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‘Let Randy Die on the Side of the Road’
Dealing With Violent White Trash in a Black Ruled Crime Zone
© 2015 James LaFond
Tony, Jimmy and Robert are clerks I work with at night, sometimes helping them sort their freight. Jimmy and Tony drive scooters to work and chain them at the end of the sidewalk against the cart guard. Robert is Tony’s older brother, the most physical guy of the bunch—a good guy that doesn’t mind breaking a sweat. Last night, when Tony told me that Robert, age 46, had been beaten up on his porch by two young black guys, and was in the hospital, I asked him if he had had any trouble lately.
You will notice a common thread to these two stories. The basic reason for these attacks amounts to paying it downward, down the food chain. The two perps are white drug addicts who are beholding to the blacks from the city that control the Essex drug trade. They get there asses robbed, and beaten so often that they can’t wait for a chance to jack up someone—and that someone is not going to be a cop or a black dude. For one thing, the only black guys that travel alone are insane, or armed. Tony and Jimmy are small and not athletic, easy marks, it would seem, for a crack head in need of a self esteem boast and a scooter.
"Yeah, but just from white guys, if you can believe that. Like they don’t have anything better to do. Druggies, both of them. The one guy came up on me while I was securing my scooter, pointed at the key, and said, ‘I’ll take that.’
“I said, ‘No you won’t pal.’
“He stepped forward, so I stepped back and drew my case cutter, and he backed off, telling me I had to worry and what he was going to do to me if he caught me away from the store. [When I was a store manager I was like a heat seeking missile on these low life scum that harassed my help—who had it bad enough working for an asshole like me—and chased a few down the street.]
“Now the thing with Jimmy happened when we still had police around here. He locks his scooter up—just had a new pack put on it. This crackhead comes up on the walk and tells him it’s in the way. Jimmy said, ‘No it’s not. Step around.’
“Then, ‘Bam!’ that crackhead kicked his scooter over and cracked the pack. Jimmy was like, ‘What the heck!’ and the guy went off on him, screaming like bloody murder, carrying on like a black person. I was calling the cops while Jimmy was squaring up with him.
“Before it came to blows those two big badass cops who came and got that stupid shoplifter, they roll up, walk up to the dude, and say to us while they’re staring at him, “Well guys, meet Randy. Randy is a piece of shit. Randy is a menace to the people of Hawthorne and Essex. If you ever see Randy you can beat his ass and we'll look the other way. It’s open season on his punk ass. If you ever see Randy bleeding to death on the side of the road, let Randy die on the side of the road!’
“Randy left!”
Ruling Inferior Whites on the Street
For the most part—unless you’re dealing with a big insane dude like Crazy Mark, you can beat the dog shit out of any white trash dude that gives you shit. Make sure you break his thumb and forefinger after you drop him in case he has access to a gun. These kind of guys don’t go to the hospital. They either go get high [the most common course of action] or go get something that’s going to help them get even. You generally don’t have to worry about them bringing friends like the black guys, but a weapon, so stomp on their hands until the back of the hand feels like broken pretzels under your boot heel.
The cops won’t give a shit—they’re white.
Trashy white dudes are also a way to build your rep. If you are walking in a drug market to, let’s say get your cheese pizza, and one of these fiends tries to shake you down so he can buy another hit from the black guys that run the corner, paint the curb with his face and get rancid on him—not loudly, but quietly. You should not say anything loud enough for anybody but him to hear.
Do not go too heavy on the head area, but break ankles and hands, if you’re a BJJ guy have fun separating something. Crippling white trash dudes is good for building the menace required to survive the blacks. For one thing, even the lowest black dudes have family that will avenge them. Not so the poor whites, they’re alone generally.
Make them more alone.
Make them die inside.
Break them.
They are backstabbing traitors who have tried to prey on one of their own as an alternative to standing up to their enemy.
The only mercy they deserve is whatever is required to keep your ass out of jail.
Above all, brutalizing your white inferiors when they get out of line will help you blow off some of that steam you are always bottling up when facing down gangs of blacks and dealing with the cops giving you shit for being a man and walking like a human being.
One thing that should not be overlooked is the intelligence value of white dopers. If you need to hit a black dude that has aggressed against a loved one, then these guys have the info on where and when to catch him alone. So long as the inferior white does not touch or threaten you it is preferable to break him with your mind, and leave his body intact. It is not difficult to develop a limited type of loyalty in one of these worm-ridden hearts with a few acts of kindness, once you have put them in their place.
‘Stepping Off The Hate Train’
harm city
‘This Wretchedness Up In Here’
taboo you
by the wine dark sea
ball of fortune
honor among men
the combat space
the first boxers
under the god of things
outside     May 17, 2015

When things get this bad I would prefer a more genocidal solution.
James     May 24, 2015

Most human leaders throughout history would agree with you.

We seem to be in an anomalous social state.
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