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On Becoming the Monster
A Study in Reactionary Tribalism: Two White Separatist Gang Documentaries
© 2015 James LaFond
I dearly wanted to title this piece ‘Whoop that Toad’ but went with the current theme in our nonfiction posts.
For any reader, lefty, righty, centrist, or ‘don’t give-a-damn because I’m Jack Donovan and you’re not’, these two offerings, from what I regard as a marginal series, make a fairly neutral case for white prison gangs as a study in feral tribalism. I have known three men who were members of such gangs and found them to be people I could deal with, while their ‘wannabe’ associates on the outside tended to be of less honorable stuff.
I regard it as a tragedy for Americans of European descent that the most dedicated members of our race virtually worship Adolf Hitler and the German Nazi party [In my opinion no man or group did more to hurt the Caucasian cause.], and that they deal drugs in imitation of, and in concert with, their racial rivals. However, why is it perfectly fine with white right wing law enforcement and white left wing academia for black and Latino men to band together in race-based gangs and commit violence along racial lines, but, when a white man does it he is something more evil?
I understand the old double-standard used by the NAACP and talk radio host Larry King, that blacks and Latinos cannot be found guilty of racism, because they lack the social clout to negatively affect whites through race-based action. I have a problem with this functional sliding scale for racism as it omits violence. But, let’s give up that argument, and say, “Yes, in the corporate American workplace blacks and Latinos do not have the ability to deny whites jobs through an old boy network and therefore may not be regarded as guilty of functional racism.”
Now let us apply Mister King’s and the NAACP’s argument in prison, where 9 out of 10 inmates are black or Latino, and in which whites are vastly outnumbered. If the above was a logical argument it would indicate that whites in prison should be held exempt from charges of violent racism.
Over and over again commentators on all sides of this debate note that white gangs are more ruthless, more terroristic; more extreme. White Nationalists agree with pride, as a measure of superior nature. Lefties agree that white men are genetically and irredeemably evil. Right wing cops cite white criminals as a special breed of vermin. Every one of us stupid monkeys thinks it’s all genetic—the white killer gene.
But maybe, as in many a famous last stand in military history, when smaller groups of cohesive men find themselves outnumbered and with their backs literally to a wall, they do what their tactically minded ancestors did in the face of lions, hyenas, mammoths, bison and bears; that they became ‘the monster’ because it was the only survivable option.
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Jeremy Bentham     Mar 10, 2015

Fascinating! Yes, why is it that white gangs are considered by our Leftist ruling class (the Woman) to be somehow “worse” than non-white gangs? Certainly the prominent non-white criminal and terrorist organizations don’t take a back seat to anyone when it comes to a lack of scruples and a depraved indifference to human life. Can any white American gang top the atrocities committed by the Mexican drug cartels? The last time a white mobster accidently killed a child in the commission of a crime he was denounced by the city mayor as a “mad dog” (, whereas contemporary black street gangs regularly kill children with indiscriminant gunfire, with little to no public outrage. Obviously political correctness and multiculturalist sentiments are at work here, since non-whites are “oppressed” they must be forgiven their trespasses, whereas whites must not be. There is also the bigotry of low expectations in the mix as well. The dirty little secret is that the self-appointed champion of the “oppressed” minorities, the Left, really believes blacks and Hispanics to be inferior to whites. Therefore, the Left believes white criminal organizations to be more dangerous than non-white criminal organizations due to the superior competence of the whites. The buffoonish incompetence often displayed by black gangs makes Leftists regard them as little more than horrid unruly children. For example, how many black gang-bangers do you suppose have been sent to prison over the years for killing the wrong person? Whites on the other hand are regarded as “adults” and therefore are held to a higher standard of behavior. As adults they should know better.

Consider that an individual uneducated white man, Timothy McVeigh ( was able to do what a group of Asian Muslim terrorists with PH.D. ‘s could not: build a car bomb a that would actually explode ( Compare the damage that one lone “redneck”, Timothy McVeigh, inflicted to that caused by all the gangs of Muslim terrorists operating inside the USA during the last twenty years and you begin to understand why The Woman regards whites to be the more dangerous foe. Furthermore, Leftists as a group are great “projectors”, believing they see their own flaws in other people. Consequently, since Leftist whites themselves are filled with rage and a desire for vengeance against a society they despise, they imagine that their white opposites on the political Right are similarly all possessed with an urge to destroy.

As far as our law enforcement agencies are concerned, they are probably taking the path of least resistance by focusing on white criminal organizations, since the white organizations are much easier for them to infiltrate (keep in mind that the FBI and all the other federal law enforcement agencies are still made up of about 80% white males).
Maureen     Mar 10, 2015

Great commentary Jeremy!
Oleaginous Outrager     Mar 23, 2015

It's not that progtards believe that whites are "worse", it's just that they actually loathe the minorities more than any Nazi. They expect the hoodrats to act in the most animalistic and feral ways imaginable, because they're not the elite: white, college-educated, and social Marxist through and through.

It's all a social signaling charade. The proggies don't really give a fuck about anybody but themselves, and the non-whites are useful tools to flail at the "Patriarchy", but the proggies will never let them move into their high-end neighborhoods.
James     Mar 23, 2015

Progtards has to be one of my favorite new words.

Thank you.
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