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‘A Creature of Mettle’
The Way of Men, Gods and Runes by Jack Donovan
© 2015 James LaFond
The Way of Men, Gods and Runes provides a brief and insightful introduction to the Nordic runic tradition, which encompasses the entire transcendental experience, which, as the transcendental gender is Man, provides a metaphysical summation for Jack’s bluntly societal work, The Way of Men.
Below are a few brief excerpts from this article that is posted on his site
“Honor is Othalaᛟ – not a god, but a runic concept that in this application encloses and represents the sum of the others.”
“The Romans identified the Germanic worship of Týr with their own worship of Mars, the Roman god of war. Týr has long been associated with courage, martial valor, victory and doing what must be done to maintain a right order of things.”
The second passage above is an example of the ancient practice of syncretism—a perspective really—that placed all metaphysical beliefs in a valid interchangeable mental encyclopedia of the unknowable. I selected this passage because it is an excellent window into a lost world of thought; a world before white and black, God and Devil, good and bad, liberal and conservative, that our entire social and mythical worldview is based upon. Jack is providing a window into an age before life was reduced two but two options: blind embrace and prefabricated hate.
The Way of Men, Gods and War, is a useful and tastefully done personal and literary resource, and will hopefully be expanded into book form. Nothing is misunderstood by the postmodern mind more than premodern metaphysics, which makes this pleasingly illustrated work a breath of refreshingly cold clarity in our warm dank world which quivers and panics in the face of the very snow that once heralded a time of repose for our ancestors.
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