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A Gas Station Situation
Dillon, On Being White In Harm County
© 2015 James LaFond
Earlier this month Dillon and his four year old boy pulled into a suburban gas station in his new SUV. It was not really new. He had recently bought it from a used car lot. When the engine overheated a few days later he took it back to the service center. The mechanics claimed to have fixed the problem. That was the day before this, the day before smoke started pouring from under his hood.
Dillon pulled into the area in front of the air pump, popped the hood, and had his face burned by a burst of flame. He fell back onto the asphalt clutching at his eyes, the lid on his right eye being scalded. As he lay their twisting in pain on his back and covering his eyes he thought about Jeff, his boy, about how scared he must be, and that the car might be on fire. Dillon could not see.
He felt two pair of hands help him sit up as the men asked if he was okay. All he could think about was his son, “My, boy, my boy’s in the car!”
One of the men left him, opened the vehicle and took Jeff out of the back seat and brought him to Dillon. The engine smoked a good deal more but the car did not go up in flames. One of the men called his father on his phone while the other called an ambulance on his own phone.
Dillon’s eye was not permanently damaged and is just a little read around the orbit now. When he spoke about the experience he had three feelings that would not let go:
1. Anger at the mechanics at the dealership
2. Dismay that a half dozen fellow white people stood around and watched what happened without lending a hand for he or his son, or even calling 911
3. And gratitude for the two black men who came to his aid without a thought.
Liberals will say this is because blacks are morally superior saint like victims of the Whiteman’s oppression with natural empathy for the injured and downtrodden.
I, on the other hand, when asked what I thought about it, chalked it up to these men being from a dangerous environment and being used to taking action—just men being men. Where the sissy white people where not uncaring blue-eyed devils, but simply in shock that something terrible had happened in their safe world. This is not a moral judgment. I am absolutely certain, that if someone gets robbed at this suburban gas station, it’s going to be by one or two black dudes from the city.
God or bad, white or back, when things go wrong, you are better off being in the company of men of action than any other kind of person.
‘A Creature of Mettle’
the man cave
‘The Virtues of A Warrior’
beasts of arуas
masculine axis
the gods of boxing
by the wine dark sea
graphomaniac archive #1
when you're food
night city
Anonymous     Jan 30, 2015

"God or bad, white or back"
James     Jan 31, 2015

Oops—a Freudian slip one would say. I might keep it.
Jeremy Bentham     Feb 4, 2015

It would appear that the white folks in suburban Harm City have an unusually strong normalcy bias. Bad things happening in their community must be so abnormal that they just don't know how to act or what to do when they do see something bad occur. "This can't be happening" they likely tell themselves as they freeze up with indecision. Of course there are probably other factors in the mix as well. For example, one notices that white people in the major metropolitan areas are all mighty fearful of being sued. Perhaps because that is something that DOES happen a lot in their personal life experience. If not to them then it happened to someone they know. Even people coming to the aid of someone in distress get sued. Imagine that? No good deed goes unpunished as they say. Now the white folks in the country, by contrast, tend to be naive about this possibility and thus can usually be counted on to rush to the aid of any stranger they see is clearly in need. Such folks cannot imagine that anyone would be so ungrateful and opportunistic as to sue a good samaritan for helping them. But that does happen nowadays, doesn't it? It was Christians who originated this strange notion that we should to put ourselves at risk and rush to assist strangers who can do us no good. The Liberals/Leftists/ Progessives/Secular Humanists have also adopted this ethic, largely though so they can feel superior to other people and scold others publically for their lack of "caring". This need to feel superior to other white people is very important to Leftist whites and thus is ever one of the driving motivations behind their words and deeds. Furthermore, keep in mind that if you are a white person yourself, you are judged by our Leftist Ruling Elite (AKA The Woman) principly by how you behave toward people of color (that tells them immediately whether you are one of the cool people who are down with the struggle for social justice or not). Remember, survaillance cameras are everywhere now, so whenever and wherever you see anyone in distress, ESPECIALLY a person of color, rush to his or her aid imediately! Lest ye be held up as a bad example on the eleven o'clock news.
James     Feb 5, 2015

Agreed Jeremy.

But you know, after watching Zulu again after 30 years, every time I write about fearful whites panicking on impact I can't help but recall the words of the Color Sergeant to the distraught minister, "Now that's a good gentlemen."
Jeremy Bentham     Feb 5, 2015

Private Cole: "Why is it us? Why us?"

Color Sergeant Bourne: "Because we're here lad. Nobody else. Just us."

LOL! James, I'm inclined to think that you take the failings of the whites in your locale too personally. I mean they are only human after all. The mainstream of American whites long ago renounced any pretention that they are in any way better than anyone else. Not stronger, braver, smarter, kinder, more generous or more creative. So why should it matter if a handful of white people acts timid and fearful in the face of danger? Is more expected from whites? Why the personal disappointment? What might happen if the average American white were to once again became a bold and brave man of action? Wishing for such a thing might be akin to wishing that the Germans and Japanese would abandon their current pacifist stances and retrun to their old warrior ways. What then?
James     Feb 6, 2015

I am over critical of whites in my locality.

The young man at the gas station however, is not wimpy fellow, and has stood up for himself and others in various situations.

I was recently walking up the street with a young white fellow who was expressing anger about the loud aggressive behavior of some local uncouth black youth. He questioned me about my lack of anger towards people, even blacks, of whom hundreds have tried to intimidate, injure and take from me over the past three decades.

I answered in a way that shocked him, that I regard the vast majority of people to be subhuman, to be beneath expectations of decency, in that they have no agency. And that this lack of agency is more pronounced in my environment among those classes of people who are dependent on the state, who are its children. I have no expectation of human behavior from the majority of people, and am only concerned with their actions against me and those who I am responsible for. I would no sooner hate some punk than I would hate the filth in the sewer at my feet that I equate him with.

To this end blacks in Baltimore have been programed to act aggressively against whites through various incentives. Whites have likewise been programmed to act passively in the presence of blacks which has, in the past, caused blacks to mistake me for another wimpy white and made my life harder.

I rationally see both factors to be equal in terms of putting me in harms way. I suppose, and this is not something I'm proud of, that I feel a sense of betrayal toward other whites for encouraging black aggression through cowardice, whereas I regard the blacks who prey upon me as an enemy population, which at least gives them the status of a rival.

I am certainly acting as a vector for racial prejudice when I express zero expectations of one group, yet fault members of my in group for being essentially the flip side of the same devolutionary coin.

Thanks for the quote Jeremy.
Jeremy Bentham     Feb 9, 2015

"People are unreasonable, self-centered and illogical, but love them anyway." -Wally "Famous" Amos

"The only sure way of overcoming human weakness is to allow for it." - Maurice de Saxe, Marshal of France.

LOL! Yes, I'm sure your young companion thought you a complete misanthrope after your "a pox on both your houses" remark, James. But indeed, one of the greatest dissapointments in life is the realization that people are not as they should be. Even the people we are closest to and rely on the most constantly dissappoint and thwart us. Human beings are by nature inconsistant and contradictory. Yet these same fallible human beings expect perfect consistancy in word and deed from all their fellows. The truth is that even your enemies can be a disappointment. For example, I am reminded of a TV docmentary I once watched on the 1972 Munich Olympic Massacre, when Palestinian terrorists took Isrаeli athletes hostage. Some of the Isrаeli commentators in the film opined that the supreme irony of the incident was that, while the Isrаelis hated the German military of old for its cruelty toward Jews, in this situation they were counting on the current West German military to still be like its bad ole', ruthlessly efficient predecessors and rescue the hostages in spectacular fashion. Much like Otto Skorzeny and his SS commandos rescued Mussolini from imprisonment on Gran Sasso. In the event, that military choked, the German snipers were unable to shoot to kill, and all the Isrаeli hostages were murdered by the terrorists.

Likewise I think your white friends and associates expect way too much from you, James. After all these years should they expect you to be anything but contrary in your opinions and beliefs? The fact that you persist in living with the "black undertow", among the very people that you complain are preying on you daily, is an insane dichotomy in itsself.

However, maybe everyone has it all wrong. Maybe you are actually a white nationalist diehard, a stay behind. One who refuses to capitulate and flee the enemy occupied territory. Much like the Japanese diehards on Guam or the Latvian "Forest Brothers". Though it appears futile to others, you continue to resist against the occupiers and their allies and sponsors in the establishment (The Woman). Hence your expressions of frustration with passive whites who won't fight back.The fact that you freely associate with non-whites and were once targeted for assassination by white supremacists helps solidify your cover to the community at large. In the meantime, while you bide your time, you have contrived to place yourself in a position where you get to inflict painful and humiliating injury on young men of color on a regular basis. Some of those things that make you go Hmmmmm....Well in that case then, carry on Forest Brother! The chronicals you keep of events in the occupied zone provide the rest of us with useful intel. John has a long mustache...
James     Feb 9, 2015

From the Occupation Zone, "Thanks Jeremy—I still have a can of NATO 7.62 in the basement crawlspace!"
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