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‘My Master’
Dracula Untold with Zach McGowan
© 2015 James LaFond
Zach McGowan [who plays Captain Charles Vain in Black Sails—now my favorite character since Captain Flint has been exposed as a cock-sucker] is not the lead, or even a major actor in this Vampire romance, but does play the best part, a shaman who recognizes Dracula for what he is and offers his blood; Renfeld on steroids.
The acting and effects in this movie are excellent, but the story is pathetic, masquerading as being based on history, which it then twists out of all recognition in various ways. The lead actor does play an excellent part. Again, the story is so weak, so romanced, so feminized, and it does not end there. Just like Game of Thrones, the Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, The Chronicles of Narnia, Dracula Untold is about the glorification of government, a supreme state force that will—as if by magic—rain down death on those who threaten us. History is twisted completely out of line here by showing Dracula’s monstrous sacrifice enabling a reign of peace and plenty which was completely counter to the actual tale of the Balkans in the wake of Vlad Dracula’s doomed struggle against the Ottoman Sultan.
As a twist on the Dracula trope I liked the agency of blood in this film, but as a story the film lost me four scenes from the end.
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