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Tactically Speaking
Securing Your Dissident Venue
© 2015 James LaFond
George, an avid online and print reader, who has had occasion to speak with me in person, is very much interested in supporting men’s groups, mostly along ‘White Nationalist’ lines. As a former liberal, and then a reactionary conservative, who has spent time drinking from the Well of Lilith offered up by each of these bankrupt philosophies, he has become a backer of discussion platforms, such as Counter-Currents, Eradic, American Renaissance, American New Right, etc.
From my readings of these online magazines they seem to fall into the ‘pre-political’ sphere, in other words discussion platforms that may eventually serve as the basis for a political movement, a political movement being an effort to achieve dominance over other men via persuasion, threat, or naked force. George is not a voter and is not power minded. He simply sees himself as a supporter of alternative ideas, and has asked me how such groups of intellectuals might be able to get together for safe and uninterrupted discussion under our increasingly oppressive Left Wing regime.
I will endeavor to offer what I imagine as advice for a lone intellectual who finds himself at the nexus of a web of like-minded souls separated by geography, and increasingly unable to be able to communicate confidentially under the blooming Surveillance State. For such a person who might be called upon to travel from city to city to meet with supporters, what are the dangers he faces and the countermeasures within his modest means?
Know Your Enemies
If you operate in the realm of ideas your enemies include:
1. The State
2. Political factions
3. The news media
4. Educational institutions
5. Ultimately those political factions that eventually grow up around your ideas. There will come a time when the politicians will need to manipulate your thoughts to make themselves’ more successful, and at that point you will no longer be needed and your useful contributions to the pre-political thought process will be retained as your legacy as you and your wireframe glasses are shunted off to…
The Best Discussion Venues
1. Private residence in a congested urban area
2. Secluded residence in a rural area
3. An urban bar in which the owner has been paid to close for a private party
4. A funeral home—the best option really
5. Any other venue is stupid.
6. If you have reason to believe people want to stop your discussion than reserving space in an eatery without first informing the owner of the risk is reprehensible and stupid. He might well be willing to provide security. I know a Greek who owns a diner and counts his money next to the front door at a booth with a 1911 .45 auto on his lap. Ethnic business owners are generally very protective of their turf.
7. Don’t have your talk on a Friday or Saturday night like some yuppie prince, but on a Sunday, Monday or Tuesday when everything will be cheaper and easier.
What You Want in a Security Team
1. You do not want a believer in your work, your cause, a zealot, etc. The last thing you want is a member of your supporting network who offers to fight for you. That guy has masculinity issues.
2. You do not want criminals, but straight actors who will provide criminal levels of practical discretion. Again, your worst security risk is a security team member who is emotionally or ideologically involved or vested. You need a man loyal to you or his profession.
3. A lead who understands how to select and defend the venue: minimal window frontage, diverse neighborhood [which is probably against your factional sympathies but is most easily defended], a narrow front door, a covered egress point.
4. Any security work with less than 3 men is highly problematic. If you have been unable to fill the three basic positions are you are best off with the lead.
5. The lead is slightly to moderately larger than you, stays within sight of you at all times, is intelligent and able to assign tasks to other team members. He makes the arrangements and is, in the end, your bullet catcher.
6. The plug is a big cool man who is usually put on a door.
7. The fixer is a roving scout, who is in charge of keeping the plug and the lead briefed as to developing threats, and is the egress specialist, the guy that gets you out the back door. He is also the most violent team member and ideally not large enough to draw attention. For instance he might let the door man know that five left wingers with hammers are headed his way and then either call the cops or hit them from behind depending on the protocols laid down by the lead. This is the only guy that should be hitting anybody. You can’t afford for the plug or the lead to be arrested, and he could be replaced with a passive lookout with a cell phone in a pinch. In case you can’t tell, this was my job.
8. As a low profile client you don’t want a wall of meat making you look like a mafia don. You want a guy on you that can carry or shield you if necessary, a big mug on the door, and some evil twerp roving the area on the lookout for trouble. Ideally the twerp identifies a developing group—perhaps lefties piling out of a van—and just starts a disturbance that brings cops or attention and the people sent to spoil your little speech never even get to the building.
9. If all you have is a lead he locks the front door—which the venue owner will want secured in any case—and asks someone you trust who is not too interested in your subject to sit across the street with a cell phone to warn him.
10. You will be best served by a bar owner in a high crime area as he already has numerous protocols and possibly auxiliary staff for dealing with the locals who are apt to be much tougher than any interlopers and might even serve as a deterrent.
Good luck.
Point of the Family Spear
harm city
Fear of Strangers
songs of arуas
orphan nation
menthol rampage
masculine axis
barbarism versus civilization
logic of force
son of a lesser god
Maureen     Feb 23, 2015

Thanks James!
James     Feb 24, 2015

The more I thought about George's question the more it occurred to me that, in our present politically correct climate, any group getting together to discuss unpopular ideas may be in danger. Try and stick to private dwellings. If you get big enough to rent, rent a viewing room at a funeral parlor or a small bar or eatery that is closed one night a week, so that you can get a discount.
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