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Tito Perdue Speaks with Andy Nowicki
White Wednesday: Two Counter-Culture Novelists Discuss Writing and Society in this Alternative-right Podcast
© 2015 James LaFond
Yesterday I was headed to the book store with a sample for the science-fiction buyer. Before leaving I decided to listen to the podcast link [bottom of page] Mescaline Franklin sent me a few days ago. The format of the discussion was that each author took turns speaking to the other about his work, ostensibly in a journalistic way. This approach pretty much imploded in the second half, though this did nothing to lessen the quality of the discussion.
Tito sounds like a real character—an eccentric, an older kind of writer. He discusses the degeneration of Western Society, the death of literature, his disdain for action over the life of the character's mind in fiction, the nature of his untouchable status in publishing, and most risky of all, that he values the achievements of the Caucasian race over those of all other races. He also goes on the predict that the Chinese will overtake the whites as we degenerate. This mature and considered racial pride and preference is of course heresy, and has consigned him to the literary dust bin.
My favorite Tito quotes from the discussion were:
"I don't want their [consumers] approval."
"He [the postmodern American] thinks he believes in something."
"How vulgar can this society get?"
And, his most dangerous statement considering his own racial heritage, "This extraordinary people!"
By the time I was done listening to Tito and Andy I set the book back on the shelf and decided against trying to get it on the shelves. When I got to the book store, and took his advice by looking on the best seller table to determine the extent of our debasement as a people, I had to agree, that I would not want my book on that table.
It was a joy to listen to Mister Perdue; a breath of some very ancient air that is still somehow less stale than what is pumped into us fresh from the consensus lung by our belching world machine. I must say that Andy Nowicki has some balls to be publishing alternative views and politically incorrect literature while working in education. Don't let your guard down Mister.
The book of Andy's that was under discussion is reviewed at the link below.
‘My Three Foot World’
book reviews
‘Danger Is Life Itself’
the combat space
the greatest lie ever sold
advent america
solo boxing
sons of aryаs
your trojan whorse
fiction anthology one
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