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Bugging Out
Race War Rout
© 2015 James LaFond
I have received calls from three people today working in city supermarkets who have had difficulty getting out of town. Gangs of blacks have been laying down in the street, laying bicycles in the street, and dragging trash bins into the street to form barricades. With the Baltimore Police department on the defensive and under siege by the black community, the media and the federal government, no Baltimorean is expecting an officer to respond to a call for help today.
This is the inevitable place where the drug war brings us.
For over 30 years the black neighborhoods that have been systematically attacked by police prosecuting the drug war, which is their primary task, have become more violent, more hateful, and more expert in gaming the laws, coached as they are by law school graduates on a regular basis.
Noncriminal blacks are staying home.
Whites, who commute long distances to come work in the city do not know the drill. The ones I talked to were warned by black coworkers that the mobs were coming, that the Crips and the Bloods and the Black Guerilla Family are joining forces to hunt cops, and that lesser criminals and even ad-hoc mobs of children are planning on taking advantage of the police being on the defensive so that they can attack whites and loot.
The key seems to be getting out of town before the schools empty and gangs of children and adult sized youths begin their rampage.
One retailer has flown in executives from around the region and called in all of their loss prevention store detectives to barricade the front doors of heir most vulnerable location if they have to close for mob violence. I hope that gets really violent so we can see some video of actual fat white guys in suits defending a shopping cart barricade against ghetto savages.
I ought to call up Rick and suggest he play the audio from Zulu over the intercom! Don't forget guys, that U-boat handles make good counter-rams and that perishable shelf molding make fair wasters. Since you can't risk taking the door pipes off the back doors, make sure your two biggest boys are armed with the cardboard ram you use to clear the wire slots on the bailer and the milk crate hook.
Strength and honor men!
It is, to me, finally refreshing that the lie of the police state is being exposed.
When only 10% of the population decides to confront and attack the police the entire force is shut down, and the other 10% of the population that is criminal is free to attack the soft—supposedly protected and served—portion of the population.
The rub is that it is against the law to protect yourself in most instances, particularly if you are outside your home. The only reasonable chance a successful defender has of beating criminal charges is to have defended from within his residence after a criminal has broken in.
Freddie the Crack Dealer is being buried today. That settles nothing. Black Baltimore has its martyr. Soon enough the sissy white people that fled Baltimore and handed their neighborhoods over to criminals, and then thought that the city police would protect them while they worked and shopped and attended ball games downtown, will have come to realize that they have been living a spoon-fed lie.
Run rabbit, run.
‘Hunkering Down’
harm city
NEGRO DAWN!: 2nd Anniversary Update
barbarism versus civilization
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Ishmael     May 2, 2015

Thanks James, glad I live in the timbered wilds of Utah/Wyoming border. Ordered Taboo You,keep up the writing really enjoy it
James     May 8, 2015

Thanks for the sale man. if it makes you feel any better I gave that book away to my niece. So your purchase will go toward her education.

I see you live near where Jeremiah Johnson was filmed. I shall email you with some questions about weather, ground cover, smells, stuff like that. I'd like to do a story set out there and can't afford to travel. I can get bing photos but the other stuff calls for human intel.

Take care Ishmael.
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