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Against the ‘Creeplings’
Might Is Right by ‘Ragnor Redbeard’
© 2015 James LaFond
Might Is Right, or Survival of the Fittest, was written in 1890, updated in 1910 by an author some thought was Jack London, and then rereleased by Fourteen Word Press in 1999. This edition features nice comic illustrations of Viking figures, and an introduction by Katja Lane. The publisher seems to subscribe to ancient Nordic values.
Some readers have discussed the possibility that whoever wrote this—and who obviously did not want their name associated with the work—wrote it in a deliberate adolescent tone in order to discredit racially minded people who promoted the ideals of ‘white might and right’ being one in the same.
I do not believe this contention. Serious attempts at poetry—not all of it ham-handed—accompany the text. The six chapters also point out self evident truths such as materialism makes men weak, that monopolistic capitalism is a system that excels in destroying culture, and that women prefer successful masculine men over fat broke-ass manginas.
This 184 page document comes in just under the 200 page maximum for male juvenile readers. In my view it is a comic book level manifesto for cultural dominance. The poems and passages such as The Logic of To-day, The Victor Gets the Gold, Be Like a Lion in the Path, The Higher Law, and All Else is Error, veer from plain speaking rationality into tribal hyperbole that one would expect to come from a character in a Jack London or Robert E. Howard adventure.
Might is Right is an attempt at serious literature with artistic depth, written by an educated and skilled author, targeting young working class men. The message is that a real white man devotes his life to dominating the lesser people of the world by rising above toil, by never working for a wage, by working for himself, and by fathering large families. This is a very ancient—and despite the Nordic overtones—very Roman view of masculine ethnic duty.
What convinces me that this was serious, and not a hoax, and that the strange document has merit, is the two very practical observable truths that run like cables through the work:
1. European colonists—having rejected their Old World masters—conquered North America from fierce warrior nations [which are not belittled in this heroic screed] through superior numbers, enabled by superior production and vigorous breeding
2. That the economics of wage-based industry is a form of slavery seemingly contrived to siphon the life from just such an avaricious nation and hold its men complicit in their own bondage
The terminology is often used to appeal to the confrontational man, with terms such as ‘creeplings’, ‘cowards’ and ‘Jews, Christians and other degenerates’, intended to light a defiant spark in the reader. The case for Christianity being a Judaic utopian cult is fairly made, though I think was too heavy handed for the period of its composition, and must have met a lot of resistance.
Check out Might Is Right for yourself via the link at the top of the page. Personally I have difficulty taking anonymous authors seriously; being prone to rank them among the cowards and 'creeplings' of the world. However, there are aspects about this odd book that remain compelling, hoax or not.
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Jeremy Bentham     Feb 4, 2015

Interesting. However, by 1890 the belief that Christianity was a utopian cult, a "slave religion", was nothing new in academic circles. Philosophers ranging from Voltaire to Karl marx to Friedrich Nietzsche had already expressed that same idea.

"The Christian Faith is from the beginning sacrifice: sacrifice of all freedom, all pride, all self-confidence of the spirit, and at the same time enslavement and self-mockery, self-mutilation."

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)

Nietzche saw the Christian clergy as the most intelligent haters in history. They turned the warrior virtues of their aristocrat masters (aggression, ambition, pride, boldness, competitiveness, virility, acquisitiveness) into sins (greed, envy, arrogance, wrath, sloth, lust, gluttony). Their very weakness made them dangerous, Nietzche said, since they had to live by their wits and be more clever and scheming than their more powerful masters (""I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves", Matthew 10:16 , NIV). Being weak and unable to carry out their will by action, they indulged in imaginary vengeance; "they denigrate that which they are unable to emulate." Nowadays this same Christian clergy has been rendered largely irrelevant. They have been supplanted by the modern Liberals/Leftists/Progressives as the most intelligent haters of recent history. Likewise the Leftists have turned all the old virtues that were once praised and admired into vices that are now to be scorned and ridiculed.

"Liberal: a power worshipper without power."

-George Orwell
James     Feb 5, 2015

As you point out, Mister Redbeard, whoever he might me, was not an original thinker, but propagandist following a pretty well trodden road. However, aside from the obvious appeals to adolescent male readers, he comes off as a talented writer.
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