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Fear of Strangers
Hate, Xenophobia & Masculinity
© 2015 James LaFond
Xenophobia is something that we can expect to see more of from White Identified Americans as this nation’s slave masters import cheap third world labor in order to increase their slave holdings. The word Xenophobia, literally translated from the ancient Greek, reads, Stranger-fear.
As you, as a man, begin to realize that your lack of willing service to your slave master will simply be nullified by your slave master acquiring more obedient slaves, without a thought of freeing you, you will find that some of the like-minded defiant will be ‘haters’ who believe that all non-whites are evil parasites with unique and inbred flaws in their character that are not present in whites. As naïve as this belief seems to people who have lived in mixed race settings, there is another equally irrational belief that pairs with it. This is the notion that the newly arrived slaves in our pen are on the side of the masters; nothing but their foot soldiers with no hopes, dreams, hates or regrets of their own. This is what any slave master wants, division between those he is exploiting.
When I was a young man such notions of white pride were most often expressed as street level violence by small groups of skinheads against colored women and children and lone men. These attacks were rarely punished and never effective at deterring 'inferior' races from settling in the exclusionary area.
A generation later we have laws in place designed to punish members of the majority group [which is still white despite dark fantasies to the contrary] from doing violence against blacks and other privileged groups. Now, even if defending against blacks—and even if a law officer—prosecution and persecution is likely. You whites are no longer your masters’ favorite type of slave. This has placed the awesome fear inspired by the state machine that once terrorized Native Americans and blacks as a threat to whites. The result is fear of other races and the notion that a white enclave should stand somewhere in this land as a kind of militarized reservation for white refugees.
I pity these white men who so doubt themselves that they ascribe superhuman qualities to members of the races they loathe. Despite examples of MMA and boxing matches in which white men tend to dominate blacks our racist mythology persists that a white man without a gun is helpless against a black, and that since the government is against citizens having guns it needs to be changed, to what I do not know.
Once you have been contacted by such activists, or stumble upon them in the martial arts school or work place as I have, they will attempt to emasculate you according to a certain process. The irony is that although these White Nationalist types seek out fighting men as the Arуan Nation once sought out skin heads and the mafia once sought out Irish tough guys, to provide muscle, they will inevitably subject you to the following emasculating agenda:
1. Whites are physically inferior to other races and therefore need superior technology, which therefore requires political action to insure survival.
2. Despite uncounted heroic defenses, conquests and last stands by tiny outnumbered and often outgunned white soldiers around the world, that a white man cannot defend himself against other races if he is outnumbered.
3. To prevent the above unwinnable battles—for you cannot fight white man—you must treat unfairly with other races on an individual basis. Therefore, since all other races seek with vast hive minds to do away with the white race you must treat every member of another race with extreme dishonor, regarding him as a criminal, a thief, a liar, thereby destroying your own code of honor, which is the behavioral pillar of the warrior ethic, and in the end what we fall back on when we fight.
4. Since this is believed to be a genetic battle and that morality derives directly from genetics with negligible environmental or learned influence any negative behavior on the part of your white brothers is to be overlooked as they are on your side right or wrong. Throwing your support behind criminals will further erode your honor and hence your masculine character.
5. Blind support of the collectivist tribal ethics that such groups promote will result in your enslavement and total emasculation. Eventually you will be paying protection money to someone.
6. Savvy organizers will use female agents to attract warrior types to their cause. Before you go down that road read Samson and the Philistines from the Book of Judges, for an example of exactly what fearful tribes do to the warriors they ‘coax’ by way of the machinations of the sweet sex.
A Positive Masculine Alliance
In the interest of you masculinity—which is your very identity as a human and the basis for your status as a warrior—consider the following keys to joining a cause that will be less likely to erode your honor. Keep in mind that modern militaries, criminal gangs and police forces are based on the negation of individual honor in favor of the primacy of collective honor.
1. Only accept the proposal of men who approach you as men. A man who sends a woman is not a man, least of all honorable.
2. Do not submit, but join, or ally.
3. A handshake or similar bond is preferable to a written contract, just like punching me is more masculine than writing about it.
4. The alliance shall not be based on fear.
5. The alliance shall be based on shared values.
6. The alliance is strongest when there is a shared hate.
7. Ideally that which is hated is counter to your shared values.
There are a lot more things to ponder but I consider the above points to be crucial and basic to the question of lending your strength to others. Overall, if a warrior is motivated by fear of anything other than failure he is the weaker for it. And fear of strangers is simply stupid, as it is necessarily based on weak intelligence.
Tactically Speaking
harm city
Where Men Speak
winter of a fighting life
the greatest lie ever sold
barbarism versus civilization
son of a lesser god
the lesser angels of our nature
songs of arуas
thriving in bad places
Jeremy Bentham     Feb 21, 2015

"There is no reason to suppose that human beings differ very much one from another, except that it is true that the ones who have been trained in the hardest school will come out on top."

-Thuycidides (460-395 B.C.), The History of the Peloponnesian War

LOL! Yes, it is extremely ironic that both the white supremacists and the black supremacists are in agreement that blacks are physically superior to whites. How on earth did this come about? More importantly, how do white supremacists and white nationalists expect to prevail if they have such an inferiority complex? They must prove themselves worthy to attend Odin's feast!

What is even more ironic is that it is the black's protectors, our white Leftist ruling elite (The Woman), who are the ones who believe blacks to be inferior to whites. To the Liberals/Leftists/Progressives the blacks are "half devil and half child" (as in the Kipling poem) and unable to compete with whites on any level playing field in a civilized society (outside of a select group of sports that is). Hence they must be provided for by the rest of society lest they all starve. Don't forget too, white women rule the world. Everyone else either wants to be with them or look like them.

The real enemy is The Woman! Black criminals wouldn't be the dangerous nuisance they are now if The Woman wasn't enforcing a PC/multicultural pecking order that allows them to run wild and attack anyone they want with near impunity (AKA Anarcho-Tyranny). Not that the blacks are blameless pawns in all this. They knew what they were getting into when they allied themselves with the Left, even if they were extraordinarily shortsighted and didn't stop to consider the possible outcomes. Consequently, once The Woman ceases to regard blacks as a useful poltical mascot and abandons them (like She did working class whites), the black community at large is liable to find out to their profound dismay how many enemies their 'knucklehead" youth has made for them in ALL the non-black communities. So don't feel so outnumbered WNs.

"After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, "Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes." - Nehemiah 4:14 (NIV)
James     Feb 22, 2015

You know, one day, I'm just going to say to myself—just have Jeremy write this one!

The Woman is already turning on her dark pawns. Yet another NFL player is being hauled into court to stand trial for how he behaves in his own house—something to do with his exotic pets not getting along—which is ironically evocative of The Woman's relationship with her minority...can we say...should we say it...may I write it without—how can I not—pets!
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