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© 2015 James LaFond
I’m not buying into the global warming stuff, particularly since I just spend four hours trudging around Baltimore, Maryland in a blizzard on March 5th. One thing I can buy into is mismanagement, particularly of water. For over the past two weeks I have walked past unrepaired water main breaks in my own mile-wide neighborhood that might have filled a small lake.
Check out the Guardian video [bleeding heart Brit reporters in Brazil], and don’t miss the article links to below the video.
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Andrew Metzger     Mar 5, 2015

I don't understand how you are unconvinced by climate change science. How can anyone? I know! You don't pay any f***ing attention to what's being explained.

Climate change simply infers that the climate is changing. As the globe warms, and CO2 increases in the atmosphere, mean averages go up, and extreme weather patterns occur: 1) Less, and more intense Hurricanes 2) drought & flash-food-style rain patterns 3) arid regions become dryer, wet regions experience greater land loss to storm surges as global water levels increase thanks to Arctic ice shelf melting.

Extremes, increase. Our summers become harsher, as do our winters.

Here's a tangible precedent: It's been many hundreds of years since the Arctic completely thawed in the summer (100% ice loss)... and it's about to happen again soon. This, amongst many other signs and basic measurements that infer the same thing: the climate is rapidly changing. Where politics comes to play is when someone purports that this change is anthropomorphic in nature.

It should not, however, be a debate—because the answer is this: Global warming isn't only real, but accelerating, and you're an ignorant, sheepish Idiot if you have any doubt about this. Don't be the pawn of old conservative rhetoric. It's not 2005 anymore, grow up and realize this planet is in a tailspin.
James     Mar 5, 2015

I get that, and I get the Little ice Age and the five big ones.

However the idea that this planet's climate is not supposed to change seems odd to me. Also the ocean temperatures have not increased in line with the climate models [see Stefan Molyneux's 'Truth About Global Warming' video].

We are living in an interglacial period. For the past 250,000 years ice ages have been the rule not the exception. I recall scare documentaries from the late 1970s about the coming ice age, then 10 years later about global warming—not climate change, but global warming. Have you seen the Kevin Costner film Water World? That's what Green Party people were predicting when I was your age, not climate change, but 'Greenhouse Earth' with a steadily rising thermostat and coastal population centers under water.

I think its terrible that the polar ice caps are melting. It bothers me even more that continental glaciers are evaporating and the aquifers are being pumped dry to make Tostitos. But, considering that we should be near the end of an interglacial period, maybe our spewing of carbon and methane is holding back the walls of leviathan ice that once rose a mile thick within sight of where I'm typing.

I didn't hear all of the 'climate change' stuff until after we hit this cooling trend 10 years ago, then it became climate change. Before that Andrew, the mantra was 'Global Warming' not 'climate change.' This has made me suspicious of the environmentalist agenda. But then again that is only suspicion. We know with a certainty that the corporations are going to strip mine this plant until it looks like Mars.

Thanks for checking in Andrew. Your gonzo anti establishment opinions are much respected here.
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