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Baltimore Race Purge Is Ongoing
And Began A Week Earlier Than Reported
© 2015 James LaFond
“You gotta love Baltimore—The Wire has got nothing on the real deal. Two years ago I read a stat that said half of the Baltimore PD was on paid leave while awaiting police brutality charges! And who do we have being charged with various crimes resulting in the death of Freddie Gray—but three white cops and three black cops—that’s simply precious! What did these guys do? Whose shoes did they step on to deserve this? You know that every cop has done the obligatory planting of a suspect’s head into something hard. It’s probably a rite of passage with those guys. No way is there a Baltimore City cop who is not guilty of brutality. Freddie Gray is a martyr—they’re painting murals about him.
“We get section eight people moving into the neighborhood. They don’t work; spend their time casing the place seeing what is worth breaking into or stealing. Crime goes up, then they’re gone after a year or two. I see junkies nodding out on the side streets of my neighborhood—and these people are taxing me to pay these cops. Who paid for the [national] Guard? That had to cost. Fuck the cops—and let this city burn—it certainly deserves it. I’ll break bad one day, its coming. I’ve got it in me. You know there’s going to be a round two.”
-Andrew ‘B’more’ Metzger
Andrew shares a commonly held opinion in Harm City, that there will be at least one more riot, sooner rather than later. Interestingly it is white suburbanites and urban elves that see no violence on the horizon, only a moral debt owed the helpless children who beat down a city police department.
Me, I could care less about the riots. Rather my interest lies in the purge that ran concurrent with the riots, and now appears to have occurred beginning with the arrest and hospitalization of Freddie Gray a week earlier than I had thought. On April 22nd, on 45th Street in the Dundalk area of Baltimore County, close to the city line, a mob of black teens beat a 61 year old white man nearly to death for trying to stop two girls from fighting on the hood of his car. Five days later the city was burning.
Interestingly commentators felt obliged to point out that the man did not use force—indicating that most Baltimoreans would regard his beating deserved if he actually used force to remove two tussling hoodrats from his vehicle. It is, by the way, common in that neighborhood for cars to be vandalized by these rampaging youths. I spoke with one resident who told me that the cops warned him not to leave anything in his car as it would certainly be broken into. This sentiment is a warning that an effective defense against such an attack could carry legal hazards, of the criminal, federal, and civil kind.
Make no mistake, municipal, state and federal governments all have a reasonable, logical vested interest in you not being permitted to effectively defend yourself. Operate against your enemies with a tactical view, not an emotional view based on notions of fairness, justice, and morality.
The innocent unarmed black teens charged with smashing this man’s face in, who broke his eye sockets, and made his brain bleed, are:
Andrew Omar Allen, 15
Yahkeem Zavion Wheatley, 15
Samtoya Isiah Williams, 17
Mya Lashae Stewrat, 17
Antoine Willie Lawson, 17
Keenan Tylike Holloway, 20
And some unnamed punk of undetermined age
That is a fairly typical attack pack. Fortunately this attack was filmed, hence it has not been swept under the rug as happens with most black on white pack attacks. Incidentally, in Baltimore, there has not been a white on black attack of this nature since 1996—and those two white boys got away with murder. For the last two decades it has been one way, all the way—black on white, just like newsprint, only it does not make the newspaper in most cases, because poor white men are the least cared about slice of the American pie. So pay attention and apply the threat evaluations and countermeasures used in this series to your own predicament to make sure you do not become the soggy cracker crumbs swept under some left wing politician’s rug when it is your turn to be purged
These helpless black youth all came from the city—not a one a county resident. This was a raid, most likely staged at Patterson Park High School, from where black students have raided East Baltimore and Baltimore County, whites with impunity since the mid 1980s. I have since spoken to two more coworkers from East Baltimore County and one bar patron from my city neighborhood, who were attacked during the run up to the riots.
The purge began earlier, and has lasted longer than the riots—longer by far. Below are my preliminary findings—and please, keep in mind, that I am not researching this, but just passing on what I have witnessed, and what my friends and coworkers have reported. The violence I present here is a tiny sliver of what a reporter would find, if one cared—or was allowed to—inquire.
-Police sirens are still three times more numerous than normal in Northeast Baltimore, with ambulance sirens still sounding twice as often as usual.
-Uptown/out-of-town busses are back up to 80% of normal passengers.
-Cross town buses, running at night, are still only carrying 10-20% of normal passengers.
-Whites and black military age males [BMAMs] are almost completely absent at night.
-City cab and sedan waits for called in rides have gone from 45 minutes to 5 minutes, meaning that cabbies and sedan drivers are circling the area like starving sharks.
-One cabbie confided that he has lost 60% of his business since the riots, and that many other cabbies have moved away from Baltimore.
-Visible police presence in Northeast Baltimore has risen to half of normal, and that was never much. Why this is I have no clue.
-In the Essex precinct of the county, I normally see one cop cruiser every half mile at night, and one per a mile during the day. Day time coverage has returned to normal, but nighttime police presence in Essex is still at about zero to 30% of normal, depending on the night.
-The demeanor of nearly every person out and about at night, black or white, city or county, is anxious, visibly anxious.
I did not expect this. The police absence is not a bother to me, and could have to do with officers taking flex time, as overtime was not being paid to city cops during the purge. However, the purge of lone whites by groups of blacks is ongoing, and will be detailed in future entries. When Robert gets out of the hospital I will interview him about the incident that put him out of work last night, May 13, when two innocent unarmed black teens attacked him as he sat on the front porch of his county home just blocks away from where the 61 year old man was purged on April 22.
‘Who is Boning Who?’
harm city
‘Stepping Off The Hate Train’
the sunset saga complete
the combat space
the year the world took the z-pill
under the god of things
solo boxing
when you're food
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