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White Wednesday Ghetto Grocer Tips for Shopping with Hoodrat Customers During Food Stamp Distributions
© 2015 James LaFond
People from different environments live and act according to different standards of behavior. Our liberal slave masters would like us to think it is otherwise, but it is not. The Ghetto Grocer suggests you avoid attempting to impose your standards of behavior on others. You would also do well to study such behaviors, understanding that they may be expressions of that person's ethos, and should not be taken lightly.
Martha and the Man
Martha was shopping in an inner city supermarket when she noticed a black woman shopping the produce counter. Behind the lady was her 18 month old baby, standing in the child seat of the shopping cart, and reaching for the produce scale, “about ready to do a face plant in the aisle.” At the same time another witless white person—a man—saw this. He and Martha both began running for the cart, trying to save the baby. Just as the baby was ready to pitch face first, and they were still a pace away from catching her, the mother sensed that her child was being disobedient, turned around, and screamed into the child’s face, “Sit your ass down! And you betta not be fuckin’ wit me anymore!”
The lady then glared at Martha and the man as if they were insane.
So, white people, the next time you see a black toddler ready to take a nose dive—let it be.
Heidi, Megan and Chev
Heidi is an upscale person, “A blonde woman of the yuppies” as a Nigerian friend of mine would say, who owns a business in the city. She decided to shop at the local Stop, Shop and Rob. While standing in the express lane a black man behind her bumped her with his shopping cart.
Thinking it was an accident, she ignored it, and continued to wait.
The man bumped her harder and glared at her.
Heidi became uncomfortable and resumed waiting anxiously.
The man then rammed her in the back with the cart.
Heidi turned and said, “Sir, can’t you see there is a person in front of me?”
The man then began to scream violently into her face, and would not stop. The black staff just stood and watched and did not summon a manager, so she looked at the cashier, said, “I see that we have a limited definition of customer service here,” and walked out.
The Golden Toothed Rule
The rule with verbalizing to aggressive blacks is a three part equation:
1. Do not, unless you want trouble.
2. If you do, do so quietly and at close proximity.
3. The only thing worth saying is a declaration of violent intent—except if you are Heidi, and then not so much.
Two examples should suffice, both requiring some psychotic moxie juice to pull off:
1. Yesterday Megan was working the courtesy booth when a large, rude black man began scolding her for not hearing the third digit of his lottery number. She said, “Sir, if you want service at this window you will speak to me politely, as spoken to!” When the ghetto grocer asked Megan if she were prepared to deal with the man getting physical she declared, “That’d be one dead niցցer. I’d yank those gold teeth out of his mouth and pawn them across the street.”
2. Big Chev was in line at the liquor store with his six pack of Heineken, when a younger black man nudged him with the corner of a case of Miller, and nodded that he wanted the older, larger man to move aside so that he could place his beer on the counter. Chev placed his six pack on top of the case, glared down into the widening, whitening eyes and snarled, “Thanks spook, if you wanted to pay for my beer you should have said something.” Chev then stood aside as the man hefted the case and the six onto the counter, waited for the transaction to complete, took the six back, slapped the “little monkey” on the back as he said “Attaboy,” and walked out.
So white people, unless you have the kind of grit these two 100% Polish Americans are packing, I suggest you keep your mouth shut.
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