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‘Man Down’
Street Level Riot Videos From Baltimore
© 2015 James LaFond
If you have ever wondered what ‘untrained’ means in a contact situation that is the definition of the first video. Some of the police are unfit, some female, and most of them are having trouble seeing with the head gear on, causing them to lift their chins and expose themselves to the type of damaging blow taken by the casualty. This engagement is a classic rout of a superior heavy force by a mobile light force. These cops have not been trained to work as a unit larger than two, and many of them seem unable to stay in the front rank out of sheer timidity. I could only imagine what a Roman Centurian would have done to these slackers.
The second is a mix of cell phone video, that ends with a snap shot of the proud toilet paper looter. His photo occupies the entire second half of the video.
‘We Plant Trees’
video reviews
‘Go Tell the Dead’
logic of force
shrouds of arуas
fiction anthology one
advent america
menthol rampage
on combat
your trojan whorse
SMART ASS WHITE BOY     May 3, 2015

The thin blue line has collapsed and a song keeps playing in my head " It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine". Stay safe my friend .
James     May 8, 2015

You know, that's a real smart ass thing to say white boy.

Thanks, will do.
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