I believe the autopsy report will be released on Friday.
Whatever you have planned for Friday in Baltimore get it done before 11:00. The hood rats don’t slink furtively from their trash strewn dens until 11:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. Morning traffic today was at 5% of normal in the city.
The younger gang members and leaders have been scouting in the mornings. But the assault units won’t be out until after lunch.
And Betty, the police are unable to protect themselves and have been directed to let citizens fend for themselves. The only safe place is beyond bus lines, about 10 miles north, west and east of the city. If you get in trouble the National Guard have demonstrated the ability to hold and take open ground, unlike the cops. Getting close to cops will just put you in danger. If you see a cop pretend you are in a horror movie and some idiot just went down the hall to check on the creaking door, and stay put, or go the other way.
Be careful of outlying areas where blacks live. The county hood rats have began to notice that all of the police are in Towson protecting the rich. The crime is popping up in the county, not being responded to by the police, and not being reported by the media priesthood.
Take care.
You're making it sound like we're in a permanent Rut.
Or maybe I'm thinking it.
More like a trash chute.