“With your article in mind, are you saying there will be a mostly feminine population while bearing in mind that these days there are more than two gender options? People feel "oppressed" when they can only pick five genders on a dating site. Do you think society will loop around again, or will everyone just get even more whiney?”
My prediction is that by A.D. 2200—if we assume technological advancement in line with our current rate—human reproduction will be completely controlled by either The State or whatever social organisms have replaced The State such as corporations and/or religious cults. Keep in mind that we currently have nations where the government places limits and offers punishments and rewards for the bringing of children into the world.
My Specific Prediction
1. Most authorized births will be female as females are more submissive to authority and more collectivist in their political orientations than males
2. Males and females will be split into heterosexual and homosexual orientations in a more even mix than we see today, as their will be no reproductive component to sexual relationships. This would mean that homos and lesbos would have to stop making fun of us heteros by calling us ‘breeders.’ Note, that in 2015 it is difficult to produce a TV series without the depiction of prominent homosexual or bisexual characters, far out of proportion with current reality.
3. That a sexless human drone would be developed along the lines of the ‘Andy’s in Alice B. Sheldon’s Houston, Houston, Do You Read? ‘The Ataraxia Effect’. Such people may well be required for extended space travel.
4. Most males would be denatured, as we have already seen, with the male human rapidly taking on feminine psychology when placed in a high tech collectivist environment.
5. That the small number of military operatives required due to extremely lethal technology would necessitate the maintenance of an elite class of male warriors, most likely homosexual to facilitate unit cohesion and minimize female paramilitary infiltration [The Delilah Factor with teeth!]
6. That a small minority of male heterosexual executives will remain in power, acting primarily through female political proxies.
As you noted my prediction is very conservative where the ‘freak factor’ such as herms and shemales are concerned. I did address this in one episode of Pillagers The Mutiny Of Private Johnson. My thought is that if birth and gender is in the hands of our masters, than such variant choices would certainly be denied us, though such options may remain for the elite, such as Miss Astoria. This is just one sci-fi author’s educated guess. For alternative views I encourage David Brin’s Glory Season and the above title by Sheldon.
Jamie is of the latest ‘millennial’ generation, a young woman raised by a Gen-X feminist. Contrast her dark view with that of Anna, the baby boomer feminist who asks some questions of her own in ‘Oh Great Testicled One.’ As a reader and writer it is noteworthy that women of the same region of the same nation and of the same economic strata, a mere 30 years apart in age, seem to have been raised in different realities even when they hold to the same ethos.