I recently mentioned in an article about how soft and squishy and welfare dependent our young white men are—the men who have traditionally formed the bulk of the U.S. military—that seeing such signs of decay broadcast on global social media would encourage Islamist attacks.
A female reader then wrote in saying this:
“While I know you know this, just to edify the readership, this society is on the Islamic black list due to their extremist beliefs and the desire to dominate. We may not be adding to our image on YouTube, but it's hardly the reason we are targeted. I believe the "Ugly American" has been around for a long, long time, weighing less and working harder, no?”
“I completely agree with your analysis in your sadly true story.”
The Tactical Logic of Aggression
You are correct that ‘ugly America’ has been grinning at the world for a while, and that Islamist hatred of the U.S. is based on their faith’s aim of global domination as a core value, and their extreme beliefs.
However, Islamic radicals wished to rule the world over 1,000 years ago, and were no threat whatsoever to the Native American warrior, because they lacked the means to get here, and if they had, to fight their way out of the Potomac Watershed.
In the 1600s radical Islam rose from the ashes of failed Ottoman expansion, which broke its imperial teeth on a rock called Malta. That was a final battle the likes of Okinawa, with the Spanish and Maltese as the Japanese—and they beat back the conquerors.
100 years ago, Islamists, chaffing under European colonial rule, began publishing tracts dedicated to a long term resistance to imperialism—understand we western capitalists ruled all of their lands other than what we let the Turks administer—depriving Islam of an autonomous homeland. Indeed, even today, the House of Saud, stewards of Mecca and Medina, are a reviled American puppet government.
What was the scholarly Islamic community in agreement about 100 years ago?
That the greedy, luxury-minded, comfort-driven, overreaching West, would one day get soft and bloated. Eventually Western Man would become unable to impose his cruel pillaging will on the lesser peoples of the world, and then, when the White Christian Man had grown soft, lazy, weak—and barely Christian—it would be time to strike.
My point is this, people, and groups, only attack for one of two reasons:
1. Their backs are to the wall and they face personal, genetic or cultural extermination
2. Or, usually, because they can!
Consider My Lady, that I am walking down the street wearing a 100,000 dollar gold chain in the worst neighborhood in Detroit, am wearing full body armor, am armed with a machine gun, and look like the combat android from hell. I am also wearing a head band that says ‘Black Detroit sucks my Arуan dick.’ In other words, I am the most hated enemy and most lucrative victim in that famously violent place.
Will I be attacked?
No, I will be left alone until I pass.
You on the other hand, will dress in sensible office attire carrying a modest purse, showing a bank deposit envelop that could value up to $1000 dollars in bills, if they were hundreds, but we all know they are probably $20s.
Will the men attack?
Absolutely, and if they don’t, children—both male and female down to eight years old—will attack you, as there is no perceived risk of lethal retaliation, as you, being a woman, were designed by your creator, to be soft and easily overcome.
Whether you are a head of state or a gas station cashier, you must put away your liberal sensibilities, your feminine sense of propriety, your politics, your beliefs, thoughts about your favorite concert pianist, and know, with absolute and finite certainty, that You Are Food, and that you will be eaten the moment your consumption seems to be a low risk option for the predators that stalk our world at every level.
My point is, lean, starving, angry, and heavily indoctrinated men, with a belief in domination, who see a fat, overfed, complaisant, and valueless mangina, barely possessed of the desire to finish his half gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream, will attack him and take what it his.
When men become soft their society falls, and as exemplified by the icon under which this appears, I believe that it is God’s will [whether he is Yahweh or some mad scientist from Alpha Centuri that created us on a dare] to Let The Weak Fall available right here Baby
150 years ago, when a few hundred international criminals fighting for the French Legion Estranger, who worshipped the wooden hand of a dead officer killed in Mexico, literally conquered a third of Africa, it seemed unfathomable to us Westerners—who even watched a Laurel and Hardy comedy about the French Foreign Legion—that those pathetic primitives clinging to their medieval domination ethos, would ever be able to strike back.
But here we are.
Thanks for encouraging me to make this point. It is ever on my mind but not often properly articulated.
“Eternal peace is a dream - and not even a beautiful one. War is part of God's world-order. Within it unfold the noblest virtues of men, courage and renunciation, loyalty to duty and readiness for sacrifice—at the hazard of one's life. Without war the world would sink into a swamp of materialism.”
- Field Marshal Helmuth von Moltke, the Elder, “On the Nature of War.”
Perhaps this explains my life long, and deep, aversion to materialism and fascination with war.
James, I would disagree won one point. Yes, perhaps war could be brought to us on the east coast or west coast. And yes we would probably be overrun because of the soft, useless and incompetent men of that area of our great nation. But, once into the interior things would be very different. The vast majority of the men in this country aren't east/west coast liberal sissies. We are armed, determined and would turn ruthless. It would not be a pretty war and after it was over and we had saved the lives of the flaccid press, we would be prosecuted for the violence brought to the enemy. But, we would still be here and determined to not let it happen again.
I absolutely agree with you Alfred, and I think this needs to be posted as an article.
Now consider two things:
Those very people—rural and small town folks in largely republican states that tend to count for much less electorally than NY, Florida, CA [we must except Texas of course]—are virtually sneered at by the national media and less valued by larger economic interests.
That the attack, as being cultivated rather than planned, will come from our cities belching out converts to Jihadist Islam. The trickle of young men presently trying to get to Syria to fight the 'Great Satan' will, if the liberal hate mongers have their way, become a more steady stream. Recall the two recent NY attacks on cops by self styled lone wolf urban terrorists.
I envision an eventual partition of the U.S. splitting it into East, Center and West. Think of India being partitioned in 1947 with the East Coast as Bangladesh, the Heartland as India, and the West Coast as Pakistan. That is not a directly applicable analogy but an example of two wings separating from the center of a divided nation along separate paths.
The problem of resistance in the heartland of America is going to be three fold: 1. The liberal centers like Chicago, Detroit—Kansas City and Saint Louis, if the Lefties get their way—and Boulder Colorado, will serve as cultural Trojan horses and bases for liberal complaisance and Islamist recruitment. I see these last two point intertwined with the left enabling—albeit unwittingly—Islamist expansion.
2. Expanding gun control efforts by the Media and the State, alongside the campaign to extinguish masculine identity among our boys, who are being indoctrinated in government schools.
3. If the feds eventually side with the Islamists against Traditional America, keep in mind that vast tracks of our western interior are federal preserves and military bases.
Thanks Alford