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‘To Sink A Row-boat’
White Wednesday Guest Author: Jeremy Bentham on The Wicked Witch of The Left and American Separatism
© 2015 Jeremy Bentham
Victor Davis Hanson is spot on!
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The Wicked Witch of The Left
Both the Clintons, and President Obama, practice “third way” socialism as originated by Mussolini: enlist the very rich/ big business as allies to your socialist cause. The rich appreciate the fact that they will be allowed to keep their wealth and their position in society AND that the government will help them eliminate their competition.
As economist Dr. Walter Williams has pointed out, the most effective way for a business to become a monopoly is with the help of the government. Small businesses cannot endure and survive over-taxation and over-regulation like big corporations can. It’s easier to sink a row-boat than it is to sink a battleship. So the big corporations / ultra-rich will gladly pay the protection money. Besides having access to tons of money to finance her campaign publicity, Hillary’s other hole cards are:
1. She’s a woman. Many people will vote for her simply because they will want to see a woman, any woman, elected president for the first time. Conversely, if you oppose her, it will be said it is because you are a man who hates women or are a self-loathing woman. So get your mind right, or else shut up!
2. We’ll get Bill back. Everyone will know that Bill Clinton (first dude, co-president, president emeritus, etc.) will be the real power behind the throne. All the people who were in their 20’s and 30’s back in the 1990’s remember the Clinton Administration as a time of “peace” and prosperity. They will likely be desperate to see those days return and will attribute the good times to the efforts of Bill. Plus they will want to be able to engage in extra-curricular activities in the office, as Bill did, and see him as a pioneer, a role-model, in this regard.
3. The Republicans may yet nominate another bland, moderate, “Democrat-light”, “establishment” candidate. This would likely alienate Conservatives and cause them to abstain from the voting by the millions, as happened in 2008 and 2012. Many Conservatives and Libertarians I have spoken with maintain that they refuse to vote for the “lesser of the evils”, because the “lesser of the evils is still evil”. Well Ok, I can appreciate sticking to one’s principles, but, nevertheless, elections have consequences and one cannot hope to change the direction of the country at all unless one is in power. I guess they would rather see the country fragment sooner rather than later. Forgive me, I’m old and was hoping to forestall this inevitability for a while longer.
4. If Conservatives stay home and Democrats are able to mobilize their Leftist base, it could tip the balance in Hillary’s favor. The Obama Admin has been compiling data bases of everyone who has voted Democrat in past elections ( .
They will be herded to the polls.
“The Onion” has a particularly prescient take on Hillary Clinton’s candidacy. As they say, all good humor has an element of truth to it. ,38416/
Vote for Hillary, or you will be exterminated!
American Separatism
"I predict future happiness for America if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them"
- Abraham Lincoln
James, I too am inclined to believe that the United States of America will eventually split up into sub-countries. At least three as you say, perhaps even more.
States could break up; western Maryland could break away from eastern Maryland. Large “blue cites” within otherwise “red” states (like Chicago), could form separate “city states”. The reason for this break up will be that the white folks in the interior (“fly-over land”) will become weary of the criminal mismanagement of the country by our Leftist ruling elite, AKA The Woman.
The Woman clearly does not like white Americans, since She is endeavoring to replace them with Hispanics, Muslims, blacks and assorted other multicultural groups and, at the same time, overtaxing and over-regulating them and enabling multicultural criminals to harass them and eat out their substance. The white folks won’t want to remain under the governance of people who hate the country and hate them. They will want a divorce. Incidentally, the same thing is occurring in Canada, as that country’s Leftist ruling elite is likewise endeavoring to replace white Canadians, both Anglo and French, with other racial and ethnic groups. .
Right now the population of the city of Richmond, British Columbia is sixty percent Chinese (surprise!): .
The trigger event of the breakup will likely be something very dramatic and traumatic, such as an economic collapse.
Who will run the various successor states to a defunct USA?
Which part or parts will remain under The Woman’s rule?
California will be unique case. Certainly among all other states it has the resources, both human and natural, to become a prosperous independent country. However it has mismanaged those resources badly, even as its population has doubled in the past 50 years (mostly from an influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico). Thus it is currently on track to become another impoverished Latin America ‘”banana republic”. Like Peru, “a beggar on a throne of gold”. California could become a multicultural economic powerhouse, like Singapore; although, like Singapore, it would have to become an authoritarian police state in order to hold the feuding multicultural groups together.
Thanks Jeremy.
‘We Exist To Be Expended’
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Maureen     Apr 26, 2015

Great stuff!
James     May 1, 2015

We are lucky to have Jeremy here.

I imagine him pouring over a table full of books with a magnifying glass looking for quotes and amplification notes.
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