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Livy and the Fat Boyz
A White Wednesday Tribute To Two Nutless Drones
© 2015 James LaFond
On Friday night I noticed that the elderly white lady who works the olive bar and makes the salads was in more pain than usual. She has something terribly wrong with her hip and back and works at a pain threshold that is only normal for aging combat athletes half her age. She works with three young black men in the deli. Not one of these big strong young men will help her wheel the olive cart, so an effeminate white clerk does it, us grocery guys filling in when necessary.
As I finished breaking down my freight, purchased a coffee, and sat down for my break behind Bubba’s register, I had a chance to observe the order being purchased by two white men in the early twenties who had been shopping for some time. They were both fat and bald and spoke in the ebonic hip hop lingo with more fluency than the slacker deli clerks. Livy hobbled on by with her cane going out on her break.
These men were nice and polite and did not steal. I had been keeping an eye on them as one was eating an entire half gallon of Turkey Hill mint chocolate chip ice cream. I checked with Bubba, who told me he had already paid for it with an EBT card [virtual food stamps]. As they shopped one listened to rap music on his state of the art 4G smart phone while the ice cream eater spoke to a friend on his glowing bible-sized phone.
Once at the register they engaged Bubba in conversation, being nice amicable fellows, even self-deprecating, as the younger one patted his jelly belly as he slurped ice cream and said, “If you gonna be a fat boy you needs ta do that shits right. I’m proud a my fatness—this belly be a badge a honor.”
The fellows had a 137 dollar and some change order, which was paid for with an EBT card. The balance was about $130.
They politely said good night and waddled out to the parcel pickup, where the ice cream eater waited for the elder whigger punk to pull up in a white 2014 Nissan SUV, which they loaded with their party food.
There you have it, the Welfare State in action, and the great grandsons of the men who once ruled the world wallowing in its moral filth like pigs in a pen, neither of them half the man as the elderly female deli clerk.
Can there be any wonder that Islamic men half a world away see this society depicted on YouTube, and decide it is time to kick in the entire rotting structure?
Jamma Mamma
harm city
400 Years In The Corn Field
song of the secret gardener
under the god of things
night city
search for an american spartacus
the sunset saga complete
time & cosmos
Jeremy Bentham     Apr 15, 2015

"We have only to kick in the door and the whole rotten structure will come crashing down." - Adolf Hitler
Habibi     Apr 15, 2015

While I know you know this, just to edify the readership, this society is on the Islamic black list due to their extremist beliefs and the desire to dominate. We may not be adding to our image on YouTube, but it's hardly the reason we are targeted. I believe the "Ugly American" has been around for a long, long time, weighing less and working harder, no?

I completely agree with your analysis in your sadly true story.


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