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Bar Whore Blues
Getting Nasty in Harm City with 72 Hours to EBT Day
© 2015 James LaFond
Since I wrote this piece, and due to the Baltimore Riots of April/May 2015, EBT food stamp distribution has been spread out from the 5th to the 27th of the month. It was previously issued from the 6th through the 15th. The riots kicked off with such force partially because so many welfare recipients had gone three weeks without free money and were more willing than normal to take up looting. This piece was written only two months before the riots, at a time as I later learned, when Nigerian cab drivers were being driven from Baltimore City by small mobs of indigenous blacks.
Once one has been in the retail food business for decades and has a clear understanding of the purpose of ‘food stamps,’ or EBT food/cash distributions, one is prepared for the compassion-eating freaks to rise from their government grave once all of that money has run out, and more importantly, once the 50% of EBT distributions that are pumped into the drug economy have finally run its course, crystallizing in the ravaged brains of numberless zombies as a kind of defecated hope.
The past two weeks in the Mid-Atlantic have been very cold with record lows—thank you global warming people—and tenacious road ice. So, I have seen fewer freaks than normal. But yesterday we had a 39 degree heat wave which brought out the foot-slogging, carpooling bar whores hoping to blow an employed man for a rock of crack, a bottle of booze, or a hit of heroin.
I woke groggy on the bus at the end of the line and tramped out onto the ice. Every injury from fights past was aching, so I had brought my rapier-like umbrella, expecting precipitation, and was hence well-armed against the rabble of oppressed. A half mile up the road walking through the ice-glazed sheets of snow that covered the park, I saw a person walking toward me and keeping to the center of the sidewalk.
It could have been a boy or a thin woman and had something in its left hand. I took the right side of the sidewalk so I could check whatever was in its hand while I ran the umbrella through its face. It re-adjusted its course to intercept me, then, as its features came into view as a 30-year-old David Bowie as Joan Jet, it squeaked, “Can you spare a light please?”
I picked up my pace and made eye-contact. She was wearing spandex rose pants and a leather jacket and the thing in her hand was a cigarette.
“I don’t smoke,” I said, as we came face to face and I stepped around her.
“Could you spare a couple of dollars?” she whined.
“No,” I said as I picked up my pace in case she had a man nearby.
“She began to sob loudly, “You mean you won’t help me out?”
I walked on.
My phone rang and it was Mescaline Franklin calling from Miami complaining about the 80 degree heat and the left wing globalist press, and complimenting me on Incubus of Your Sacred Emasculation, which he rated as slightly better than Taboo You. He went on about Winter, my deep freeze horror novella that he was reading to keep the heat at bay, “You know I really liked this first chapter with the egg and the cave man. And then you introduce these two hard working honest black dudes down on their luck out there trying to make a living shoveling snow—probably the only decent black dudes in Baltimore that aren’t slinging dope and sucking off the welfare tit—and you kill them in the most horrific fashion. What a message. People are going to wonder what happened to you—I love this stuff. I’m telling you horror is your niche.”
Mescaline regaled me with 1930s political science and we arranged for another meeting to discuss publishing subversive horror. Soon I was heading into work at the 24-hour suburban supermarket. It would not take long for the freaks to show up.
Cookie Monster The ‘beyond flamboyant’ six foot nine inch 380-pound, gay, light-skinned black man with a well-teased afro, was shopping in his Toy Story pajamas with two petite gay lovers at about college age, lisping about the price of bacon being "off the hook and out of control."
Coco Puff was in there about 1:50 a.m.. Coco Puff is a forty-year-old, dark-skinned black drug dealer, a stocky man who comes to the store in the middle of the night in his slippers and chinchilla bathrobe to get 95-cent coffee. I was working the yogurt with my back to him at the coffee counter while his Dominican bodyguard stood there menacingly with his hands in his pockets, while Coco Puff went on and on about “Dem bitches betta have dat shit bagged up by da time we get back—hear me. You hear me, right? Right? En dey asses sure as shit betta hear me too!”
Coco Puff mixed regular and decaf tea and hot chocolate in his Styrofoam cup, mixed it just so, and headed up to Bubba at the register past the Brazilian floor tech who was trying to teach Mush Mouth Mike—who can’t even speak English—how to speak Portuguese instead of drying the floor around the corner. Coco Puff stepped on the wet patch in his fuzzy slippers and went skating. I thought he was going to hit the deck but he saved the coffee and stayed up with a grin of pride, pointing to his bathrobe indicating that he didn’t spill a drop on it. I guess that is the kind of functional athleticism decades of pimp slapping develop in a man.
As Coco Puff and his heat left the store two women were arguing out front, one harshly into her mid-fifties and a 30-something skank, both drunk. The older woman slapped the younger, and the not yet sagging one left in a car, stranding the elder ho.
‘Mom’ came inside and began begging us for help, telling her whole life story. She was a worn-out, rough-looking blonde, which got her little sympathy from the young guys on the crew, so she went on about her husband dying suddenly last month, to which Bubba said under his breath, “Obviously a suicide.”
Unable to get help from Bubba or Steevo with cab fare she implored the Night Manager to drive her home. She named an intersection, and he, being a really good guy, asked me where that was. I said, “That’s ten miles into the heart of the East Baltimore hood. I don’t even go through there after dark anymore.”
He asked the lady, who reeked of whiskey and was beginning to slur her words, “How did you get out here?”
“My daughter drove me.”
“You can use the store phone to call her up and have her come and get you.”
“Oh no, she’s too busy sucking everybody’s dick down in the city!”
The manager looked at me with raised eyebrows and raised hands, and asked me when the next bus came by. He was willing to put her on the bus with fare money.
“The last bus headed down town at twelve-fifteen. The first one heads down at five-fifteen. It doesn’t go anywhere man. It dead ends at a liquor store in East Baltimore and turns around at a housing project out here somewhere. It’s as if some drug dealers lobbied the MTA to have a bus line routed out here so that teenage hoodrats could get drugs to all of these stoners.”
He just looked at me with eyes wide, brows raised and palms lifted like he was holding up a large snow globe. “Jesus, did I fall asleep under a tree for thirty years and wake up on some alien planet?”
That is what happens when the drug addicts of this great nation have gone two weeks without free money, just a little taste of what the urban, and soon suburban*, world is going to look like if the money train ever crashes.
*As I write bus lines, housing projects and a Wal-Mart are being set up in the posh bedroom community 30 miles from Baltimore that my entire family fled to, in order to facilitate the immigration of welfare recipients, a type of citizen that politicians seem to adore and woo at every opportunity. A lady I talked to on Saturday, having just come back into Harm City from a visit to Belair [where 100,000 white Baltimoreans fled to over a generation], said, “Nadine and I stopped into the seven-eleven before the baby shower for ice and there were nine black guys—men—just hanging out on the sidewalk, not shopping, just eye-balling people and selling drugs. The government must be shipping them all to the suburbs.”
I personally think it’s hilarious.
Thriving in Bad Places
The Ghetto Gourmet
harm city
Managing Crazy Mark
on the overton railroad
your trojan whorse
broken dance
logic of steel
ball of fortune
the fighting edge
Maureen     Mar 3, 2015

Well this is what the Nationalists have been crowing about dude! They keep shipping them into our neighborhoods and when we fight em we go to prison. What are we supposed to do, let them ruin us some more?
James     Mar 4, 2015

American infrastructure that has been built for and by the dominant Anglocentric population is typically employed by the upper class to mobilize minority populations as cheap next generation labor or as civil threats. A perfect example is that slave plantations that used forced black labor to keep poor whites poor [try getting a job when the rich guys own skilled people!] were originally built by white slaves on land cleared by white slaves, who then either escaped, revolted, or were killed.

It blows my mind that my hipster friends want a bus line from their bedroom community so that they can go to the downtown attractions and get drunk without having to drive, with full knowledge that inner city criminals will use these very arteries as invasion corridors. Note that it is not just the government that is encouraging and facilitating under class immigration to bedroom communities. It is the corporations and wealthy landowners in league with politicians, a Democratic-Republican alliance intent on ghettoizing the suburbs for profits and votes.
Jeremy Bentham     Mar 5, 2015

Yes 21st Century America is an insane dichotomy. Is it not?

In the United States of America:

1. We are told America is capitalist and greedy, yet half of the American population is subsidized by the government.

2. Half of the population is subsidized by the government, yet they think they are victims.

3. They think they are victims, yet their representatives run the government.

4. Their representatives run the government, yet the poor keep getting poorer.

5. The poor keep getting poorer, yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.

6. They have things that people in other countries only dream about, yet they want America to be more like those other countries.

7. We constantly hear about how Social Security is going to run out of money, but we never hear about welfare or food stamps running out of money.

8. We are cutting benefits for our veterans, no pay raises for our military and cutting the personnel strength of our army to a level lower than it was has been since before WWII, but we are making payments and giving benefits to illegal aliens.

This all happening because America is an unjust country, unjust from its very founding. Consequently, America is undergoing a much needed transformation by The Woman (our current Leftist ruling elite) into a more just and equal country. One where the first will be last and the last will be first (and The Woman will be in charge of every aspect of human existence). So quit complaining and accept your punishment.

Another major dichotomy is that the different races that occupy America have a symbiotic love-hate relationship. Clearly they need each other, in spite of the fact that they don't want to live next to each other. For example, rich white people need cheap labor; particularly inexpensive, quiet and respectful domestic servants and grounds keepers from Latin America. Likewise black people need white people and can't live without white people, despite the fact that they believe themselves to be oppressed by white people. Blacks couldn't earn a living without white people. A large portion of the black population either works for government or is supported by government, government that is financed by the taxes paid mostly by white people. The wealthiest black people all made their fortunes by entertaining white people, as athletes, musicians, actors and other public performers. "Non-white" Hispanics appear to be in much the same position. Given their migratory patterns, it appears that blacks and Hispanics really prefer to live where Anglo white people live and rule. Seemingly in total disregard to the well-publicized “racism” and "bigotry" exhibited by American whites. Why is that? I guess that means that if the majority of English-speaking American whites were ever to actually decide to break away and form their own exclusive white nation, the rest of the country won't allow them to leave. Like the President of Mozambique once advised South African President Nelson Mandela after he ascended to the seat of power, you want to take care not lose your white people. Zimbabwe lost most of them and look what has happened to that country.
Jeremy Bentham     Mar 5, 2015


Another part of the symbiotic love-hate relationship between the races in America is manifested by the fact that whites need blacks and Hispanics to keep them supplied with drugs, as well as provide them access to other types of vice. For example, whites frequently travel to dangerous black occupied neighborhoods seeking to buy illegal drugs and/or engage in illicit sex. I mean you couldn't very well engage in street-level drug dealing and prostitution in the orderly suburbs like you can in the chaotic ghetto for a whole host of reasons, could you? Plus once whites become addicted to drugs they typically move from the suburbs to the inner city ghetto in order to gain more convenient daily access to drugs. The closer to church the nearer to God of course. We are witnessing this phenomenon in my part of the country as well. Something must be done, clearly. But what? One must assume that in a separate white nation, laws would be established to regulate what interactions between whites and non-whites were acceptable to society and which were not. Thus if a white person wanted to interact in with non-whites in a manner that was not accepted by the White Nation at large, he or she would have to travel outside the country. Yes, so I must suppose then that we would be faced with much less of a racial conundrum in this country today had Thomas Jefferson simply written in the Declaration of Independence": "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all White Men are created equal,..." That presumably would have made understandable to even the dullest among us what an independent America's social order was really intended to be like (and it is what the Left and the Black community at large truly believe about this country anyway). Today, however, NOTHING can be held to be self-evident. So here we are. LOL!
James     Mar 5, 2015

It is interesting that as we have the Mass Transit Administration cooperating with WalMart to get black drug dealers out to bedroom communities to serve the white suburban need, we also have many young whites immigrating to the city to get their dope cheaper. It is becoming quite a stoner shell game.
Sam J.     Mar 5, 2017

"...Well this is what the Nationalists have been crowing about dude! They keep shipping them into our neighborhoods and when we fight em we go to prison. What are we supposed to do, let them ruin us some more?..."

Of course. This is part of the secret plan of the super smart warrior class to defeat our enemies. Abuse, laugh at, ridicule and drag down every single White person that fights back and "SHAZAM" the "establishment" will be defeated. (I admit that I'm so stupid that I don't actually understand exactly how this plan will work out.)
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