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‘Books An 18 Year Old Male Should Read’
Answering The Most Import Reader E-mail I Have Received
© 2015 James LaFond
Good day sir,
I'd like to know which books you think an 18 year old male should read.
I can tell that you're an extremely well-read man and I can't allow the opportunity to receive your knowledge and wisdom to just pass me by.
Kind regards,
Reabetswe (Rio) Bodiba
Budding Entrepreneur from South Africa
I am flattered that you have asked me Reabetwse. Below are the titles I hope my Grandson will read—particularly if I’m not around—when he comes of age.
I will include the links to my review of them. I recommend reading them in the following order.
1. The Long Walk by Slavomir Rawicz Slovomir Rawicz, The Long Walk
2. The Way of Men by Jack Donovan ‘The Primitive Math Of Violence’
3. The Conquest of New Spain by Bernal Diaz (I am researching a novel of Bernal's life I hope to write. the book is almost 500 years old)
4. Storm of Steel by Ernst Junger Rise Of The Machine
5. Gilgamesh (the oldest book in existence) Beyond The Garden Of Ishtar
6. A Sorrow in Our Heart by Allen W. Eckert (I have not reviewed this yet. It is the story of Tecumseh, a visionary Native American leader who defies the enemy of his people.)
7. Moby Dick by Herman Melville (I am posting an abridged impression here
Good luck with your business Reabetswe.
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