I was speaking with a young man who is starting his own imprint through createspace, as I have. He was asking me about sales, particularly of our horror titles, which he regards as my best work. I had to inform him that Fruit of the Deceiver, Forty Hands of Night, and Black & Pale [both titles collected] have sold poorly, as have our other horror titles.
Being a horror buff and a fan of my seething inability to write romance or into the sunset happy endings, he offered to publish Fruit of The Deceiver and the sequel under his imprint. Our issues will stay in print. However, this slightly revised omnibus edition, is now up for sale through amazon.com, thanks to the morbid compassion of a man who is calling himself—for I expect an alias, or perhaps it was a sadistic parental exercise in naming—Mescaline Franklin.
The publisher is Mescaline Franklin of Camden New Jersey.
His imprint is Forever Autumn Books.
His first title, licensed from James LaFond at the coast of dinner and three pitchers of beer, is An Arabian Terror Tale.
Mescaline has also secured the rights to publish Hemavore from myself and the creator and coauthor Dominick Mattero, and has asked me to plug an upcoming title from an unspecified author: To Assemble the Dead.
Thanks Mescaline, if you sell fifty we're square—and somehow my advance has evaporated like the clinging drumbeat of a nightmare...
If you would like to check out the new release from Forever Autumn Books use the link below.