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To Ann Sterzinger
An Open Letter
© 2015 James LaFond
Dear Ann,
Since your article Graphomaniac, we have been visited by hundreds of new readers, and my print sales have increased by 30%. More importantly, you put me in contact with a number of readers from the Paladin Press days. One of these fellows cited your article and wrote:
I’m a longtime fan from back in the Paladin Press days and was steered to your blog via Taki’s Magazine (thinking to myself, “is this the same James LaFond?” Fortunately, it was.) Quite jazzed by the fact that you’d written an RPG. I’m a stay behind reverse retirement citizen much like yourself, but I do plan on adding more of your writings to my collection. It doesn’t need to be said, but keep on writing and we’ll keep on reading.
We have also been contacted by a handful of new readers who have expressed a feeling of having found a kindred outlook. That is far better than some Random House book deal or getting a story licensed and butchered beyond all recognition by some Hollywood studio.
Thanks Ann,
If there is anything I can ever do for you, email me at the address below, or make my day and dial the phone number, and feel free to evoke my latent chauvinism on your behalf.
Keep writing.
The following email was a mistake, but it was the only time I was able to prove to the G-mail program that I was not a machine by reading the messed up letters and numbers, so we kept it. I heard that techno-groan Charles (my celebrity e-mail coach!)
443-686-0598, will contact my historic Luddite 2005 shell flip-phone without the back plate, [which was lost trying to catch the #23 bus out of Middle River in February 2010] and has survived more fights than Floyd Money!
‘Is This the Best Time To be Alive?’
author's notebook
‘How Do I Limit My Exposition?’
your trojan whorse
beasts of aryаs
taboo you
let the world fend for itself
the sunset saga complete
search for an american spartacus
on the overton railroad
under the god of things
SidVic     Mar 26, 2015

Well, well.... sounds like a crush.
James     Mar 27, 2015

Slick Willy advised me to 'take the 5th' on that.
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