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The Hate Train
Was Gentrification A Riot Cause?: Betty Responds to the Apologetic News Spin
© 2015 James LaFond
“James, I have seen numerous print and broadcast news stories citing urban gentrification as a cause for the riots—one of the underlying reasons for the black on white hate. Are you in the loop on this.”
Betty, urban gentrification is when the children and grand children of the white people who fled the cities, become tired of a continual flight into the countryside that results in a 1-2 hour commute and brings them close to the next urban center. You can only run for so long it seems. There is also the desire to live close to cultural attractions.
Recently the liberal black-identified press has spilled much ink over gentrification taking away black history—such as dice rolling venues behind crumbling buildings and illegal night clubs in the basements of row houses.
The fact of urban gentrification in Baltimore city is that virtually all of the yuppie/hipster urban homesteaders have moved into the traditional working class white enclaves of South Baltimore, Federal Hill, Locust Point [all three of these technically South Baltimore, but settled separately with different displacement patterns], Fells Point, Canton, and Hamden.
For more on this subject read White Wednesday Special: Urban Gentrification
These areas were sought by the first hipster pioneers to benefit from the protection of the tough whites in those areas who had held out against the black on white race purge that was the 70’s and 80’s in Baltimore. The end result is that the housing values go up so much that the working and poor whites must move out as they can’t pay the taxes.
Recently, beginning in the 2000s, Johns Hopkins University and Hospital have been buying up vast swaths of vacant property in East Baltimore [where Boomy the Nigerian cabby rescued the ‘blonde woman of the yuppies’] and along the Charles Village Corridor. This was in response to blacks preying on hospital and university staff. These large institutions are buying up the criminal seed beds which constitute perhaps a third of the black Baltimore economy [with welfare constituting roughly another third]. This has caused more damage to the drug gangs than any police action, and is covered in the final season of The Wire. Over the past two years a concerted effort to discourage white resettlement of Baltimore has been made by black criminal residents. However, the news spin and statistical manipulation engaged in by the leftist city government has successfully blinded the prospective home buyers of these facts until it is too late.
It is no accident that the prime targets of the mob attacks were the Shoppers supermarket [which was successfully defended thanks to the early warnings put out by black cashiers from the neighborhood], and the CVS drug store which the Mayor gave orders not to defend. Both of these locations were only established due to city government initiatives to bring businesses into the neighborhood.
Note that the most successful pockets of gentrification such as South Baltimore, Locust Point and Canton, fared better than the Hopkins controlled areas and the others, because they are neighborhoods with their backs against the water, and raiders have only one way out, with Locust Point, which terminates in Fort Mchenry National Park, being a virtual fortified position.
With the white trash priced out of the community, the protective basis for resettlement is now gone. Without nasty whites to fight the blacks at street level, and with the police now exposed as enfeebled, the hunt for Whitey is on in earnest. This is how I have lived my life, as a white hunted by blacks across an urban crimescape, what H.L Mencken famously called, “the ruins of a once great medieval city.”
I’d have to say, that I’m glad to have some company!
Welcome aboard the hate train Betty!
Reign of Fear
harm city
The Hamilton Tiger Dance
your trojan whorse
on combat
taboo you
when you're food
advent america
the fighting edge
the lesser angels of our nature
Ishmael     May 3, 2015

James, gentrification is taking place in the wilds and timbered places in Utah also, except its the rednecked hillbillys that are being displaced,the rich are buying all the water and land they can lay their greasy hands on,they still need the white trash from the east side of the county to run their infrastructure but we are slowly being replaced by brothers from the south, who will work for less money but take the same abuse. People like my family are retiring and moving to the more abandoned rural areas where they can live on the scraps they throw to us, the developers have not polluted with the cash they need to ruin our lifestyle. Good luck I can see the smoke in my dreams at night coming from the cities of the east as they burn to the ground.
James     May 8, 2015

That was beautiful man.

Being a redneck is now being outsourced to black dudes?

Ishmael, that is a book that needs to be written!

Take care out there.
V2     Jul 31, 2015

I think he means Spanish guys. I just found your blog and am enjoying catching up on your writings. I am from south of Annapolis and spent many a year working construction in Bmore. Ah the stories, the things I've seen battle cruisers on fire off the galaxy of Orion ;)
James     Aug 3, 2015

Welcome back aboard the Hate Train V2!

I hope you enjoy you visits. If you go to the web information page and scroll down to the complete article index check out the Harm City list. That's where you will find most of the, "why dumps are interesting places to live" articles.

If you would ever want to unburden yourself of a tale of Harm City misadventure please e-mail it to me as a word document [or just as an e-mail] at jameslafond dot-com at gmail dot-com

It is nice to hear from you, V2.
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