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Swarmed by Hoodrats
A Man Violates Subhuman Etiquette in Harm County and Pays the Human Price
© 2015 James LaFond
The link below will take you to a news story that has actually been responsibly reported by a local news station. This is because it was a county attack and the city mayor's office had not been able to spin the story to one of underprivileged youth calling out for help. In Baltimore County, which is getting the overflow of hoodrat population and simian antics, local police supervisors are permitted to comment on the record, and citizens are not yet terrified to silence by the youth gangs.
On my first week living in the Dundalk area of Baltimore County I had two teenagers in the alley behind my rental pick a fight with me. The big kid's mother—younger than I—broke it up by pleading with me not to fight her son and his friend. It was one of the more tense moments of my life, and this story brings back some of that emotion.
The location is close to the city line, not far from where a black heavyweight and Latino lightweight stalked and attacked me unsuccessfully in 2000.
Make no mistake, if this man would have successfully defended himself and hurt one of these kids, the collection would be for his bail, not his medical bills.
On a tactical note, leaving your house unarmed to confront a group of youths is a mistake unless you are a monster athlete. Doing so armed is a big legal liability. The best way to arrange a boot party for someone you want to get at is to mess with their car, which gets them beyond the physical and legal shelter of their home, and gets them focused on the car—and whoever is messing with it—who is probably just bait. In terms of family security, your automobile parked on the street is a huge liability, a place where you will be attacked when entering and exiting the seated meatpit, as well as an object of value to draw you out from the only position where you are legally permitted, in most violent jurisdictions*, to effectively defend yourself.
* It is a fun fact that the most violent places in America [such as Baltimore and Washington D.C.] have the strictest prohibitions against defending yourself, keeping in mind that—short of being a monster combat athlete—the only effective method of defense against a violent group, is an armed defense.
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