Most interestingly, in the black separatist video Hidden Colors 3, [review available here Take Me To Your Breeder] the filmmakers rail against Italians as racial interlopers who muddied the question of race in America and neither deserve the inequitably high social status of the evil Whiteman or the just benefits due the downtrodden Blackman.
I have decided to conduct an informal survey of the readers of this column as well as people who I speak to who just happen to bring up the question of race in conversation. The pursuit of this question as an ongoing exercise might yield surprising results.
Felix, 39, E.R. Technician
[Hesitates to answer] “There are questions of degree, of purity, of quality. Despite my own reservations regarding the Italian side of my family, I would have to say, ‘Yes, we are a white people.’”
Andrew Metzger, 28, Borderline-Autistic Genius and Social Commentator
“My grandmother is part Sicilian, and she calls Polish people ‘honkies’ if that gives you a clue. It doesn’t much matter though. We are rewiring our own brains—I’ve pretty much customized mine. We are becoming an entirely new species.”
Big Chev, 47, Laborer
“Well, they’re not monkeys—not a cооn. But some of them I don’ know. It makes me glad to be Polish. There is no question I’m white. When I get up and look in the mirror I don’t have to wonder, ‘Is there any niցցer in there?’”
Dino, 70, Born in Little Italy, Baltimore
“I was half Sicilian and half Neapolitan. My parents were immigrants—mean sons of bitches. We all learned as kids that the Africans from Hannibal to the Arab slavers had been in Sicily. They landed around Taranto and went after the Pope once. So there is this idea that there’s some black on the Sicilian side and that brings some stigma, with the dark hair and tan. So you get yourself a Viking woman and straighten that out!”
Ajay, 30ish black Harford County School Administrator, with a Masters Degree in Sociology
I thought bringing in an outside opinion from a member of a group that has made an art of internal racial sub-classification might prove interesting. I put the question to Ajay as we were driving to the eatery where she judged there would be the fewest black people placed there by a jestful God to annoy her.
“We’ll that’s not white!” she snarked, pointing at a Middle Eastern man running a traffic light in a beater. “That little rat-looking thing wishes he was white. He needs to take his nasty self back to Hajistan.”
“Generally I classify whites as human beings and the rest of us as animals—don’t give me that funny look you animal molester! You just don’t see color because you didn’t grow up with it. My mother wouldn’t let me tan like my white friends for fear I’d get dark. Other blacks would run into me in school for the first time and say ‘What are you?’ not who—but what.
“You see, the little shapely things that you like—they’re monkeys. If you were a plantation owner the big house would look like the monkey cage—you’d have all of those pretty little things up in there! And don’t even tell me you like that chocolate snow bunny with the wide ass there.”
[I interject chivalrously on behalf of the anonymous babe of color.]
“That is not a nice ass. It’s a deformity. Then you’ve got your hippopotamus. Please, with those eye lash extensions and giant butt, what does that look like if not a hippo?
“Now your Italians, a lot of them do not pass the paper bag test but most of them do pass the hair blowing in the wind test, so obviously what you have is some kind of half-breed. They’ve got those keen features that would have them run more towards dog, rat or cat on the animal scale, but still, please—not white!”
Are you sure Ajay? I have friends who are Italian.
“No! They’re ignorant tanning fools—Godfather my ass—that got one shade above being called a mսlatto. They’re darker then some black people—and if those fools up in New Jersey [I think she is referencing a reality show] are any indication, they’re just as ignorant, wearing all that gold. And they’re tough too. White people aren’t tough; except for psychos like you. You want to talk about grease in my hair—look at them!
[I interject in defense of Sly Stallone’s tribe.]
“Italian Stallion—please! More like a camel without a hump. Hell, the little petite Italian men look like little Jew men. If Italians were around during slavery it would have confused the hell out of the slave catchers, ‘Hey JoeBob, what the hell is this? Do da Boss give a ree-ward for dis or do we catch en release dis sombitch?'
“I’m sure some of the babies got mixed up in the maternity ward. Happened to me. They gave my mother a Filipino baby and gave the Filipino lady me—and they were like, ‘Oh no, that ain’t my baby’. Of course these stupid white nurses don’t know any better. So when one of these Italian babies comes home from the hospital you just know there are some trifling aunts hanging round the crib looking in and saying, ‘Lord, I hope this child don’t get no darker!’”
If any online readers would like to add their opinion to the handful I collected thus far please use the comment feature below. I will tally them on the 4th of July, along with the answers I collect along the way in my travels around Harm City, and publish the results, right here on White Wednesday.
Stillbirth of a Nation: Caucasian Slavery in Plantation America: Part One
‘Don’t You Move’
harm city
The Ballad of Slow Bro
advent america
son of a lesser god
the first boxers
dark, distant futures
broken dance
the year the world took the z-pill
into leviathan’s maw
Jeremy Bentham     Jan 29, 2015

The relevant question for 21st Century America is what do Italians themselves want to be considered: White or Non-White? Do they want to be regarded as belonging to the “oppressor race” or to an “oppressed” minority group? Fifty years ago it was considered very advantageous to be white in America. If you were “free, white and twenty-one”, it was said you could go where you wanted and do what you wanted. For that reason, people who were of mixed race often took pains to ensure that their children were officially categorized as being “white” on their birth certificate. Fifty years ago if a white person was erroneously identified as being “colored” in a newspaper article, that individual had standing to sue the paper for libel due to the social opprobrium he or she would likely suffer from being called non-white by the media. Not so much anymore. Prior to the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 it was legal to discriminate against non-white people. Since then, it has been legal to discriminate against white people. That is a fact, not an opinion. The majority of white people back then did not understand the implications of CRA 1964 or of the affirmative action programs that would spring from it. Nevertheless, according to our current dominant politically correct culture, white people continue to enjoy “white privilege”, meaning that everything in America is supposedly set up to work to the advantage of white people and only white people. This means, of course, that if you are white and you are poor, you are a particularly miserable failure and especially deserving of scorn, since even with everything stacked in your favor you were unable to succeed. In that case it would no-doubt be good for your self-esteem to be identified as an oppressed non-white. Then, at least, you would be excused of culpability for your failure, on account of everything in society being stacked against you. Furthermore, you could accept assistance from the government with pride, as the government would merely be meting vengeance on your behalf by confiscating money from other (white) people and giving a portion of it to you. Is this a great country or what? No wonder so many people want to come here.
Jeremy Bentham     Jan 29, 2015

P.S. I should mention that even though it is not as advantageous to be white in America as it once was (nor disadvantageous to be non-white as it once was), one thing that still has not changed (and applies to Italians as well as everybody else) is that the slender Nordic white woman still sets the standard for feminine beauty worldwide. All one has to do to confirm this is to watch the Miss Universe pageant; no matter what country the contestants come from they mostly look like tall slender white women. Also it’s probably no coincidence that Italy’s fashion center is in Milan, northern Italy, where the people tend to be tall, blonde, fair-skinned and have straight hair. So the paradox is that, for American women nowadays, it is especially advantageous socially to be categorized as being “non-white” while at the same time appearing to be white. Take actress Jennifer Beal and singer Mariah Carrey as examples; both ladies get to check the box as being African-American, and yet they look like white women. So white women still rule the world; everybody else either wants to be with them or look like them.
James     Jan 29, 2015

It is astounding how uniform the Miss Universe body types are, especially considering that so many peoples are supposedly represented.
Andrew Metzger     Jan 29, 2015

With the inclusion (incursion?) of new, sizable tertiary and quaternary minorities in modern America (Latino/Meso-American, Asian, Nigerian, amongst others) the ranks of conventionally-heritaged Americans must be [and have been] reassembled into a super "White" class.

Italians used to be their own cause. They've been domesticated and assimilated, logistically and culturally. Greeks too. They can call it their own thing if they want; they still get their sauce out of a can... White.
James     Jan 29, 2015

If boxing was run like the U.S. KO victims would be avenged by ringside goons.
O Hayes     Jan 29, 2015
James     Jan 30, 2015

Thanks for the link.
Maureen     Jan 30, 2015

I leave this debate to people who prefer long, drawn out arguments to useful action.

If we Pro-Whites ever get anything we want (any sort of segregation, for starters) we can figure out who is White by having DNA tests performed. Easy peasy.

Again, when liberals are advocating for "Blacks" or "Latinos" no one debates on "who is "Black"?" or "Who is Latino?"

Only Whites are harangued about racial purity, which is why I don't let the haranguers take up my time or energy with the fake problem.

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are actually perplexed by this James (playing right into my enemies" hands).
James     Jan 30, 2015

Nice to hear from you Maureen,

Actually who is black is a huge subject—as well as how black—among African Americans, who also resent Latinos and Asians as much as any White Nationalist does. I know African Americans who are almost entirely of European descent who have been attacked and ostracized by the black community for acknowledging that they are mixed race people.

There is also an active and ancient debate on Latino status and the meaning of the term among Spanish speakers, not to mention speakers of other 'romance' languages, such as Italian—the most Latin of them all. Keep in mind that Latino is a linguistic term, not a racial one. We use the term Latino to indicate European Americans [Argentina and Chile are almost entirely European], mսlattos, mestizos, jazbos [look it up], and American Indians. In fact, the vast majority of poor Mexicans and Central Americans taking our kids' fast food jobs are more than 90% Amerindian, and for the most part differ from identified natives only as a matter of culture. When I look at the dishwasher that took the bus with me this morning he reminds me of an Aztec far more than a Castilian. Think about it. Cortez only had about 200 guys to impregnate the half million surviving Central Mexican women—I bet that was some hard work. That is a pretty lopsided gene pool, with the ruling class basically occupying the barely submerged top stair on the shallow end.

Did you know that in the wonderful French colonial paradise that became Haiti that there were 64 classifications of Mսlatto? They kept track of that without DNA testing, which is fascinating.

If we have to have racial divisions I like it to be specific, and not claim that a person with 80% European ancestry and 20% African ancestry is 'black'. In light of the fact that white liberals want one world wide mixed race—peanut colored I think—and that American 'blacks' insist on claiming 'one drop makes you all' in order to keep their numbers up to remain demographically relevant, I think that White Nationalists would find it in their best interest to encourage mixed race classification, if for no other reason that to further divide their enemies.

For the record, as a non-racially oriented human, I favor the maximum variety of distinct racial groups over racial homogeneity [or race mixing as your W.N. people call it] for the same reason why the Incas wanted 80 varieties of maize and we stupid moderns have virtually all of our corn crop planted in 2 varieties. [Actually I think almost all of it is dent corn.] It is called mono-cropping, and is risky for the long term survival of any life form as one disease could wipe out a population without sufficient variation.
Anonymous     Feb 1, 2015

Hi James. My thoughts on your comment.

James: Actually who is black is a huge subject

James: There is also an active and ancient debate on Latino status

Maureen: Yes, there is a debate but it is mostly among Blacks and Latinos. The "Liberal" media or as I like to call them White Genociders, do not televise these debates nor is this discussed (other than in passing) in Universities (unlike the anti-White rhetoric that abounds) so the masses of "Americans" are barely aware of it and only repeat the genocidal mantras such as, "There's no such thing as a pure race" and "there's no such thing as a European race." Saying a people don't exist and trying to convince said people that they are not a people in order to convince them to breed themselves out of existence is a sophisticated type of psychological warfare but warfare it is and those that engage in it should not be surprised if there's a backlash. (Not a threat, just a prophesy).

James: When I look at the dishwasher that took the bus with me this morning he reminds me of an Aztec far more than a Castilian.

Maureen: Absolutely. And yes, there are MANY Whites in Mexico and not just Spaniards either. Lots of Germans from what I understand. Mexicans and their advocates like to bump up their numbers too so they don't exclude anyone, no matter how White.

James: Did you know that in the wonderful French colonial paradise that became Haiti that there were 64 classifications of Mսlatto? They kept track of that without DNA testing, which is fascinating.

Maureen: That is very interesting.

James: I think that White Nationalists would find it in their best interest to encourage mixed race classification, if for no other reason that to further divide their enemies.

Maureen: We have no voice in the debate Hon. No one cares what we want but are you saying that the debate about Italians is a classification process for you? Because quite honestly, this "who is White" meme is just meant to divide Whites.

James: It is called mono-cropping

Maureen: Done by Jews not for maximum profit, "we stupid moderns".
Sam J.     Jun 3, 2017

I as a WN would be glad to take the Italians and Spanish mixes as White if they agree to combine against the Jews and deport them.

Whether they would want me or not is a different question.
Sam J.     Jun 4, 2017

Speaking of beauty pageants. USA!USA!USA!
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