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Proof that Reality Hates You
Ann Serzinger Teams Up With Webzine Publisher Rachel Haywire To Relaunch Trigger Warning
© 2015 James LaFond
A few weeks ago Rachel—who I have not had the pleasure of meeting—asked Ann, to ask me, if they could repost one of my numerous uplifting articles on slavery. I had just been in the middle of nodding off to a fantasy of me parachuting into the compound where Ann was being held as a hostage by Hillary Clinton’s minions in Bill’s room-sized humidor. Just when I got to the tuck and roll part of the rooftop landing, and broke my imagined ankle once again, the real Ann—not the one in evening gown and duct tape—rescued me from yet another failed macho fantasy, which are the bane of science-fiction writers, with a feminine request for my help!
A young woman asking for help!
What else does a geezer live for?
“Yes Dear, just tell me who to kill.”
“Oh, just a post? Well, I suppose I could handle that…”
Rachel and Ann
And here's the announcement I've been sending around; feel MORE than free to reproduce or quote!:
Dear Friends, Acquaintances, People Who Might Secretly Want to Kill Us, and Potential Partners in Scum and Villainy:
Hello there! This is Rachel Haywire and Ann Sterzinger. Tomorrow—Monday, April 27, 2015—is the day we shall announce our new partnership as co-editors of TRIGGER WARNING, the webzine that’s here to remind everyone that reality hates them.
INSERT CALL TO ACTION, as Bill Burr would say: Tomorrow we also relaunch with a brand new issue, and we would most heartily appreciate it if you would help us spread the word, via Facebook, Twitter, Snap-Ass, carrier kitten, or whatever the hell it is the kids are using these days.
TRIGGER WARNING is a cesspool of news, culture, art, and stupid, stupid politics, wherein we choose laughs over finger-wagging, misanthropy over team play, reason over righteousness, and fun facts over foaming at the mouth: Let the right wing AND the left wing drop off, and run the motherfucker into the Alps, saith we. Here be the link:
We’re also about to launch a fundraising/revenue generating effort on the strength of our new content, and would be grateful for any help in that eternally-troublesome department of the news and culture bidness as well. We welcome all of you to submit articles, podcasts, or homemade macrame drones should you find the time, and we are working toward the lofty goal of being able to PAY YOU at least a reasonable fraction of what your thoughts and words are worth. Your efforts on our behalf may very well, in other words, serve your own ends in time.
Yours Sincerely,
Rachel and Ann
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