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‘Not Here!’
A Bright Spot in the Dark Baltimore Story
© 2015 James LaFond
Last night I was at a bar watching CNN and Fox News. These channels reflected the two dueling templates for American thought, both of which walk in the dream space of delusion.
On the Left, is only concern over the death of a drug dealer, with no concern for the death of hundreds of others killed within the last year. White women hunted in the streets of Baltimore by black men, and being rescued by yet other black men, does not even a story make. The only story is the feminist urge to leftist conformity.
On the Right, it might as well be the IsrŠ°elis against the Arabs, and we know who our friends are. The underlying belief on the Right is that all urban blacks are mindless animals who attack on sight and cannot be reasoned with or coexisted with. Ironically, the leftward drive to keep the races and genders at each other’s throats feeds the rightward drive for separatism, making American media and politics a symbiotic union for the generation of social despair.
Few people see this, and the media wishes to do nothing to disabuse us of the notion that black people have any agency. Both the liberal democratic Left and the conservative republican Right agree absolutely, on one thing, that blacks have no agency, that they are dysfunctional children of the nation that must have decisions made for them. The only disagreement is on the course of action. The Left wants to be mommy doling out hugs and rewards, and the Right wants to be daddy, slapping that behind.
The one thing we can’t have is an example of blacks working on their own to assert their Will, their agency, their morality, their spirit.
1. On Wednesday night, when a black man brought a white woman to our job site who had been being pursued by a gang of black men, this was an example of agency that cannot be let free in the media by either the Right or Left.
2. On Monday night, when Boomy, a black man, saved a ‘blonde woman of the yuppies’ from two armed gangs of rampaging black men, he was showing a kind of heroism that used to make a story—but must now be swept under the rug. The news cameras have not strayed from the central narrative. No news truck has penetrated the real Baltimore were people live and must now police themselves as the police protect the narrative and leadership of both sides.
3. Likewise, on Monday, when the privately owned Shoprite supermarket, just up the road from the scene of the main battle, where Mondawmin Mall suffered over a million in damage, came under attack while the police were defending their corporate Minnesota-based competitor down the street, what happened? The black customers from the neighborhood formed a human wall and said, “No, not here, not to our market, you don’t.”
That story of black human agency must be denied by the Left and the Right, both consisting of rich whites and their multiracial cronies. The only story CNN wanted to tell was the crusade of our black female prosecutor to convict the cops who killed G-man. If it is not gender against gender, race against race, there is no story. And the story least likely to be told, as with the three above, will be the tale that will point out that black Americans make individual, moral, decisions and take consequent mortal risks every day, in simple pursuit of truth and liberty, and these two concepts have no place in the narrative.
When two parents fight over a troubled child—as the political Left and Right in this nation seem to be doing with the black community—the last thing they are willing to consider, is that that child might have a will of his own; and, more importantly, that he might have more sense than either one of his dysfunctional parents.
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jr     May 1, 2015

Regarding media reporting, did you see this news story regarding the mother of six walloping her 16 year-old son in front of the TV cameras: ?

She saw him in a black hoodie about to engage in some extra-curricular activity, which she dealt with quite brusquely and physically. Her being more powerfully built and tougher apparently than her son, he didn't have a chance.

Everybody loved the story. She became a heroine of the left and right. The left because it fits the Narrative of the strong single mother. The Right I guess because they love tough love.

Thinking back on your previous articles regarding the somewhat toxic relationship between some mothers and their sons, I think they got it all wrong.

I got wind of this on a manosphere site, where the take home point was if it was a man/father doing the walloping he would have been arrested. ( ). I'm pretty sure that misses the point too.

I was just wondering what your point of view on it is.
James     May 1, 2015

Thanks for the link jr

Of course it depends on the two of them and their relationship. My guess is she is not the abusive type. The really abusive types don't care where their kid is, and tend to beat him at home when he's this old, often with a weapon and closed fist. My hunch is she was being the best father she knows how to be.
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