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House of The Beginner
Pillagers of Time #47: Thunderboy, The Transmogrification of Three-Rivers
© 2015 James LaFond
Power of the Meek
He woke on his feet, squirrel snoring on his head, face bathed by the rays of the rising sun. To his astonishment the entire village had huddled around him on the cold ground under their blankets. T.T. and Eddie had also spent their night on the cold ground at his feet. He felt weak and ill.
Apparently transmigrating between worlds as a thunderbird and speaking with the rumble of thunder in your voice and the glow of the sun in your eyes is a tiring thing. I assume Healer would disapprove; would issue thunder-quieting-poison with instructions to be taken at bedtime, not with beer, blah, blah...
Eddie spoke up even as he heard T.T.’s great stiff limbs stretching and the many people around him stirring, “Are you okay son? Yo crazy blue-en-gold eyes been open wide all night. I think I could roast a marshmallow in front of yo face son.”
“I am feeling better Eddie. I slept on a cloud, a dark cloud that was in fact the smoke billowing up from a Whiteman’s town. I must inform Medicine-Cloud so that he may interpret this for his people.
Make ready, after eating the morning maize we must head to Porto Soto.”
“Gotchyou son. Here’s lookin’ out.”
Eddie made gifts of almonds and circus peanuts to the people, who loaded him down with a sack of maize in return. Meanwhile, the elders were discussing his dream and Three-Rivers was having doubts about his promises.
What White warriors can you really bring to this battle? You do not know the number of DeathSong or his evil White Hate Society brother. What shall you do about your arrogant promises Thunder-Boy?
The elders approached him with their decision. Two young warriors would guide him on his way, and they would be supplied with maize for their journey. They did ask that he stay this day as their honored guest. He was weary and confused and accepted graciously.
You do not know enough about the thunder-hoop that you have somehow eaten, and neither does Eddie. What do you do now ‘Thunder-Boy’?
Remember the wise-meek.
What is a Thunder-Boy without the ghost of a mighty prophet echoing in his soul? Yes, of course!
He turned toward the moon which yet hung faintly white in the morning sky and spread his arms with a singular reverence, “Gerald, I’m firing up! Let us not offer roast squirrel to our new friends for their morning meal.”
Gerald screamed, “You kraazzy boy!” and leaped onto T.T.’s shoulder as the gathered people stirred.
He closed his eyes and looked at the still visible moon through his now transparent eye-lids as he chanted the number of Angh over and over again in each and every of his many languages, placing special emphasis on the last eight digits. He lowered his hands ever so slightly as he chanted until they were extended in the attitude of greeting a disciple. He then called out, “Angh, come to me!”
He heard thunder roil above as the sky split, folded back upon itself, and revealed the imperishable stars of the void. His arms stretched out like the stringy maize-paste of Sunset far into the void. Along his fantastically lengthened limbs raced the numbers of Thunderer, and between them played the numbers of Angh. The sky and the world then folded in upon itself and the void, sparkling with its countless stars, was reduced to a spot. Behind his mind’s ear sounded the screech of the thunderbird and with his feet he felt the world turn like a roasting ear of maize before the fire that was a glaring sun…
… He was back on Mother Earth in the town on the Wild-Goose-River. His hands were before him again crackling with blue-hued sun-fire. A lightning bolt struck the space between his hands and reversed course into the sky. He was now holding hands with his small yellow-brown friend of the Thai and American Tribes of Sunset, Angh.
Yes it is nice to be the same height as at least one man.
Angh was naked and sad-eyed, but beaming with joy to see Three-Rivers. “Three-Rivers, am I dreaming? Have I died? I will myself to pass out when they rape me. Is this what lies beyond life?”
His heart went out to the ravaged man. He had to reignite the hopes and wisdom of Angh. Interestingly enough summoning Angh had not made him feel weak and ill but strong and vibrant.
It is a wonder that this big doing invigorates you even though you were made ill by simply using your power to enhance your speech. Perhaps Angh will understand?
Angh stammered on, “Three-Rivers you have grown—you are such a big boy now. How did I come here? Is this the future?”
Three-Rivers raised his shirt so that Angh could see the hoop of sun-fire and azure-glow coiling about his belly like some magic fire-snake that had slid under his skin.
“I stole the Third Branch Capacitator and have somehow eaten it during our transit to Twenty-eight-forty-four. We have returned to my home Angh. I have summoned you here to Mother Earth as I have need of your science-medicine.”
Angh touched himself as if to assure his mind that he was not insane. His voice was somewhat haunted but was beginning to reacquire some of its old spark, “I am free of the nightly terror of violation and the daily fear of brutality because of you Three-Rivers. Consider me your servant. Just do not ask me to forgive your mother. Tina abandoned us to the Turkish authorities, and even told them that we were child molesters so that Bruco and I would be abused by the other inmates. Of course, he has fared well where I have suffered. He has crippled and killed so many inmates and guards that he is locked in solitary. He will end his days in that small steel chamber. Never will they release him after him having killed one of their own.”
Bolster his rising spirit.
“Angh, I will summon Bruco in his turn. For now please attend me as a healer and scientist and try to determine what has happened to me and what my gifts are. I suppose that Doctors Robinson and London will be interested in my condition. I owe them a report on my well-being at the least. They have cared for and educated me in their way, and here I stand having betrayed them.
Angh just nodded and stepped into the background to observe Three-Rivers and speak to himself about the transformed boy; using the science medicines of observation, notation, theory, deduction and speculation in an attempt to understand the nature and wellbeing of Thunder-Boy.
The people were all coming up to Angh and Three-Rivers to touch them, as if to touch them was to gain something good for their mind. They soon dressed Angh and insisted that Three-Rivers and his party occupy the large central House of The Beginner. This house, like the others, had no walls, but was hung with beads and hide flaps. Ernest Smoke led the people back to their daily activities. Only Medicine-Cloud remained with them in the House of The Beginner, polishing his fine rattles.
The Awe-betoken Silence
Like Hated Hair-Lip
on the overton railroad
uncle satan
plantation america
the year the world took the z-pill
logic of steel
the sunset saga complete
dark, distant futures
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