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‘Let the Gods Finish Us Off Now’
More People, More Nonsense, by Ann Sterzinger
© 2015 James LaFond
February 05, 2015 Takimag
Ann Sterzinger has quickly become my favorite online babe based on her obscure—give a grunt a chance—book reviews. In this, her latest offering, Ann paints a nice picture of how non-privileged authors have traditionally supported themselves in menial work, and how that is coming to an end.
‘The Appropriate Level of Vigilance’
site reviews
'Living Primitive'
within leviathan’s craw
blue eyed daughter of zeus
orphan nation
plantation america
masculine axis
night city
on combat
the gods of boxing
Ann Sterzinger     Feb 6, 2015

Hello Mr. LaFond! Thanks for the kind words, and feel free to send me review copies... via mobi file, if you can. You have a real ear for dialogue. Send me your best stuff and your newest... I'd love to give it a look.


James     Feb 6, 2015

An attractive young woman has just contacted my website—my life is complete! I will store this message with the collected phone numbers I lacked the courage to call!

I have enjoyed your site and your articles Ann. What you are doing for these young guys who face the current PC publishing maze is excellent. I know two readers who are looking at your reviews for purchasing tips. I was lucky to have been an established—if minor—nonfiction author before the girly gates started swinging shut. So I at least had a base readership.

I don't know what my best stuff is. In fact I have fired myself three times, as all my favorites bomb and the stuff I think is blah sells. But, I'm family, so I keep hiring myself back as the worst editor in history. I'll have you take a look at the titles when I get the rest of the stuff in print next month, and see what you're interested in.

Thanks for the interest Ann.

Congrats on the Takimag gig,

Ann Sterzinger     Feb 9, 2015

Heh. If you consider me a young woman, you have been around the block indeed, but thanks, doll. And speaking of young guys facing the PC maze... if you find any that are writing good stuff, don't hesitate to send them my way!
James     Feb 9, 2015

Will Do Ann,

From the reads on the 'on writing' category or articles, I estimate that between 5-10% of our readers are writers. I'll do an article focused on getting them in touch with you when they've got something ready.

Take care.

She called me doll.

Did you here that, she called me doll!
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